Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 8 Dec 1932, p. 26

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dens; SO tmat now nardly a vacant lot remained within the city hlimits flot under cultivaion.- Property owners competed witb each other for special mention in the ýcolum fs of the .Blade"7. It was now time, for spring review of gardens by the awarding conmmfitand the.,towni was. stirred with'gossip and specula- tion as to who would be the lucky gardener. The general opinion was, that Chester Sycamore, City clerk, winner of three successive piizes, would again carry off the award this year ; for miost ,eveÉy one wbo pas sed Chiester's. yard admitted that neyer before bad, his, garden looked so beautifuL One, morning, just ten days before the scheduled tour of inspection by the committee, an unfortunate in- cident happened which, it was thought, would have an effect mpon the committee's decision. Chester Sycamore lived a short distance f rom the Middleton grammar scbool; a none too bealtby p lace for gardens of any kind, especially those with high fences and "no trespassing signs on the gate. Kids are sure to reent, what they regard, sucb unnecessary obstructions. School, of course, was in session.- In Dan's room -the silence inquire Wnat was wrong.* "Mrs. 'Summers',": she sobbed, "this moraiing I saw one of your boys-I don't know wbo it was-run througb my back yard ta school. It's a short- cut and sametimes when the cbildren are late they go througb the alley and my yard ta the strect. Who- ever it was Ieft the gate open and rny two cows got into Chester Svca- tGamages! iTne boy wno ieftthme gate topen will please. arise and couic for- ward 1" Dan Newton. would have been late that morning bad hecflot taken, the short-cut through the alley: and Mrs. Walters' yard. But now havig heard' Mrs,. Walters' pitiful, stor'y, he, real- ized tha t in* trying tO ke from violatigon ule he bad broken -ohe Of more' serious consequences, and furtbeirmore, if he had gotten out of, bed just five minutes earlier, when bis- mother'called'him the first time, there would. have been. no trouble. The more- Dan thought over thç matter the more scared he felt. .His heart almost stopped wben be real- ized bis admis!iOn of,.guilt would mean a forfeiture of his winter's savings to pay Mrs. Walters' dam- agçs; perhaps, evejn, that wouldn't, bc I enougb, if the, caws weren't returned immediately. The twenty-two dollars ini his bank represented the purchase price of a new bicycle be was planning to get- the object of miany of bis dreams.c Every boy in bis crowd bad a bicycle and enost of them were planning to r enter the junior races during the ap-1 rie neeUcU every nouQa4U t Kils sav- ings ta get that bicycle to share in the fun of the summer. He was consciaus of his fatber's strainied financial conditon resulting from a poor cottan season and recent nmarket lasses. There was no possible chance of getting bielp from hini, for his father needed new farm macbinery more urgently than Dan needed a interesting pastimne. Send ii. your letter'of not more than one hundred wordsi If vaur letter is pu blished by the author of "Deeds of Dan,". You will receive, Oà. Dollr Letters Must be received not later than Monday. These letters. will give vo .u somne idea of wbat..youcan do tao achieve that One Dollar awardi: G teenWlnnetka, 111., Dec. 2.. 1932 Dec.! of Dan Letter If-I were in.Dan's place.I would have Put -the extra pound of ýhallsq back ln the bin and! have gîven Carl theéfive pounds he asked, for.7 I would then enc- plain to--hlm that .1r. Sharp was truet- Ing me to be^fair and! honest and that friendship doees flot include dishonesty. 1 would much rather- be loyal to-my employer tha.n to be dlsqhonest and lose my Job. '1'he Club members coul.! easily earn efleugh nioley te buy SOM(, inails forthe club roi or .u&e the teft- overs, If there were any. Eugene Eldridge, 903 Ash St., Winnetka, 111. 1y r Decemlber 3, 1932. .vir. Hurst: your ftrst st.ory, "The Deeds and! enjoyed it %,Pery much. vere Dan, I woîjld abselutely give the extra measure of nails ijnles.' he or I pal.! for them. loui.! try to explain why, ,se flot rnlsunderstan.! me. * fIwere' DanI would have put the extra pound back in. the nail 'box and then explaine.! te Carl that It would have been wrong to have given, hin more than he pald for. If I ha.! a good frien.! like MNr. Sharp I would net wa'nt to betray his trust i me. l'am 9 years ol.! and my address is 489 Willow roea.. moât HMi 1Carruth, Jir. Deeds of Dan SDan si-muid -not have r.w.,ua,,J, wI5o VI4b'iviinvy et Pro- visa Township High school. May-, woqod, boasts a record of 115 con- secutive victories., It basflot tasted- dlefeat for eight semsons, and durinig that ttime has won eight Omaha city champion sbipsand thesame number of Nebraskaý state championships. TIhe ýteam is on an Il-day tour of the middle w est, and will meet bigh scbools in Ottumwa and Cdar R- pids, Iowa, ýPeru, ýa Salle.. Rockfor7d. Oak Park and Winnetka, illino ,is. a nd Shorewood and Kenoska.. Wis- > coosin. las Flue mateeri Edgar'B. Jackson, New Trier swin i- ming coacb, said this week that he has, some excellent. material, and hpes are h igh for another cham- pionship, team. Incidentally, New Trier also hopes ta spoil the. record of the Omiaha Tech aggregation. Amiong the New Trier boys who won swimming letters last year and who ivili be competing for their school again this season are Bud Happ, Roger Paletnske. Xed Ship- ker, Ephraim Banning, Bill Heyn, John Pearson. 'Bob Rosenberg andl Jack Davis. The New Trier teamn also will be strengthtned this year bv boys as the most Promising material ta represent New Trier in the var- ious events: crawl stroke Ned Shap- ker, fastest 40-vard swinimer ini the Suburban league last season, Roger Palenske, James Weckler, Bud Happ. Paul Leach and John Conrad, back stroke - Epbraim Banning. Motlev Bryant and Jack I3vIrne, breast stroke-Bihi Hevnl, Bob) Rosenberg and John Pearson: di ving events- prui-irty mnil aoruu 1. You bave Children, ivhat zwould you do if yon! one of the were Dan? mer àin g, Novi 1 * illcii, WAAA De I ,my, eve- acadeîy's 12th floor si South Michigan avenue. a in as at

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