Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 8 Dec 1932, p. 16

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*Mudem Sýuite) cowl:pstu, Antheni. **('God lis Love." *Shelley -:11r, Mtis and thé' choir 'Solo. *(o.ie and Heàr M'.1Iflueger, . Otis. Junior church will vare for the littie folk while their parenlts attend the *Our Sunday --;hool nteets at -9.,30 o'vlock. îvlth classes, for .all ages-. W'e. invite yu>u to attend, and join som1n- The MnsBible lass nîiiets, for the, stiidy of the Glospel of John, ut 9 :40 XVe nvit th, tipn f teIc Iý the afternoon prograin and there will R IsO be sPecia' l Music. Before and after fthe 'Guild Meeting, tie >Nelghborhood Circle will haveý a bake sale. -'The Best Use of the Churchi" will be the. minister's sermon topie ut the wor- ship service àt il 0o'cloek next.Sunday nîorning.ý The inusical progra ni. arranged by Miss7 Efily ýRbberts, organist -di recto r, will be as, follows:. Prelude'Vradle Song fromn Christmias Oratorio" ..Bach ,Anthenm--Canti<îue dé Noel'* . Adain Offertory:,Duet-"hieShepherds Watched Their Flock, Bv nîun ity. 7,77...-"1v...Maria"o Sol " ye 31ri," .. .ý. ..Kahn The Daiigters of Service class nîeet!' Sung by Joel La-y,. at 9:45 with Mrs. Vent'klast'n. î21 Violin Obligato by' Robert Bmowîî,vl Ninth street. l>ostude-"Rhapsodv Ggou The H4igh School Glee clubs and or- chestra Will prcsetit theli- animal sacreti The Men's club iSs.-Poais i'ing the, Christiliag concert SUîîd(ay afternoon in rglrFellov.hip dininer of the church the hih ~ch>ol gmaium ;it 3:) 3 hi nnh. Tt %will. be lheld Wednusday 6'tdock. 'IeveniIng,:December 14, lt c 'nik Te ('escenit circle will serve, a splendid ()ir Christian Etideavor- souietY bIls dîiner, including hot bisc-uits and honey. Ibeen ivited to ineet with, the five so, 'l'lieprgn begins at S, anld the Men'. d.eties o(f the Buenia Meiorial ('1111) lub romiises an unusul entertainnient, bytel.jilnchuruh, Bodwyand tiSei- verythîng ()\el- actuail' cost w ll go to dan, Chioago, at 6 :30 Sunday v \eîîiflg. Ç.istnilas cliarity. A large ajtten<(lamjj, rihe nebesof the o'it vI metet is exiwctî'd, su early re.-urvatîoîis are wth Vera Johnson 120 Fifth stret ut ii, orde"*. chureli togetîter l"his is;t chailjge il)th- Our throtlgh-the-week atviisfor --iiiisim sannoum'e- boYs an gils are scheIiduledl as fol- progri sl-e last Sunday' anune mient, andi every inetaber ù jilt-qi t o 1 s ffi'next week: go. Pusa'- 1 . n.-IBluelirds Tusay4P. in. GrlScofuts, Camplli sundav .EVeniig club.> will presem t l're Girls noted i .ceitist, %Williainî Beebt. in isc$outs flçrrnaa O'eam>giraphiî' . xpedition. T sday- 4 ph-uir hi The Northwestern brani of the W. F.- M%. S. will m-eet ia the auditorium ai î40 Rush street. Chicago,, Friday,' De- et-iner 9, at 1 :30. Ona Wedniesday- afternoon, December 14, at 2 :30, the %Woman's Home Mission- arY -sieiety will meet ila the Wornan's rocim for a Christmîas party to pack and send the Christmas gifts to the Ilever-. end Edwin Dover and fanily of Choteau, Mont. There are two children -a girl three and one-hailf years of age and . 1boy 0une year old. Al Women ia the clîurch are cordially invited touorne. ând to, bring their gifts. The whole sPiîrit of this>Advent sea.