ill'it'incte. ami a party ôoî rnîrt%- youig tpeople: Willoughby Xaling. ani a party of tweive: NMr. and Nr. Carroll Siiaffer. and party. of twvelvez iDr. and(t\1 rs. \Villiam HIazlett and part ai four . N r., and Nrs. Victor Allent and IMr. andMiIrs. William P. flaker and part%- of twçntv -six Dr. andi NIrs. i oui, XV. Sater ai par ty' Oi eighit. NI rs. Alan- 1. Ios of a in- neètka. prouinetit iinI)ic'r of Vista. lias been appointed chiairtian for the bridgec parties for thile nîonth o lieceinher. , Mrs. 1IHouston -las se- l ecte(1 as thle fsese or l)eceînber 2. NIrs Editli L. .Aines and NIrs. Vii- fiain W Liii. Working with MýNrs. Aines andMIrs. Liii is a cdnîittee.of twnt-to.aiong whioni.are MNIrs. jos 'd . .w-ards anid Nrs. Victor 1.T. Sch:litt of Chicago: Mfr,..Alfred B. Neilson.ý Mrs. Jame, P. Haynies. Mîrs. Charies A. XV*istoi NteMs. c. J. 0. swift. and rsWXilian L. Tavlor of Evanston': Nr.Frank \V. Aillen. Nir>, . F ~i- * ;Mrs~. Clarclnce B. Burpee. NIrs. E. L. Ellis. Nrs-. Irvin L I.. Sinimons. and N1r s. Fratik P. Kutten (If\Viînette: NIrs. Etigetne A. .Howard. *Nr. -enrv E.. Greene. NIrs.. Frank 1). 1-uiiton.. -Nirs. Harold E. \Vaiier. ani Nîr,. XVlliîan P. Baker of inniîetka: Mirs. F. K. Benizilng 21141MNrs. Robert 0. Law of lKenil-1 \\ ort iî : N rs-. Raynond \V. Clark, of Giencoe : NIrs .Carroll Shaffer ai Highlan d Park: ami Mrs. IllryB Tlîeilbar of River lFore>t, The plav. "Clirîstmnas . Eve in rar- laid,» bv Lillian *H. Van dêr X'eer. Wil I)e 1111(er the directiOn aOi Miss Viola Berwick. Included in Mrs., Ktttei*s comnittee are: Nirs,. Ar-, thur B. Schultz, Mrs. -1. Pauil Ciav- ton. NMrs. Raymaond \V.- Clark., Mrs.ý .L H. Ingwersen. MIrs. Clarence B., Burpee. Mrs, Carroll Shaffer. \frs. i joeph J-. Kutten; Mrs. Robert Na- son. and \Mrs,.,Ro%- 1. \Xelrenier. i 1Orr. 1002 Greenleaf avenUde, who bas The Tuesdlay club inet for luncheon been touring the south simice July, is this week ,%itli Mrs. George D. now in Key \West. Fia. H-e wilI re- White, 1101 Greenwood avenue, main ini Fiorida for the w;nter. *See our new Chri stmaa Stock at the newlo wprices.a GIFT SUCGESTIONS--lE O l Beautiful Fitted Case Gladastoue Bag Wardroe Cas or 2-Suit Warèdrobe Warré 6 fo 10 dresses Case wranle.foe) Sportsman's Zipper Bag / <C aneeB Overnight- or Week-end Brief Case Case Dressing Case9 Zipper Wardroýe, Truàk or Box, Style KAEHER-LCK...AND TRUNK SHOP 1421 Shermian Avenue, Evanston UNlveraity S637 "We rePair ail makes of Trunks and Bags" ExLUsvn Wjtihout Extravag ance 31palous npartmUODts wlth llght, alry tois, large elosets, excellent furnishings and comPletS botel service icombIne to nalke the Droadmoor & remlly comt.,rtable bome. -Nei Prthe lake and ail forme of good tf*asPoi- tation. Coime lu or, cail at 'your convenlenre. 1Io A,, Room Apte. AIse Imotel RooDIs 41; Per '3-IoeMh UP Co mplete Motel Serviies THtL BROADMOOR Cor.. Howard and Bosworth Aveu. Telephone Sheldrake 4174 [A. dark yard invites prowlers, LI GHT U P darkness. homes. avoid, ýAs a protectionagainst these un- welcome visitors, many people are ighting up their yards. A single bracket iight illutuinates a large area very satisfactorily. 1141 Central Avenue Php'ne Wilntte 5150 44- Ausman ý,rs., t..- 4, ITW f