tee. Tihis is varying from the usual proceduire.for the past iew years but %vas met wvith decided iterest oi t1th part o.f the'urembers.- cartoolis on Exibit Sýhawnêee s proud to claini anîoug its ' meiibérs 'two etilent uartoonlidfr4 hoedrawings gré cexibj.)ted litre for the irst tinie, Caýktrey Or, of front page Cliiéàgu Tribune faine,' and Carl. Ed, fanied creator of i Iartiold i'een." M.J Oi"s (ll,'ntwings,. on political and ecoi- 2n0111' subject s ar i nwlà thi'ough.out' th'- country adrliolcdin lnatiol magazines. Mr. 'ks Ilargld Teen,"' orliginally ba-süd on Booth. T4i-kinigtolîVs Siitc'n.'is not <.îî1ly fanous as a CEEnivti"fjE ~)'but is )i'<IUt(lu in the nîov- ites anid liroailctst ovei' the air through- o6ut t1w -world. Chaîls l. >iuisis Iending the eluij, lUs priIvatv, lliioîof i(iijgiil lcar- toonm,. colleecjed during his years as 1an e~u djtoi' of thu Chicago Dajly Ne..In titis collection are. originals 'l.y JoliiiT. Nlc(-utulel (of the Tribune. 1-4le-1.ht.1,aile and Ted Brown,, ffor- înerlv wlth the wsand i ow in e Yor'k. and Richardson and Shumacher "f the DaîlY Ntvws staff. Other Daill Nevsnitists whO>se di'aings will. be on exibltion are Heribock, Muceltr. .Jns.n-d IRoy vNelson. 01r. -lrs îi'Vate collection is ali 4- Il xibitimn. Ainong these titere are. nîmnv fajnous war ciis. The artlSt.s iiitits goupare. linrd ing. D nnby lI rî 1-1-11n I reland. Fitzpat r ck. Ktb., a d 'll.i. 1 () n* Io IEWIi.t IsegaWn tentures ,;twi> dIrawjings for oean tipmne 1hy Rex Max<in and <n.Io' lv Il. FoMter 1cr nard Dibb, hS C'ttniî arîd the ds ]lits Iti" iII nselinan and ('harli.' IL M. P.ïnkrhoff's -Little Mar% Mi x tIl),." and others. Titis ext za or(ilarv exhtibi t opened ivith n reception ndmusicale. . Malter Kaîc Chicago artist, has Ioaned ther club eea of hris colorful .Circus paintings. as %vulI as two of bis trod u c d Shore," w rnember% are in- Deceîber '"Shawnee READING CLASS HOSTESS Mrs. Helen Roesing's Reading class %will Meet. Wednesday, 1Deceimber 14. at 10ý o'clock. at the home of Mfrs. Alexander S. Joslin, 240.Esx od Keilworti.. Lee F. English, 1007 Cxrcetnwood, avenue, recently returned f rom a tell dla%,s'*btsiniess trip to -Los Anigcles, Covina, and' various. othcr Californlia cîties. Go od je! BEACH and CANDIES are naw~ shops on the North Shore you may select 3ny assortment you de- sire-including choco- - late pecan rolls, fruits and nuts - and the price wviIl be-65 cents"' a poqund. Save Time and Trouble-Ski> byý RAILWAY EXPRESS 'AGENCYý Fior Picku'p Service Phone Wilmette 4628 Offices: Chicago & North Western RY. Diepot, WiImotte Chicago & North Western Ry. Deipot, Kenlwvorth 0i OPEN, RýVENINGS N ew STEINWAY WVhat a, glorious Christmas hsI i nstrument wiII pro vide. I TL 'r 35b identical piano sold for $2985 only last sumnmer. Easy payment plan. NewWEB£1ER DU"OzART' Grand, formerly $1695. An Acolian-buit Piano. $1395 The pool is an ever increasing and steady center of interest, Coach .Eck- ert reports progrs;s of the various events. The Ten Mile swim is in prog- ress and,'report has it that Jobnny GEILS 1633 Orrington 530 Main St. EVANSTON LYýON &HEALY, In Evanston: 615 Davia Street