Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 17 Nov 1932, p. 45

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programe chairman, 1Miss Dorothy Bichl.Btterpirs.Tepoganso 'Thle hall-hour mu .sicale preceding the, unusual interest, featuring a quintet, cards was well enjoyed. Miss Flora o rhsadawr o tm * Blumbauser, 'soprano soloist, gav'e in. larttadmocsb aga VI hrown dainty way, "Somew1here -a las Voice Is. Calling," accompanied by Miss Prof. Loval, Phillips Shawe, bari-- Mary Alice Shauglinessy, art chair-1tone of,.the'-faéulty, will ýgive a songr nman of the au.xiliary., The ýsecond num- 1 recital at MschlUiest *~ ~ ie asb Mi S Hlen Rohn, acconi-place and, Orringtonaeuo h plished acconipanistand teacher of the eeilg of Xednesday, Novembe r piano, playiing "[<eto." by CyrilScott16 Professoir Shawe will be: accom-1 and "Nocturne," by >Gni panied. c.ubc.y Miss Hadassali McGfilî, The last nuniberon the musicale was also' of the faculty. This recital1 is two sélections, "Stars of the Summer free to the public. Night' and "Summer Hush Son',"' by the, three Weber Sisters; a treat rare. in their fine accomplishment of, rhythm END ECZEMA and Iiarno.ii). The musicale was, in- 1)r. }rrL'on"l onderfuI new1v deed, a sparkling. note. on:which to open fe yènIa rnedy lias satrees§fuIIy. so ejoyblea brdgepary«.trentetl tIIIimu4t%.il any here in so ejoyble brdge art~ Mliniette. and 1% ,pel li on a Tfhe bridge -was thien taken o'ver by gunranîe. Mfiss Dorothy B3rooks, ways and means chairmian, who acknowledged the fol- lnttWliet2-O loNving donors of prizes; Mrs. Charles____________________ Barton, Mrs. Alfred Rohil, Mrs. Bernard Lynch, Mrs. joseph Kutten, Mrs. Hugh Kuhl, and Mrs. George Ortseifen. Donations also were miade by A. S. Van Deusen and J. B. Schloesser. The table decorations of fruit and vege- tables, true harvest oies, were donated by Troop 24; of the Girl Scouts Mr. and Mrs.. Frederick Leisch, 1040 Ashland avenue, and their daught.er, Betty Lou, have just re- turned from a visit with Mr. Leisch's parents in Wisconsin. Mfr. and. 'frs. Li M., Allen, ý23S Meirose avenue, Kenilworth, entér taineà a few friends at dinner and contract WVednesday e vening, Nov7- ember 9., -knows no depresson. We eau, say without boastlng that we aire showinx the lest line o@f Christ.. mas rards ever before -showii by us. Fromu Se to $Se wlth or wlth- ont your naine. D. PAGLIÂARULOý Phono WII.32 WEATHERSTRIP CALK THOSE DOORS AND WINDOWS NOW FRERE LSTIMA TE PROMPT SERVICE REASONABLE'PRICES iLLINOIS WEATIIESTRIP CO.ý b Rare H-ostesses of the evening wcre Mis \Tivye,îne Morin, Miss Mary Patter-, son, Miss Eileen O'Connell, ail of Wil- mette, and. Miss Marie Purdon of Glcncoe. Those assisting the hostesses included Mrs. Patrick Joyce of the mother club, Miss Dorthy Bichi. Miss Dorothy Pettitnger, Miss Mary Dillon of Kenilworth, the Misses Eulalia and Phyllis Barker, Miss Elizabeth Fitz- Patrick, and Miss MNargaret .Mason of Ch icago. At the board meeting held on Sun- Dr. and ' Warwickr tained the dinner Moni Appoint- unents Free Ref rigeration Filtering System Vacuum Cleaning Plant Exposure Ail Sides Large Rooms, Con WiIk to L.OP bridge cl mber 14. Ili

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