path> Grade Separation WillSave Life Let'# Hasten the'Dag! If* one-desires toý discpver .the meani.inl,, of a certain course of action he can best discover it by .,discoverinig the probable, resuits of that course of aàc.- Pa ac ion. I1f. vou are thinking of' Taxes buyîng a car, not 'paying. vour: bis,, or of gettinig a. divorce,. or iii fact Of aniv lne of action. how .can v.ot i nost acctirately ibid out, what th e proposed -lne of action ineans? Ilere it'is. Think of the prob)able resits of each Une of cenuit and Nv&tî wil kn~ow, its meaning. Wliat is the ineaing of iiiv non-pay - nment of taxes? What wiIl be its probable tesuits? One of the very best ways of getting an answer to these questions IÎS to read carefu115 the letter sent soinie days ago by the Keniil\\ortli village and school trustees to the citizeîns of that village. Pay your 1928.,'1929, and 1930 taxes niow functioning. You ivilI théîî sooner or later have no schools, nu> parks, novilg govertnnîent. According to the letter, and suirely it is trust wort hv, If these back taxes arc xîot paid the schools xvill close onl or about February 11, 1933. "Slio'rtl<,thereafter po- lice protection anîd other local goverfi- mental services wilI be sever ' lv curtailed. Thlis psychonieter is just w-ha:t ve lhave been wvantinig for years. It is .so mutch better thanl the ordinarv ev eryday ineth- od pf reading character -bY a study of,.the îndividùal's .behavior. Wýe knoxv that an. Instrument, the lie-detector, .has been, in use for some. years, but here's> a device that ca> deteý ct wiIIp-pover and intellect. That .beats the lie' detector al hollovv. $uch aul ins trumenCilt should be. added to the' equipilent nowvin use by the psychologists %vorkiig at the -sehool. in lXin- lietka. *This very afternoon wve shail try out the Of al thc institutions on the ntorth shiore. that are to ail of us a matter of great pride, m o he fureiiiost is the Nationial College of- Eduica- One of tion. Though located on the Best the north shore, it is really a national institution, nunii- bering amiong its students, residefits f rom ail over the United States, and, indeed, froni lands; across the seas. If mie for anyv reason is depressed lie can get rid of his disagreeable fe-eling by totawlng $17,(Muhave Deenreceivea adur- ing the N ear 1931-32. 1 Cts certainlv worth be ing happy abou.t. l'le student niembei-ship is greater this yecar than last. V'ery ençouraging! The bu~dget for the v-ear hias been balanced. WVhat is so rare as a balanced budget! Gifts ainouinting toý $3.,000 wvere added to the loan scholar- ship fund.. That'Il1be a help. .ng laieghter -Be». F or czcry iîurr. An echo tit noup vibrates I mior kry. 1 zcatclî witlî dry eycs, sUlent Prouîd TO h avte è,a llcd oitfriend. J)oznthé vears, .1Mid iieoujtalinouts.strife .Iiid flicsoft,.sofit Plus ic 'Of driý-Pi;ig tc'ars, *-l-ie y9gofe too Soon To thie deccl, sileit pool Of Fiterllal RCst -Iiiinncée qf actual construction work on Wil- nittte's new w-aterworks appears to 'have given added impetuis to whatever opposition. stili exists. to this R. F. C. -loan..propelled: ùîrproynteint. Thee is. for example, the Evanston alderman, wlio, smart- ing under the sting of having Wilmette's regular ard sizable contribution cinitted f rom the Evanston \vater. bill wheni and after the new plant begins muinctioning blas called attention to the fact that i consequence of Evanston's brilliant illumination along- Is,-belia street (bordler line twixt the two towns) Xilmette officiais have deemed it wise and sen,ýible to avoid additional glare by completely I)lottinig ont al ight on their own side of the civisional thor.oughIfare. The nettled Evanstonian, 'tis said, proposes that, uniIess WVilrnctte reconsider and other in t-.ortai F lection aft(rrmaith-And tiien there xvas the f el- Iwwho ,vas overheard to remark. on the day after clection:Tht was quite a depression we 'had.'> What's Wrong. . . etc. ? the inspired proofreader: "The Healtfr Center (imte is your guardian as it works. unceasingly so that vou andl your children ma-, miove about mnore f reely with the danger, of mak- luctantly, flot being intimately acquainted with modes of fashiotnable hair-dressing. ences., vVould tnata iig s-o good a time! ts. wëre Iîav- ed Wo thé gout, a