Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 8 Dec 1932, p. 36

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*ing, it is said, was greatly en>Gyed at the club dance on November.12. -A dance that is a novelty and Christ- nias surprises .will Provide other.diver- sion . At Saturday's 'dance Mrs. Paul Rýensch and Mrs. Frank Lewis wilI be hostesses., Mrs. Conrad Fryktan is in chage f te sleof tickets. Mrs. Leonard 1. Starkcl is gencrai chair- mnan. of titis. subscriptionî dance. series,, witlîý her other assistants- Mrs. Alvin E.ý Beirnes. Mrs. Elmer, Claar, Mrs. George 111ff,' Mrs. Chester Lawrence, Mrs. Charles :Robb, Jr. Mn. Hubert Holdoway, and Or. Alice Tuttle. Delta Gamma Pied ges Teto Entertain Members Tepledges of Delta Gammna sor- ority at Northwestern university are eneraiin the active inbers with a slumber party and breakfast to be heid at the Edgewater Beach hôtel Decernber 10. Decemnber 2, the sor- ority held its ainual formiai winte r party at the Lake Shore Athletic- I club. are p Miss Miss the northi es of Deli ,Ciover of e Dement A gain to Open Home for Yule Wellesley. Meeting The Northt Shore Wellesley circle is again to follow its annuai custom, now almost a tradition, and have its Christmas. meeting at the home of Mrs. Irwin Rew in Evariston. In her spacious living room the usual pro- urio crornta ndIChristmas music és irlswho Photo by Carlos Laie this /'ast week. front 11r., and Mfrs. Sanford S. Holden of 527 .Wam4ick *road,, Keiiil7r1,gi, rne the ciflQfnceen>t of the en- gaqeinent of their daughtcr, - Bar- bara, to Williamt L. Scarlés of Evaitston, soit of Mir. amd Airs. Eéwçard J. Searles of Pittsburgh. Snotwball Dance Friday ine at Keniltvorth Ci gvY A Snow Bal Party, a formai dit mer ses R. Loucks andAi.uî.icu'> -Ju. Zander, Jr., are the hostesses ot the ev'eninig. T1his affair is to be. the iast dance before the holidays. \Vade Coffings and his Arcadliatî~i-,%Ill play for the dancing. '%\e imay have plenty of snow, who kos-h 1comlmittee States, *-but m iany' cvent thiere will1 be p!enty .. club s te chairmian card coinufittee. is * ead of the Photo by Carlop is.Harry JA woif of 819> Greenleaf avenue,. aimoiunces tire engagement of her d.au.qhter, MWar- ion, Io 'ROY voiz ofChicago. son~ of Mr. and Mrs. John D). J1'o1't. of Toronto, Ontario. Mfiss fl 'if et- tended Northzc'esterit uni-,ersitv zýhere she was a ,nepnbtr of A-lpha l'hi sorority. Teas, Aie Bene lits for Wôrk of Cathohic Club Social evenits that arc benefits are playing the ir part ini the activities of been held at the homes of the fol- lowing meinbers of the. committee: MIrs. Mintz; Mrs. 'Alfred H. Rohiol, MNrs. Edwin L. Georger, 'Mrs. Rus- .,cll G. Flood. MNrs. Nicholas P. Zech and Mrs. Marshall Kearnev also en- tertàined for the commnittee. Each hostess liad three tables of bridge. A silver tea and e&iblit of qulîOts is to be given at the hom.e of Mrs. J i lIizabeth, N'llear, dartqhtcr of, .1 r, apid,,Mrt. George I. .Coale, 322 Kenilzcorth avenune. nil i~'oLL. c, flaiRd4DIy ii'sts Sat- zirdav af a bridge hincheon duripig à,hiath ler engagement to Charles Robert O'Bo vie of, Evansto, zzws tipi;ûipced. So date bas Pc.',, set for the îweddinig. On Patroness List for Annual Princeton Show \Vinnetka naines fill a large share af the ist of patronesses for tlîis year's Princeton Triangle club s110w, B. Mcilvaine, jr., M~rs. Robert C. McNamiara, Mrs. Donald F. \[cPher- son, 1rs F. Thomas Morris, MNrs. H-oward C. Phillips, Mrs. Frcdericýk Il. Scott, Mrs. John Stuart,. Mrs.ý RZawleighi Wariier, and MNrs. Carl. , Zeiss. -It's the Valet" is the naie of. the. -forty-fourth annual production, which wiil be presented the niglht of Deceiner 22, at the auditorium, now restored bv compluetu redeoraitiitn twelve commili Table club of1 ebyeads of the vanstofl. a now Ir gaged Wilmette and is en- the Chris businiess ini Chicago. be long form of a sui featuring the et kce wil rise p ertainii rty, nt. l'uS

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