44LTN'Ç30-1tii WANTED AT 0C~E1EUNE) doniestie' help, nmust furnlsh good woh-ng r1efereneces. Paulin&s, .522 ('enter $Ct.. Winniàtka. 44LT.N30-1tc GIL F011 -GENERAL HOLSE-WORK, no laiundr.m. (( home nights. $5 a week.- Ph. Wilmiette 1396. 441'N'0-1t1,. Peranet. 'hicirn.Low wages. Pli. W.inletka -1796.' 441, N30-1tc exPiI1. W HITE lAJ '. fo( >) (100K. Refs. 1i.eq(uitred. $8 and go home fight. Phone Winnietkaý 433. 441LTýN30-ltlp 40 HELP WTD.---MAL.E ANO FEMALE WAN'ýT EXPEII. WHITE CO0L'I~L ES with A-i refs. 1',aulin&s*.. 522 ('enter St.. Winnetka. 111. 46L.TN30-1t.ý âge FOR %ALE-AàUTOSý FOR SAL-PRIVATE ONeR. LA-1 test 1932, Plymouth coupe, pu!rchas,-ed Sejpt., actual mileage 130 $525 cash. WI.netkt 123.4SL,30-lp 'AUTO ClIEDIT F<ISALE $150 credit on any niodtl Ford \'-S, wili tjke $60 cash. A. C. Andersîuri. Phloxii- 'Wineta .80.4SLTN30-1tip SI FORRENT-ROOME _ PlEAýSANT 1"%I. IN PRIVATE IIONIE. clo(se . transi. uiig 'nia n preferred. 5)ILTN:,O-t( NIC'E UIINISIIEI> 1,002\1WITI O1 witho4uIt private iving ýýronin, ineals pptionai. Nr. transi). 1-22.- Maffle__Ave.., it,'Winnetk'a. 51 i .î-' t. F01 1E.'T-NESINGLE BOOM I I eatside lîhome. Near ail transpo)rta- t i-.m. 731 'Ttli st, W ilfiette, 11). NICE COM FORTABLE FI-ONT R00).N in ineta twin beds. Close tii transp. Ileas. Ph. Winnetka 355.7. FURNISIIED ROOM.f PRIVATE FAM- Sliv. Gnlmnprefeied. W'npi 1fl~511,TN275-tflo *1 (01', 221>LEASANT. t')MFOIT.ABLVE .., iiii lcat iion. E:, st side. iccation . . . . .. . .. . . $1QI.0 Attractive Dutelh Colonial.' 8 rooms, 2 baths. a bargain a t ..... ý.ý$I100.00 Quinil an & Tyson(;, lue. 1571 Sherman Avé. uni. 2600 6OLtN3Olte 1~GL-HBRICK HIOME WITH, 7 rnis. ln South' Vinnetka, 2 biks. to transp. W iýeill Iýandscaped'groundî. 4 bedrms.. 3 baths. and play rmn... oit heat. garage àaUached. Property 15s about 2 yr. old and equippe'd iitli ail miodern conveniences. Rentlng tery reas4inable. ('al l innetka 1800. 60LT30-lte Attr. 6 miân nntk home in choice ncéightliýlihood. hot air lit.. gar.. only ;)0 anî.HEIXSEN REALTY (CO., 660 Centeî' St. Winnetka 834, 6OLTN30-1 tec F01.- RENT OR FOR SALE-NEWLY decorated 7 roomn house at 1493 Edge- wood laneë. -1-ulbard Woods. 2 baths. 4, eros oit il. w. lit., att. gar. Wilnîette 11Ï62. .6OLTN3-ltc FOR IZENT-6 RM. B-OUSE. SLEE- in'pt'pofch. -zunnàm. IIt water heat.' garage. 2111 Wllmette Ave. Phone Wilmette 451K. 6OLTN2I-tfn COZY BUNGALOW FOR SIX MONTHS or longer. Hot m-ater héat. Garage. Conven lent to Hubliard Woods -sta- tion. ('nil Winnetka 668. 60L30-tp 61 FOR' ffNT--URNISHEO HOUSES6 NVERY ATTRACTIVE 7 R'M. DUTCH Cooilin South 'Winnetka. 4' bed. rns.2 1bathis.and sun ri.. citl heat. Cienffeteilvfi uiiAihoafoc Il6iîînnths or 1> 1-V T E 1E OFFEIS'-ECL tudfor b)rick Evanston homo, 4 bedrmls.. 2 haths. atta'ched ganrage. 70 feet <if fro(nt.tz,seoreuled. porch. Investnîen-lt $3.0,priced at today's market.. Sc-e Landaker or Cronk. 522 Davis St., fireenleaf 1855, WANTED TO aUT-Ntsc. A, MARTIN. BUYS ALL. KINDS 0F MEN'S USE!) clothing and shoes;: also ail klnds of furs. Cail anywhere. Phone Uni.. 0347.. 