Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 8 Dec 1932, p. 1

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1Association AUGMENT FORCE. AT POSTOFFICE Sixty, Extra Employes to Beý Used Düring Holiday Rush; Give Mailing Hints About 'sixtv v* ersons will be em- ployed'at the \%'inttée postoffice In. addition.to the regular fiorce of th 'irty at the, péak of thic holidav* mailing season, Postmaster Joseph E. Shanitz said this week. Thte additional hbelp) is used only whe.n necded. and tlhe nunmber emj)loyed (lei)einds entirejv on the size of the Christmnas -mail buisi - ness. Postmaster Shantz explailied. Insofar as possible, preferenwe is given to' ex-service men. Patrons of the postqflices ini Wil- mette and Kenilworth were reminded this week, that iun mailing holidav cards at the third class rate of on(- and a baif cents for each two ounces or fraction thereof the only message permitted on the. cards is a greeting such as '"Merry Clhristmia-s." "Happy New V'ear," or "\V'itli Best Xishes" and the tiame of the sender. q,,, 15.Dhn,., 1g..t niust not be sealed and the flap muûst be tucked inside. Third class mail *does not receive * the saine service as miatter of the first class, especially during the 1tolidays. In case of inicorrect address, thir<i class mail caninot be forvarded, it is flot given directory service and iz (Continuied on page 6) Food to Pay Admissio to Show; Charity Plan: The first . of -the two 'i.uesday afternoon Icharity matinée per- formances at the Teatro delLago' will be given next week. Deceni- ber là is the date. Children Who attend the mîatinée will bring cans of food and veget ables 'instead of payinigthe regular admission fee, and the food collected in this way wil. ,be. turned over to the Wil- mette Board of Local Charitiçs for distribution.a mong .1needy .families in the. village. Aduits may attend the matinee, too,I for t he regâlar admiàssion prict, and al noney raised in this' manner also wili be turned over to the charity board b.Samn Meyers, Tea-tro diel Lago manager. "The Phantomi Presidenit," fea- turing the legitimate stage star ' George M. Coitan, will bc the pic- turc offering next Tuesday. There will also be a Krazy' Kat comedy and other features. The second food shower mati- nee wilI bc held Tuesdayv, Uecem- ber 20. at the Teatro del I.ago. Ch..rstmas tree in front o >f the Village hall during the holidays if funds can lie obtained to light it f rom some other source than the Village treas- ury. This wvas decided at the meeting of the Village board Tuesday night. The board also passed a resolutio n providing tliat the time which street lights are now turned on fromn dusk until 2 o'clock ilu the morning shal bc- extended to dawn during the period f romn Decemnber 15 to January 3. Urge Purchase, of .Bank'Building for, PSt. Office Here l)etermined .effert, to, secure the First ýNational Banik building as Wil- mette's, new pos t office structure was bei.ng Put forth this week by various civic geoups incÈluding the Woman's club of Wilmuette and the Rotary club.. Botb of these organizations, it, is reportedare requesting ýofficiaIs in Washi»ngton to consider carefully- the feasibility of' utilizing the splendid bank structure for the, proposed Fe d- eral bulig. ln reconimending that the govern- mient purcliase the bank building, these groups emiphasize the possibil- itv of utilizing a structure that mnight otlierwise remain unoccupied ini- definitelv. and that purchase at this time for goverlnment use would resuit in an early liquidation of the closed bank's ass ets to satisfv the dlaims of depositors, mnost of whom are resi- dets of the village. It was feit, further, that utiliza'tion of the bank structure would redound to the benefit of. the entife commn- Wednesday of this week.- It was saiti that special legisiation1 in Washington wotuld be necessary to effect purchase of the building and that such action was well within the realmi of possibility if it could bet sl*own that such purchase meets' the necessary requirements and bas 'the backing of the comimunity.t VILLAGE-4WIDE . PROJIECT STAuRS ikobert E. R i c ks e'm Proeident t egntzation Meetýing Moiday Night Approximately 130 Wilmette hom- owners -ttniïYtd the hospitality of Village President C. P. Dubbs' home Monday evening', December, S, and- conclucted a. discussion -which re- sulted in the establishment ýof the Mihnette Home-owners' association, which is designed to be one of the Most thorougbly representative or- ganization in the community., Officérs and directors of the new association were elected at Monday's session and announcement made that monthly stated meetings wilI be held. The affairs of the association, mem- bership dues of whicb are $2 a year, WilI be governed by a board of direc- tors comprised of twenty-four home- owners, two selected from each pre- cincet in the village. u.p juin the association, it W*-s stated.. By-laws adoptect at Monday's meeting are brief and to the noint. Thev may be summarized briefiy as follows: The n4Mne of this organization shall be .Wllmette Home Owners' aseocai. Artfcle 0 issue.. the holidays, and pos in the winter. tend evrery meeting of the Vill (Continued on page 5

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