Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 1 Dec 1932, p. 47

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shio% at the I)eattiful Teatro del Lago on1Nlondav, Ttîcsday, \Wednles- dav and Thursda.y. Dccemnber 5, 0, 7 ani 8. 'The Motion Picture Acafrîny of Arts and Sciencc lias, chQsenl 'Gan otel". as the bestfilmn pro- duced (luring the past year. * Probablv no filini iii remint years *lias attractcd as iînuclh advancc at- tention as tlîis un usuai serecii draina wvhichi is describc<l as a s,,iiîbol.ical tuvof lhtinîait néltutre inistartling realisin. 'The plav rau in Ne>%%;York for nmore, thali a vear, wîth isimilar SUCCess accr<ludit 'lprecetat,Iiii other Aniecriçan citics, as we li, as thýe capitals of Europc. I il bringiîîg *(;rai d I loteF' to, the screcvn. thle filîi produéers placed t'ive miajor stars in the. central character- izattii s and engage1 diidnuî<I oîld- iüg. (irector of I)ceviF's Holidav- andI ~'lie T1resp)assc;er." to handie the ai- biions. assignmiient. The reliiarkahle> casýt is hieztdc 1 b Greta Garbo witlî Mlilifi Barn monre, J oaniiCÉau-ford;' WVallace IBeerv ani L.ionel 1I zrrvîniore ,layinig nt'standing roles. Lewis Stonc andi-Jean Iersholt arc feature<i ini the Iair,ýe supporting cast. Lives Are Entwined ie , torv, whicli takes place cii- tiel wthnthe cnfne 0f afa.sh- jouable lBerlin hotel, centw\i,îcs ite (ivs f a variedl groî,p of persons. îricltîdinig anl exotîc bRussIan dancer whos.e roiafftic in teritide wi tii a Janet. Petite aild piquant as ever. she lias, forsworn the pathetic for the positive in lier characterization. Withi a new hair diress, withi smart modern frocks, sFic is s'aid to bring an entirely freglh.and inspiring portrayal to the screen- in this,. lier first 'eûtirel-v grow n-up rple.ý. Farrell, too, is -dif- ferent. He wiIi be seen as an anîbi- tious young businiess ,maii, harassed, it i-i7ie-- ----Uý-by the difficulties of be- coning est ablished- in. a strange tow n. but on, the whole a capable, - êergetic younkg1fellow out to p rove that lie can niake. biS way in the World. Because of the polished surface of the expansive floor. and the noise of s0 many..scuffling feét, the players and extra- peopie were obliged.'to Slip woolen socks over their shoes in scenies in which tbe feet di&d not show. Woolen socks 'were'also W orn. iii the dancing scenes. SUPiPORTS1 TOM MIX Stuart Hoîniies, the 'popular char- acter actor of "The, Man WVho, Laughs,"' "Captain of the Gu ard and -The Four Hor-se et unnt n mogthe' supporting. players of M.%ix in "My- Pal, the King," the Uni- '"Thé .First Yeâr" are M\innaGoni- versai phiotodrania. bell, seen in a hilarious comiedy. role. __________ Leila, Bennett, Dudiey Digges, 1Ro1-, jOW THEY DO IT ert \fcWaàe, George Mefeker, Mlaudé Grantland Rice's Sportiights give Ebunean Hur Kikr.everyone a chance to îvatch -some of the world's finest athletes show jtust VAMPS JACK H~OJLT how tI¶tey break worid's records or Ruth WVeston, former stage, lcadling win national championships. ,woman, mwho recently %vas under con- tract to RKO and who a.ppeared ini several pictures, vamps jack I-bit ini an implortant role in "This Sporting Age," Hoit's latest Columbia starring Pictuire. A Moniroý D RASCAL proves imiiself a 1rasczd ii in usIICI% VARSIT Y TrHEATrRE El 4NSTO-N PHO-NE: IIXI, 8900 last tiing Mu life, ashl-ocd doc- tor-and the hiotel's lead porter. How these people are al. broughit togethier and(i low tlieir vziriInos intrigules and adventures charge the course oi tlîeiir entire lves forins thethneote I)iot. Grid Film Malses History For the flrst timie in history, the ail Amierican football teain vwas as- semibled on the plaving field for the niaking of -The AiI-Americaii," the Mac XXest, o bizarre figures b)ut ini "Xighi adaptation c nte of Broadwý,av's tmost S, mlakeshler niovie (le. t After Niglit, screen Df Louis. Bromfield's niovel, '"Single Nigh.t,". and wag di- rected by rhe vo Jimnmy ivurane Claudette Colbert in "TUER ANTOM Tkursday. Friday. Dec. 8-9 BEN LYON - SALLY EILERS il til: p uplct -1- - --- --- attan speakeasy in - the fln is based on. Louis Broiedsj SudaDec. 3 TOM MIX end "TONY"ý in "IIy 3rPal Uthe ilng," "Red- Shadow'-D)éefive Sfory SundoY., konWday. Déc. 4-5, Comedy,. Cartoon, Orgjan, News Tuesday, Wednesday, Dec. 6-7 Joel McCrea - Fay Wray in

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