89LTN30-ltc N-OTICE 0F AUCTIONZ SALE 0OF GOODS - Notice. la hereby given to Geneva Brewer. J. B. Ducolng. H.. Spaulding Coffin," Missý I. BIllington. O. >Htltgren. M. S. Gilbert, 'Ars. L. Hlilt, K. B. Keats. Mrs. G. E. H-lmnielbauer.. Mrs. J. M. H4ettinïger. %Wm. Miller, 1AI. R.',VanÉ Gunten, C. S. Kennedy apd (o ail others that may, be ln- terested herein. that thère will be sold at public auction. :at, the %wareroom ofj e.en,.sehFireiproof Warehouse,. formerly Warble Storage and Furn iture C'o.. 521 'Main St., Wilnette, 1M., ;beginninig at, 10,o'el6oek in the f orenoon cof the l9th day of Deembier. 1932. to satisty thie lVa'.rehiotisemian's Lien. now hield by the Genleva Br-eNer -Lot No. 1959 - -Up- rlght )i*îno and bencli. .1. B. Ducoing ---Lot No. 1602 -Box,, 'gas stove. HR' Spauldinz Coffin-Lot '\o. 1904- Mattrtes,ý. 7 bed siats. 2 bed sides. 2 bed ends, box spring. Mi. 1B¶illiigt)n-Lot No. 2207-4 'etairs.. a -rm chair. pail. 2 cartons, rockers.,nîirror. '0'baskets.. end table. bundie pictures, chiffonier. floor laim and shade. card table. 2 bed enda. kit-ý ehen table and leaf. lied base, rug. du.st 0. O.'ultgren =---Lot N". 2110 -Box, K. B Keas -Lot No. 20-t6 - Boxc spring, 2 bied îzl4es, 2 bed e.nds, chif- fonier. mnattress, dresser. arm. chair. chair.,xnrror. Mrs". G.. EHimmeiitlbauer(-iLot2161- Dining table. 2 table lea-ves, bundiçle. cushions. snîlail stand, ci-«ee table. tNN' stool>s.' cot and nad. bookcase. dressor. .2 Ilpholstered almi c(hairs. 4 chairs. 2'l bod side..2 lawvn chairs. foading (-(t and pad. bundle tivo cushimns and mats, floor lamp. mirror, 6 lied. slats. 2 led' ends, 3 lamp shades,' Iiower. pot stand, 2 barrels, 2 calip' chairs, spring aînd such nPatues- as Carrots and PJeas. Robert W. Townley, athletic cirector at joseph Sears, said this week that, the new plan by, whch a, boy is. llaced in a certain classification ac- cording to.bis ability in' the various gymnasium., activities is working out vcerv %vell. A boy either progresses to t1e next higher,,class or -is denioted, '.ir. Townley said. HOME FROM MINNEIAPOLIS Robert McNeill Burns, 6 14 '.Essex, road, Kenilworth, returned.Wednes-' day of last week from a business tÏpý téw Minneapolis. His son,. Robert Burns,, II, retiirned Saturday to Anan Arl>or, M ich., after spending Thanks- giving week-end witb bis parents. He inotored and was accompanied by Ihul Haskinis'of Win.netka. Bob 'Knauer, freshinan at the Uni- versitv of Illinois, returned Nfonday. after> spending Thanksgiving week- enid with bis parents, Mr. and Mrs.' Roy Knauer, 166 Abingdon avenue, Kenilworth, MNr. and Mrs. Richard Wolfe anïd daiuliters. 414 Essex r<iad. Keniil- worih, spent Thanksgiving with Mrs. Lee's inother ini Geneseo, 111. shades.' mirrQr standards. 2 armi chairs. buffet back, 4 rockers, 4 miattrésses, bundie book ends. chiffonier.' drop leaf table, stand 2 tables, package, do»l buggy, 2 dressers, desk, buffet, 2 bundies bed rails, sofa,. love seat, 2 trunks. radio table .Jamp, victrola, sewlng table. kdtchen table.,eniali toQi. ehest, tray. crate plate glass, case, 2 barrels. daven- port. r'11oll 9 ruzo 'ATTRACTIVE'2 RM. with kitcJiènette and ba PriNate -entmance, gar. tiz. soi. 'ltJ) )01t1 andud uatr. smal c t-iIa nu ,ti(I tor. r hiffonle". back. cheSt. cartan. gultair. lItp 1 dre4spi et bae, 2 bed fides, buindie lanmn) FIR PROOF Wilinette,1 fumrniture. eChild's railge.