Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 24 Nov 1932, p. 31

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Forest, town- chajrman there for, the last two vears, is the new board, president. Mrs. Mason, whorn she succeecls, will be one of the vice-pres- idents. There are, few changes in the personnel of, board members andi towni chairmen'this'season. The or- ganization- has been closely solidified. in the last year when, for the first t ime, Arden Shore bas'had somiething.i of a struggle to operate. as _it -has sticceededilu doi.ng, always to a "u1l house».* suminer .and winter. ý It ]i one of the few ,,vacationý, camps thaIt is contintled through the -winter.. pro-1 vifing then,. as it does..aàwinter nu- trit -ioni camp for .125 bovs froin Octj- ber to May. Froin May to Septei- ber ,it maintains a nutrition camp for 50 girls, two -weeks' building-up, pro- grai for 2,000ý women and- childreii., and a health prograrn and outing for ý60 convalescent girls and boys and 50 children of working mothers. *Special ieiefits 'additlionial tb the regular subscription drives have been in order this fall for the first tinie. The board of. directors for the 1932-33 season is announced as fol- lows: of mariner, toi two most attr. They receive a no)ei ugyrvi '..rîcago. o else hiotorarv président; 'Mrs. 1fo Wmansle Douglass of Lake Forest, president :,- Mrs. George A. Mason of ýHighl and Park and Mrs, Rov Bard and \fIrs Northridue uNOK t vN'iinetka, treasurer. Directors at large are -Mrs. Le slie F. Gates of Wilmnette, NIrs Granit Ridgivav of Kenilivorth, Mrs. Bruce MacLeishi of Gle.ncoe. Mfrs. Richard Ganibrili, Jrý of Evanston, 'Mrs. Wl iam J. Fyffe and Mrs. Jay S. GIid]- den of Highland Park, and MrsXil- ]iam E. Casselberry of Lake Forest. Coiniittee chaii-men are MNrs. Gai- brill, social; Mrs. Siddali, financial: At *eh Usmerck yemu wU appreciat. a lIcation ln the heurt of the City. hi addiion ta sdu oen- venienoes. as'-sueotntmi 'signais ... ftwaàter for bath . lead Ing Ic-waer..didse t. tempt iad.d Oppeites. 8*,d fer W.rldle Fuir beekiet Booms witUbath,. $3.30 up Ree*me wlthut bath, $2.80 ART KASSEL and his 'Kausmis in the Air" now play- ing nightly in the WaInut Room. No cover charge., *CLEARANCE SALE BEGINS FRIDAY . . . the day after Thankegiving., BEAUTIFUL CLOTHES, bearing the .prestige of The SPORTS. SHOP label. drastically reduced for one week onlyl The SURPLUS STOCK of the LAKE FOREST SFfOP included in ibis extraordinary clearance.. .class iactotums are the! ctive girls in the class. ndserve as ushers .at ail Miss Boylston prepared at New Trier $igh ent and enjoyed thé talk on china andi earthenware by a representative of Field's Evanston store, who illus- trated bis su Wj-ëi7wit h beautiful sample plates and told many interest- ing facts about the manufactui-e and decoration of china. After the program, refreshments were served by the hostess wJiô was assisted by Mrs. Harry D. Temporal and Mrs. H. B. Inizersoll lund is beïng given by thie iEvanston- M vontgomery, j r., Mvrs.A North Shore Smith club Wednesday. -Swaney, of Evanston, orv November 30, 12:30 o'clock, at the Donald Jones of Winnetka. I i Mrs. The SPORTS SHQP 976 LINDEN AVENUE HUBBARD WOODS The class of'1935 at Welltesley college, hoIiored Miss Patsy Ruth BRoylston, datighter of M-r. and Mfrs. Artheir Boylston of 220 .3roodzwa y, Wili.ette, when she teas chose', factotum at the rece>st ciass .electior. t'

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