Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 1 Dec 1932, p. 18

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Mr. DeBeràrd, m-ho was ()'î ears niaa been active itiie work- o!tne wlNas. assistant general sales ni n First 'Congregatianal church of.Wil- age ofFei. ad Trrat cmpav.mette. of whiich lie was a- memiber. adgerofFeacn nianacrrsipa Hefomel served. on the board af adN. Pahinsremtti Cicgo. le 5truistees of that-,churchi. He was a N.,Pauinasteet, Cicgo. li had Ilie mernber of the Art institute and] been, with the. conipativ , since 189.3 the Illinois Athletic club and a mèmn- and wvas the oldest mnai in the orgai- e fth iinuem zation. H-e forrnerlv %,va.-; casterru sales His wid. Mrs. Segrid Delaiîg. tNc agen.t for the companiv. sons, Tlieodore G. and Arthur~ R. D)e- An* enthusiastcfserai r De- latig. and, tivo daughters. MsJun Èerard %%en n1uner fishi*ig.'D., Anderýson aiofChicago and'.Gladvs expeditions ini Canada with join C. Delang, of, WilmtI ette. survliveli.. eins *of \Xinietka. vho is also The funeral services w %ere held dconnected witl Feit and Tarranlt.. last Satur.dav aiternioon at the First Last summrrer the two emeni took Cotîgregatiorial. churcl. with the 1Rev. 30-mlecaoetn ii anda ohn G., Hjndclei*. ninister aýi_'thia t M\I. DeBerard - rsdttof the church. officiatitig.> Btrial Wa s a t Shawnee Counîtry club ini -lmtt. emorial. Park, cemneterv. hving been elected to tlîat office v Juy 13. -ealso gave a great deal, Mrs. James D., Kline of timne to the work of the Division Dies at Minneapolis, Street Y. 'M. -C., A. in Cli-dcagor',. 'Of s E'vr Mnsn 51E Nfhich he was a director.Ezlitf le s svie toi5r.d w, street. \Vihnette. vas called to 'Min- He s srvied iv itsmidw. i eapolis last week beau~se of the Bessie N. teBerard, one son. Phýi lP'death ai, her datigliter-iî-lawv. Nrs. .E. DeBerard of Rockiord. and thiree Jamnes D.. Kline. MNrs,. Kline. wî grandchldre-n<_1-e was ant uncle of \..s the daughiter of Geai. JspiB. W'. W. DeBerard, former \Vilinette and the late Mrs. Tosepli Saîîborn of Village truistee. Chicago. was the formner Hulen Saii- The funeral services were held -it born af Winnietka. Suie died Mion- bis. late residence Wednesdav aite r- day. Naovemiber 21. The funeralÏ noon at 2 (--'clock, witli the Rev. Johnit services and burial took place at G. Hindlev oi the First Coîîgre,ýa- Minneapolis Tuesdav aiternioon. Noý- tional cliurch officiating. Bunrial j, ik vemiber 22. Besides lier huisband. and place at 'Meniorial Park ceineterv. lier father. M[rs. Klie is survived by) _________________twa clildren. Jantes DeW\itt Kline %N IIL X ab'i- - - - --i-A- - jits constitution : "for patriotie, fIls- Rochester, N. Y., sever-al years ago. toirical and education purpôses, ta A short timie later, according ta Mr.î perpetuate the memorv and spirit of Lvttan, lie and his sons bécame dis-,! the> men and Nvomen who, acliieved satîsfied with the manner in, whi -1 iArnierican independe.nce: by. the, ac- the stores :were being managed an(i j quistion and pratecion. of bistorical attempted ta regain-contraolover spo)ts and the lerectian lof monuments Ithemn. Tlîev %vere unsuccessiul until ..ta carry but the injunction of last, %eek. when their offer wvas aC- . Washington in his farewell address cepted., ta the American 'people 'tô promote, The return of the Lvttans ta con- as an abject of prinîarv importance, frai af Heîîrv C. Lvttan and. Sons .institu.tionýsfor'the general diffusion cornesI approx--,imiateîv seven, ye 1a rs of knowledge.'" :af.ter