Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 1 Dec 1932, p. 30

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can cramatic soprano. wvîlI give a concert in the N ew Trier High school- auditorium Monday eeening, De- cember 5, tickets for which may be obtained from Mrs. Bessie. Grant at the Winnetka State bank. The con- cert will be the second in the Artist- *Recital series sponsored- by the. Win- netka Music club. Gianinini was a. pupil of Marcella Sembrich at the time she was asked to substitute -for, Anna Case in an 0operatic role. This performance brought fame oiver night to the young soprano. Since then she has, sung with. great success in concerts at home and abroad. The noted artist was born in Phila- deiphia of Italian, parents and of a musical' family. 'Her father was formerly a Nvell known opera tenor and wvas associated. with Adelina Patti in.many operatic performances. In addition hie had the distinction of being the first singer ever to record th~e humn, i~e -for the phongaph. During ber recital next 'Mondas' evening Giannini' will give three. Italian folk songs arranged b% her brother, Vittorio. Shie will be ac- companied 'at the piano by Mi11ss MXolly Bernstein. Her programnin full is as follows: Su~ Questo Sacro Altare (Prom '"Vestale") Spontini Spontini, an Italiancmper(7- 185P) wrote the ope ra - 'V%e.stale*" in 18o,. Saiitei Thaviii of 14ilmette. t?~ent-tuo-ear old vioiinist, i on aconcet tour in Minnpesota and various colleges and uniuersities. I-le is gir4ng recitals in Virginia and Bcinidji, -Iipîi., A4berdeen and V'ankion, S. D., and Fargo, V. D. This yoiith if n art ist is thte second iolin 1is n »the Vlischakoff String qu<rtet u'hich wil giz>e a concert in .Kenilw&ortig on Decicînhler 4. group will play the Quartet No. 1 in Bonemians of Chicago for the benefit G Major by Mozart and the Quartet ?f musicians who are unemplcyed and No. 3 by Schumanin. ini need. The concert will be held in the The personnel of. the quartet is as- Old auditorium which, has been redec- follows: Mischa Mischakoff, first vio- orated.- lin; Satnuel Thaviu, second violi n;- '.il . Frecleriéc Stock, hon 9rary% president ton Preves,. viola, 'and Daniel Saidenm of the Bohemians, will . Londuct a 200- berg, tello. Me. Thaviu. is the onily piece orchestra including membiers of one who is nota m ember of . teé Chi- the Chicago. Symphony*and the ýWom- cago Symphony-orchestra, and in order an-s Symphony orchestras. Two f amed to be a part of the' quartet he had to artists will be guest. soloists, at the pro-. obtain special permission from 'Fred- gram, Johnl Charles. Thomas- baritmne, erick Stock. The quartet menmbers are and. Josef Hoffmani.,pi*anist, as... well as ver yong Infac tey aim tob- other soloists to he announced later. the you nge*- string. quartet in the coun-j he the WInnetka Music 'club gave try. A its hberefit concert two yvears, ago it dis- cove.red, xe it began loeking around M ~for a group to aid, that the unemployed Mui Club M eets m.iiiýwr h nvoe e' e SC usCIa'n eiromthe Erirgîmlv. e, at Winnetka. lb ,me lceivinTheclub gavémoe rgenc$800Re- The Lake View 'Musical: society held! the' Bohemians of Chicago fqr -relief ismonthly active members' meeting work: among the unemfployed mxisicians iast Monday afternoon, at thehome ofi at that time, Mrs. Holman D. Pettibone, 698 Black- Tickets for the concert oin December thorne roaci, Winnetka. 14. which are heing sold at popular The prograin was ini charge of -Miss prices. are going rapidlv. '-\r,. Arthur Grace Seiber'1ing oi Evanston and wvas M.\eeker, box chairman, has alreadv sold given by the following mnembers: M-\rs twentv-five of the boxes. Ail society Ferdinand A. Bunte. soprano; M.\rs.' will e-nJoy this homecomning te the audi- G. B. Guest, pianist: Edna Kaler W\iîJ_ torium, and wili especiallv like to sce so>n, soprano; Carolv.n Thoinas Harns, the remiodeled historic opera 'lie.use. berger. violinist, of Gle ncoe, and Ms Rudolph Ganz is pre.sident of the Williamn Lo.u Ella DeWindt. ccontralto: Bû,hemi1ans of Chicage,. piano accompanists for the artists \verec Mrs. Héber Binghamn Fate. Mrs. hn3 uic lbs W I 4Loring Cook, and 'Miss Grace Sei erýi-ïA -- -- lubs - - Von ewiger Liebe . .. Brahmis It 1-§fltting that in this y-ear of' Brahms' centenary M i ssiani hu sing two of the ýbest examples of Brahm' exalted art. .Allerseelen ..St ra uss Staendchen .. traus Two love songs of, anothe~r of Ger- many's naster song wiriter.,. The* flrst' (Ail Soul's Day) is a 1<ver's tribute tto ail the dead. lovers of the past, to %Nhonï, this day is dedicated. The other son- -is a lover's. admonition toe his beloved to tread (-)ftl%, mwhen evervthing but Love ltself is slumbering. spcctivcly of the Metropolîtan Opera, .vill bring the finest in. niusic to the home, in the "Voice of Firestone" ser- ies beginning, M\onday evening. Deceni- ber 5, at 8 :30 over the NBC-WEAF network. It is thé' first time two Ieading stars f rom the Metropolitan have been con- tracted for a sustained series, and the appeal \vhich the singing of these art- ists 'has for hearers in aIl localities and diistWII is presiaent of the sociel. I IOn Radio ng aM\acDowell Silver luncheon at the Stevens hotel \\Ved(nes,(lay. Deceni- ber 7, at 1 o'clock. T1he luici-nwill comniemorate. the seventieth birthday aniniveýrsarv of the late Edlward -Mac- Di~land the, twentiv-fifth anniver-. sary of the founding ci the Peterboro. colonv. Dr. Frederick Stock will be guest of honor and there will he a musical pro- grami. Mrs. Williani S. Ridgly, state 've, 1 wil C ichard uroi arjoPeil the series next Who u wW nday eve- >The Chicago Synxphony orchestra concerts this weik will feature the return engagement of the fanions Dutch pianist, Egon Petri. Friday afternoon Mr. Petri will play Bach's Concerto. in D minor and Liszt 's, "Totentanz." love. be4 r ofthe' and d tf lire. pîanïst, nova.

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