- f ousould be. one of anticipation and looking forward tu. the spiritual signif- luam!e of Christmas. During this moath, the aîid-week service will be detinitely kt-yed tu the expectation tfiat the Adveîît ýstir:s in the hearts of men. On Sunday afternooù, 'Deember 18 Vent Vesprsrieo the theine -Fon )arklitss txo Ligiit2' This 'is a unlcîuo service of ulusie -which opens in the icOlleteîv darketied church, and ais the service nioves on the light, n.ess cybleof the conîîng of the Ligît (of1 the %voirld. Christinîa Eve, SaIturday, Dcme ,21; uit 5 ô)'uloe2k, there will be a nie-dievali ('aifflle-Ligîît strvice ini the church. Trat- diti il cairols fromi varîous countret- will be sung. by the choir in the.ecandIe-r ligbiedj church. The -Creche" will be built in the trainsept aind iill l'e opcea for' the first tînie Christmas Eve. triulaion" Edgar A. Gue.t. The gi'eatest path leads froin yol 11 door to the door of the church. Corne. to the frlendly church whqere the %vat- îs inade plain. Ba iit Ckurch, Wilmette and Forest avenue.s George D. Alli-sün, p.Jstoî. 'AChurch thàt Care.4" W< 4 '~SOCIET'Y The reglilai. nionthly nwet ing of the' Woian's; Societv will be heldI Friday, Decembeî- 9 (toiirrow), at, the churehI. Lunrcheon Wýjill be served at 12:30 1hy Link S, Mre. C. D. Heouer, chatirman. An. unusually attractive. .prograni is to be presented in the- afternooîi. Madameë Gilderoy Scott will give ber lecture on e"The Christmas Carol in Song and Story." She will bring for illustration many old as-w.'ll ýas more familiai' Christmas songs. Ms*F. ; Cuthrldge ill be her accompanist.. Dr. Allis-on is: contributing an inter- esting feature to the Lttncheon hottr hmugh thTe presentat~or:o Cui'rent Event-s of significance religiously. The Devotional for the progr.tm is~ to be giveii by Mrs. E. 0. Anderson. GENERAL 'NOTICES The Aduit Cla.ss par-tv is to be held, Friday evening at the homie of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Jones, 1514 Foref7st avenue. The board of trustees will ziot mneet next week Tuesday but wvill bc, notifiedl rbf the change by mail. tu...................y-7:: .... ... . . . . ..~. ~ ~ ~ .z-u-uaysce n r ' c.hurelî at 7 :;, y Sco~. ' bt duts 0î.ii.: ro N i. Oono rsidetythenodthe 11, I îtîirg UI) s ntu-lte actr TheuoM ers an tawhopYttho Sttcnvention Do-0 ot miss ti un t .iee tise evelîts o()f YOW uhurmch glt'C OCaSIOn! day school wîill meut 3Monday uvuneiiig al i'il'i'. :30 lp mn.-seniur camp l1-vIre in îymir calendar% 8 o'elock wîth Mr. andi Mrs. M1orris, i .i Te1u12epes etn frnx Ninth Street, foi' conference. "ar ' .n.(u 'ac N b Enls.i,&zran The Y aucharg efting _feor,.hl>i -Sunday i n h r e f t' The Woman's society will boli1ts ;n- ;,me on timje or you. will ho lf, jft I fluai Christtnas meeting Tuesday, 1>,e-ois h rh vn( adsrq cenîbeî' 13.Se'.vig '.'.ilbe lachu îg.' ITle mîîîî"rt rsermon thie ,foi, thi.iilndt of Spoke ", Mrs. ('harles Davis, chair- il11o tlouk w,\-urî>4hip e t' liSu- 1 1oUs1 UWWednesdall Decemler 14,isavr' YMan, and Spoke 3, Mrs. Alfred FMIL1.day aiorinig v.ijiije The Aidiîî rbtIprateein o I u l(Ib chairmai. ILuncheon will be served ilttrealities h ci~efso ilb.- lv ai l Cblpa"tr'cd rins.3 mretib rnbetrt,. Spoke il, Mrs. R. Tenchel', chairman fouid in 1 CountIjians 13: 1-03, theý mid-week meietinlg ut 8oco'. Mrs. Harriet KnowIton will lead the d-. StNI>AY 5ER1'xCEs W..l have our fit-st conference on the, %otionaLl rs.James T. Venekiascaiiit b lU"cfrnxtS1a mrii, t S1 9 sbo. u:45 a. a t'mran'. report, .%hil c cllengesth speak on the topic, "Madonnas of alli t will bue as foIIo'wsý: . ,M.ltiitlg 'wo si>~(hristian church . toreve its %.hOIe i 'e~uuoaa.~irsA. E. Craig; Chrisýt- 1 ci ir wiIi be organized this mas readng-mrs. E. S. Yeunigberg, G, eer 9, at 4 o' ciock, whlch' Soloist-4frs. E. A. Fellers. 10 the senior 'chorus choir (A' neos programi. Chlldren The Reading club for ail young wemen "4. - l-..t- apprp.>ri LUtime,1 ofl mas 'day. On that flrst-Christimas The Sunclay sebool wlll meet'as tisual ave His Son, jesus, to the world- at 9:45 o'clock. Al chtldren bétweeîî is Christmas day, let ils give the ages of 3 and thehigh sehool arùý ves to Hlm. cordially lnvlted to vimit and becomte Say that 1 don't need the church eguarmme

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