H7undreds of VolutèSoi- tors Now Caling Upon Vilgers orContributons WViln .ettc's aniual, Comniiuiity Chcst'c ampjaiguI to provide futids for the Board of Local Charities, Infant Welfare socicty, Arden Shore Rest camp .and the Cook' Countv Enicrg- cnicy Welfarc project, Was .lauilcled SuInday,. Noveniber 13, 'vhtns work- crs, the mnajority 'of wiom wvre wom!- cen, went about the gigantic task.of raising, $50,OO000, thc goal set by the Cl1est budget conmiiitte for this, year Organi'zed to canvass every block iii the village, thc solicitors miade it plain to the residcnts tlat the. irst $25,000 raised this ycar wilI go into the clhpst's own., funj( to, be distribiit- cd as follows: $15,OOO to the Boardl of Local Chiarities, ani. $10,000 ta be divided betwecen the Infant Welfarc socicty and Arden Shiore. Ail moncy collected over thie $25,000 indicated will go to thie Cook Counity Eînier,ý- ency Welfarc. fulnd as \Vilnwitte's shiare iii the county-wide relief bud- get of $7j500,000. Coutiuued Indefinitely Thie Wilmnette campaigii vilI bc conitinued indefinitely in order, thiat invitïng villagers te attend four illustrated. lectures te. be given by. Dudley. Crafts Watson of High- land, Park,: extension, lecturer .at the C hicago Art Institute, in the league's studio, CommupaityJ-b)îuse, Winnetka. The lectures. will -be Presen ted at 4 o'ceôck on con- secutive Sujnday afternoons: No- vember 27 and -December, 4, Il and Subjects lof, the lectures, ini the o rder to ,bc, presetcd are an- nounced as'follows: . 'Art for Beauty-theAppeal of the ,Beautiful ini Art"; "Contem-' porary Art-in New York, ýChi- cag and Arizona"; "Russia'sý Conitribution-Before the. Revolu- tien and Since"; "Genesis to Rev- elations-Religious Art Through the Centu*i." Series tickets niay be obtained ini the follôvving places: Wilmetje -ynan's anîd Renneckar's drug stores; Winnetka - Community 1-buse and Winnetka'State Bank; Glencoe -ý- Hillman's Pharia.cy; Hlighland Park - _Gzell's Drug store. Series tickets may also bc obt'ained froîn the following coin- miittee niembers: 4liiicd MI Badleydirector of the Chicago Academy of Sciences, a noted naitfralist, *ravrier atsd /'hotographer, w4lI address the ft'i,wtte. SuJîday E vening club Noveber20, in the auditoriumn of flie First Con gregational churck. Jle will present unuiisual motionl pictures of birds and ailier wi4ld- if e. It is announced that iegion Armistice cer wàs tn have hppn inclii the Ameérican PropertyO w n e r s Plan In- junction Proceeding9; Board Opens Contractors' Bids While the Village board bas ýoPened bids for the construction of the pr7o- Ipose(l new. waterworlçs and ýwater suppl' y system for Wilmette 'and Ws prePared to award the. côntract, ini- junction proceedings intended-to pre-m vent tbe starting of work on the pro-, ject are .pending., The Village board bas been nfotified that a bill for injunction is being pre- pared by -the law firm of Deneen, Healy and Lee of Chicago'on behalf of unnamed property owners in the vicinity, of Michigan and Lake avenues. The proposed site for the waterwo rks is at the foot of Lake avenue. Terumed Nuisaue. .Property owners opposing the erection of the water works contend tliat its construction would constitute a nuisance in the vicinity of the pro-ý posed site for the structure and that it would have a derogatory effect on adjoining property.. At its. regular meetiig 'Nuesav stated this wvcckthiat, wvhiIe favor- able reports liave beeni received f roi several. of the districts, actual fig- ures inidicatiiug amnounits pledged by villagers %vill iiot be , available ulntîl late this week. Makes Correction Iii providinig a list of' additional workers iii the Chiest campaigui, Mrs. Gates also called attenition to the f act tlhat throulh error. the list submitted J~~~' ildv wu; ils. (Il. Mis -l~. ~.x Gnlach, aild M LouBurtin; m e w:ird IBî'h'n and IrI- vol-Jeffi, Tielkets for individual Ifretureý on sale offly at Wiinne-tka Con nity 1House. Dinner ci axW Alfred M. Bailey is a naturalist with glî&'r, aw experience and knowledgc of Cado the birds and mnimals of this and ey. other lands. In 1913 he was a niember sare of the U. S. Biological Survey ex- rumu- pedition to Laysan Island, one of the H-awaiian group. He was curator of birds and mammnals in the Louisiana inusetîin for thiree years and becaine eS thoroughly acauainted with the life of nids. on the various- portions of the project are being tabulated and checked over. Low Bid $381,443 Bids were submitted under seven separate classifications -waterworks structure, piping and filter equip- ment, pumiping equipment, electrical work, engine generator unit, intake and sixteen-inch connecting main. The lowest combination of bids for the entire project amounted to ýSenior meet -with Mrs. John C. ]Baker, 3471 campus musical org, churchI Maple avenue,., next Monday after- 1 is a member* of th noon.* * Iwhich played Giese's S. :neV wAUitilJiU 4 ausiness ni, quartet home of: Mrs. Cedric Su Y jroad, Kenilworth. coopei of ti affairè at meR Esgex