'l Canada, First Churcli :of ,Christ Scientist, Tentb Street.and,,Central Aven ue Wilmette, Ii SUND)AY'SERVICES - XiA.M. WvEDNESDAY.-ý. TESTIMONIAL MEETING - 8 P. M.ý SUNDAY SCHOOL EXERCISES .M DECEM BER 4,1932 Subjeci: "God -the Only Cause and Creator" READING ROOM-1 148 Central Avenue Open Daily .(excepting Wednesday) p A. M. to 6 P. M.ý Wednesday 9 A. M. ta 7-45 P. M. th1e Bibleanid Works of Mary Baker Eddy and ail other authorized Christian Science Literature may be read, borrowed or purchased at the Reading Roomn. THE PUBLIC IS CORDIALLY INVITED TO ATTEND THE CHUIRCH SERVICES AND VISIT THE READING ROOM MEAT MARKETGO AUl Telephone and C. 0. D. Order's Carefully and Quickly Delivered Charge, Accounts. Solicited from RelialIe People as à fair> percentage of these will be found aiready i*mmune. Last week wve toof theý need for immunization against this dread disease; this week we wîsh to. eall your attention to the simplicity and* safety of' the necessar y "Practicaily ail of thie younger age group ar e susceptible. to diphtheria. and tiierefore ln. this group, the test for susceptibility is omitted. 'Poxoid which is flot a serum, a seruni preparation. is given, and thé. Schick test psed only af tel' a lapse, of several months to de- termine wvhether treatment bas been sufficient to, produce immunity, or ,Whether an additionald d1ose w'%ill be necessary. "In the gro up above seven years, as a rule the Schick test is done first.: If it shows immunity, no treatnienit s necessary. If not, then toxin-antitoinr is used, and tliis is mnade from sheep serurn and' therefore does flot produce, sensitization agatinst horse serumf, a,,s the older preparation did. If your ehilà .flbsqehtyiflTst ie giveri tetaîÙs-or diphtheria antitoxin for any reason, this treatment -wi.l rot interfere with, administration of those preparations,l as they are made from horse serum., Re- actions to the treaý.tmnt are unusual, and when the,, do oecur usually take' t4he form of a low grade fever persist- ing for flot niorè than 24 hiours. Loca.l reaction may occur, producîing sliglit1 swelling, con.,iderable redness and tell- derness at the site of the injection, but is flot at ail an .e.'sential part of the treatmnent and vvi(en it does flot occur one must flot feel that the treat- ~AT SCOUT SESSION Robert W. Townlev. athletic direc- tor at the Joseph] Sears school, vho is ini charge of the Boy Scout %vork in Kenilworth, attended a. regional convention of 'Scout officiaIs at the Drakt hotel in Chicago Tuesda3y.. and Mrs. n rtoad, :L. pla isgiVvcn tLU tUIC UCient orIneI service fund of the Winnetka Post. Charles J. Eastman who isý well known on the north shore, lias the heaviest part ini the-play,' that of George Nfacauliffe, stage director for the Cope Valley. Players. Northwestern Student Jane Dement of Kenilworth, vho 'is a student 'at Northwestern :University; Allen Kleini, headmaster of the' Idian Hill Academy of Winnetka;ý Dean F. McS.loy of the faculty of Northwestern, University, and Miss Lulu Wright of Evanston have. other leading roles. William Harshaw of Hubhard, Woods, -H.' Noirman Copthornc, Dr. L. L. McE voy and Mrs. Max Mur- dock of Winnetka; Miss Louise Hamil- ton' of Kenilworth, Paul ,Husting of IWilmette, and'Dr. Frank N. Woods [Of Evaniston are the othier members of the cast. Harper Technical Director Robert Harper of Wý ilmette is act- ing as teclhnical director, and Ja.mes Crabh of Wilmette as stage manager. Florence Gripe of Winnetka is assist'- ant to the general director. 'rhe officers- of the Winnetka Post for. 1932-33 include Henry C. flyslop, commander;, Harold Odh; ,Dr. Frank N. Woods, B. D. Caldwell, Gordon Van Kirk,1 joseph P. Colligan, Raymond Rapp, Robert C. McIleniey, A. M. . Klein, anid john Podgorski. Patrons and .patronusse,; for the play 1 ]'it(Ifeold ' Mi'. adMr Ayres Boill, Du. and Mr John 1-. Cadmus, Mr. a.nd Mrs isFrederîcUk i ickinsun, Nlr. Victor' 1 Eltang, Mi% and 2-ýlrs. Nattbew P. Gaff-- nev, Nli. George C. Getgood, '%r. anl Mrs Miî4torn (). liggins, Nir.and Mrs. J1 C. Mar shall, -Mr'. ani Mrs. G. B. '\IzissfeývMr. an-d MsWilliam Brook-, ,Noutltoni ('(I, and 'Mrs. . E. Peirce, Mr. anfd )Irs. Frederick. H. Scott, Mr'. and M-\rs. Perry Dunlap Smnith, 'Mr. and M rs. Willoughby G. Waliing, Mr. and AMrs. lierhert L. Wooihiser. *1