the The Hub opetied a branchl,- This was followed; by 'Mrs. Charles store ïni Evanst on. The 'Eva1nstan E.. Herrick, vice-presidetît general for prajec: vasthe first ta be poeted Illinos.with hr ktha h by an-"loop' establishment and lias inceptiari and completion oai Memnor- proved enîinentlv' successful,' accord- ial Contin ental hall. the home af thé ing ta Robert Swift, mianiager. Mn. rganization in Washington, thle Swift.liasbeei coniuMsvincaremennrial ta the Pioneer mothers. ai te Earitonstoe srîc itwasand i te later Constitution hall, made I bli- necessarv by the neeti aoi a larger establshed..hall ta holti the increasing îîunîbers - at the national conferences. andi 50 J. K. Cohen4, Pienter 4îaiti-111i ierory of -our foreiath- 'N r,ý -These two beautiful buildings. lercantSuccmbsshe >aid, add rnuciî ta the attractive .jn(la.hi K. Cohen. father of _Mrý,. capital citv. and. stand a., .enduring Cht~Lanîge, 4to Woodlawn ave- nieniorials- 'ta those wvho miade thîe u.e (lncepassed awýav on Noý- Union a living power. Mrs. Herrick 1veniliêr 24 at -lpena. Mich. Mr. (Ca- also g ý_ave a vivid pîcture of1 thc splen- hli \was tlie nrst imerchant tailor Ï11i(!ddwork of the Dngitrs chools Alpe iîa and hiat lived in that c(111- In the southern mautntains. and the muilt\ foran mure than 0<) ea!rs. Be- great need af tiieni In the>le desal'ate -j<(le, itiîe daughter in1 Gleîîcoe. lie is regians where thene are no othen ,UrVIved ý)%- onie soni, Noah E. Coheni, schoos who S ;LI(ucess_)r in business, at txur Oter dist inzydipgiedL-e-ts \ h Iiam Stone. 1320 Elmiwoodavne'.-0 died of pneumnon&. at his'honie Mati- Veteran Teacher, Dies day- Novemnber 21. vcre held Wed- Mis,; Belle E. Slossýon, . a- ister af nesday. NXovember 23, at Scott's Mrs. C. Ný. Hollister. 123,; Elmwood funeral home, 1118 Greenleai avenue, avenue. dicd suddenlv of a heart at- with the Rcv. Dai-d R. Kabele ori Uic tack 'Mondas niarning at the Laf'av- 'ilmette .English Lutheran clîtrch'ette school in Chicago. Miss SIos soni officiating. Burial wvas private at hiad been a teacher in the Chicago Gracelnd cemterv.public schaol.s for 39 yer. She a M r. Stone was born in Chicago and a daughter of the la-te Judge R. H. liad spent most of hiS life in Chicago. Siosson af Kcnoshaj \Vis. Besides; Evanston and Wilmette. He had ber sister. 'Miss Siosson is stjrvived EDUCATORS TO MEET The Central Counciloai Childhood E-ducation will hold its regular mionthly meeting Saturday morning. f)ecember 3), at il.o'clock, in the Central Eleanor Club raamns. roomn 1800 S-tevens.building. 17 North State street. Tbis will be a sectional mneeting of special interest ta teachers inr and. abou.t Chicago in the N"urserN Schaoli Kindergarten, Primarv-. In- v ri s dIk . ji atiani ; aiiui chairman a i historîc spots. Henri- Grceene. rs. i After the atidresses, a dainitv 1' uire in a costume af thîe forties or hîfties. wvorn by special requ'est. a ianiilv hieirlo.ni, rosýe-co--loréd i silk and lace. uith timîv waist, painiers. bus-tIu. reticu"le. and(1 Id lace lhantiike(rcîici cotnplete. a rose-laden 'p)anc'ake.' hiat, with long black. vel1v et streamiers- perched an a cinî~ finishedj the il- i uesu4'., Li V.iec UVI I. at hostesses %vill be MNrs. John Misr. Pilip % IPeebe. o vne or Annapoits to vîsitt ineir son, 1(îcl ed- who is a student at the U. S, N < e's academv. and to attend the Ai kes Navv gaine ini Pliladelphia this unrdav iti fniends. v for lard. ai-al Slat-, ton avenue.'

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