3 .6lxrons87. I Regar price Si15' sis Etchings $5.00 Regular price S1250 A dozen photographs -ai. $8 "i0-. sove*t w elv e gifts Eugene 1L. Ray STUDIO-Open Evnijngs from 7 to 9. Sunday, 10 fo 4P. M UNlversty 2238 structor at the. Curtiss Flying school otf'.Waukegan, have taken over th(: at Curtiss airport, has ibeen (loin- .flying operations at Curtis s airport sonne aerial iphoto--graphlic wok f near CGlenview. Tlhe c.4c~bcamne has taken pictures'(,bf a numnber (J., effective on D)ecember 1.I)it estates in the Chicago area. H-e ha, \Iorroiv; who %vas cbii f lying ini- been usipng a Cessýna and a Fledgling jstructtor of the' C.trtis Iyin school, for this work.' Lebr plans t(-, spend bas been retaineri aýý instfructor 1)v the holida%-s w,%ith relatives -in Omaha. the new, managemient. Arrives From Pittsburgh Air Traficý Manager Is- in WanerMonocoup Speaker, at Ilions Club. jack Morris of Piti.,t.ur"t. flyincu . -Members of the WinntaIin \Varner Moocp. vas, an arrwa-ýl clulb heard- a talk h)v 'hi înaà ol at CUrtiss îprtlast vee k. J11 disýtrict trýaffi cîmanager 'i the nte brought 1vith him a passencrw1i' Air lines. at tlic-ir. re Luflar ek vizited in'Eanto.The,.-.arrîvecd l.uncheon 'Iuesdlau:. M'tir.ni eur at Curti:ssý field Tues-day morning atl! of a trip fron i ran "CI.Co 10 Nex left for the east the followving after- ,iork wbere sbrjv MNr. \V c) 1 noon. 'ho al.1o discusl. t!he rogrcss rmade IPatterson :.Plane. Placed .- - in Storage ýfor Winter!Returns'toSkyHarbor Miss Jocepbine Pattersns planle, fe PlaneTrip 'East Laird. bias been placed in <ead . Mcg o 7 Aeua :i torace at Skv Hathrl)-ýirp-dft frýrth~e, kv ulsc ncneto ll ivinter.' Social affairs and otliwrte uî~edin'iiIertnw- activities wil1l occupv Miss Patter- ,ppr; eundtýSyfa1crar so'stime during the ceIld %veatbr, aes eun( t kHrcra n's port last Tbursday niglit after. a ten- when conditions are flot so suita 1 a1, ie. ,i > nmerû for fiying.. . eastern citiez,. fMn. Mis b Loui Staples Does Night hoesinEatn.fe.aStn). Flying in Mercury Chick l Takes Fledgling Back. to Lou Staples; bas been dnin~g soile1 Curtiss Long Island Base rngt fyin wih bs .MerunvChi!d-Stuart Reiss of the Cunti, -. aet at, Cuti.ssairpo(rt, Th e plane va s 1 ýt.. e 11 ..,, r zâ âr1 e Take advantage of our ' Thrift Service and enjoy Shore Line quality and responsibility pliu s yo ur choice of price. THRIFT SERVICE ME.N'S S UIT S or £f n &A'W' orner Berry ofWinta pilot- BACK AT. PAL.WAUKEE :or the Stilîman iamilv, expect, to' XV. C. Grunow's new lan<a make a plane trip east t so. v,,,jihich is kept at -a-akear reported at Sky Harb)or airpunrt, port, -vas back, at tbe airponrt lat where the Stillu-ian plane is kept. jFridav nmonning aiter.a trip to n ri and Pittsburgh. Tbe 'ship is piloted MAKES SOLO FLIGHT by H. B. Giggs. Lawrence Holish. 3121 Addiî"on1 street, Chicago, a member of the Skv ON BUSINESS TRIP Harbor Flyving clu4b. soloed' on No- Ralph Hall, manager of Curtis;ý vember 29 at Sky% Harbor airpont airport, made another trip to -Mil- wvest of Glencoe, ' Iwaukee làst Fnidav 'on businesS. tfle .i-ven scnooi. n.vanston. at X _________ 0 clock-. Miss Louise Hartman off Mrs. George W. Keehun of the Or- fWilmnette and MNiss Ev-elvn Evertt oi rin.gton hiotel in 1vanston entertained Kenilwor th are ýassisting in znaking, a few friends at dinner and contract arrangements for thepromae. Fia evening. Deceniber2 1606 CHICAGO AVE., EVANSTON