Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 17 Nov 1932, p. 23

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"BlGGER AND BETTER'" Plans are coming along at . high speed to make the Girls' club~ bazaar of :1932 bigger and better than ever. Surprises are.,in store for ail. 1Fuît, gaiety,. color .and- amusement .will combine' to produce a reel honest-to- goodessbazaar. ASk your graridmothers about the old coun1 ty fairs if You 've -,neyer been' to' otie, and transplant .al that noise, -cheer, ecstasy, delight, joy, mirth and originality-v to the New Tr.ier. nmess hall 'and. you willI have a fairly accurate1 picture of the Girls' clubibazaar of December 3. llie booths will bie piled'.high withi an al)uni(1lce of clever, luxurious, unlique, 'faticy, artistic, droîl, extraor- dinary andl curious. th.ings, mai3' suit- able for gfts- aid al priced, under onîe dollar. The- place 'NviI1, look 'as though M Iother Bounitifuil pouired hier %vares iinto our laps, and we, in return able, unparalleled, precious and in- comparable things will be on display. 'lhle old barriers of depression and lack of school spirit and cooperation will be broken down to add another to the already nuinerous Girls' club triumnpls. Alert, industrious and agile girls have worked liard and long to assure the suiccess of what is the big- gest afair *of thec year for the Girls' club. Diligence, skill, eniergy, keenness anld 2(laft.tal1itV hýhav iretrifcir Policeman: "Wc're looking for a drowned man--" Festive one: "Whlash yer want onie for?" To à Dreamer He-Bits, ail day ln study. hall; 0f any grade1 he's ýproud. 11e ,turps.his face tomward the wall ,And then- hé mnores out Ioud.- Perbaps of hlgher grades he dreams -Or- of orne future needs. Sometime, imayhap, 10 hlm it ceeme He'll do eome actual deeds. I do. not. mmd hlm when'he dreams- Its "Orlng'that là bad; îAnd, If he keeps it up, it seems T'il have to kill that lad. -Ed Frazer, '33. We hate to drag Dora into tbis, but no foolin'-sbe,,thinks* the White House spokesman is the man who. fixes the, whçels on the President's car., Blotto: "My, what a cute baby! Ilow long lias he beén jà1king?'> Proud mother: "Ever since he %vas nîne months old." Blotto: "Gee, he must be tired." Tempus Fugits (that's for the guy wbat says this colyum ain't high- hrow> and it will soon be too late to do it early. Get your date s now for thiat great play, "The Road to Ves- terday," to be presented both Friday and Saturday nisrhts. Let us, warn, last Saturday lu the second, third and fourth quarters.ý Dablquist.made the first ýpoints on a pass firom Byrnes.ý The try for the extra tally on, a cen- ter plunge failed. luInthe third quar- ter, Legg scored on an :off -tackle smas§h fromn the 2-yard u ne.' By rnes pas sed to Babcock for the extra point.: Babcock intercepted ýa New, Trier pass on. the Evanston .40-yard huie late - in- the fourth quarter and ran -for a touchdown. A pass for the extra point. was incomplete. NEW TRIER (0) EVANSTON' (19) Wilder, LE Volght O'Leary LT Wells, P. Dostai LG7 Jordan Adams C, Wood, WNYhite'(capt.). RG, Przybylskl Burril RTElden .Schumian RÉ Clltff Green QD l3abeock Ross Lîf1 Byrnes Laing lP Dahitjulst Touehdowns: Dahlquist, Legg, Bab- oint after touchdown': Babcoek. Substitutions: New Trier-Rico for Burril, Campbell for White, Kleaner for Swirles, Dempsey for Ross, Wright for Laing, Carlson for Green, Hlansel for OLeary. Evanston-Legg' for Kirkland. Officiais: J. R. Holway, referee: *H. R. Crook, umnpire; George Greene, hea<l Ilnesnian. Seore b>' Perlods: Xew Trier ..............O0O0O0O- t Evanston.......... 0 6 7 6-111 trne and again, but the (Green and Gray line, héld. After Seiler's longpnt that car- ried the bail well into Èvanstoin terri-, tory, Evanston fumbled and' New Trier recovered. On the next -PIÎY, Nordberg threw a :30-yard pasto, Sciler who ran .10 yards for the onl&ï New Trier touchd 1n.T he try f ci extra point failed. The score 'rernained 6 o 0untif the last inute of play when-after a long pass from Seller to Ballenger for what was thought to be a New Trier touchdown, the bal. was brought, back- and New Trier was penalized for interference-Champion went back and.passed to Frankc be- hind the goal line for the Evanston touchdown. Siddeil kicked the extra point, making the score 7 to ' 6, and hegun ended the gaieaftertu kick-off. This struggle climaxed the 193-2 Suburban leagu/ schedule with the following final sandings: Won Lost Evanston,..........5 O New Trier .............. 3 2 Proviso.......... ....... 2 2 Oak Park .............. 2 3 Morton................2 3 Deerfield ...........0 4 and vîvacious.girls %vîi] e on11iidito, treat you 10 t.he many deliglhîs. Helpj celebrate the return of prosperity byi buving of the profusion of fancy things which' will adorn the carefully constructed booths. .See the blithe, glowing, ardent girl s seli their ivares to the. eager and thr 1lled public. Join the crowd. On December 3, ail roads wil lead to New Trier's mess hall. Just remeeu- ber that anvthing is yours for one Tetra: "I thoughit you could keep a secret * " Ethyl: "I kept it a week. What do you thiink 1 am,; a cold storage plant?" Mv advisor is one of the Threeý Mlusketeers. He says 1 musketeer before 8:30. Brechwitz: "I passed' by your house 1The irst of a series of sophomore N E girls' assemblies was given on Thurs- Pr( day, Novemnber 10. Christopher Mor- Do, 1 M Iey's play,. "The Rehiearsal," was pre-. Sel seîted by mnembers of the sophomore GIE class.. the draina was coached by .A P Virginia Flannerv. and Lorraine Rus- Wi sellhadchare o th proertes. Nô The cast follows: sr Freda, the. director.. Beverley Baird Da Ba.rbara a............. Pr-siHawkey S Chri.qtine....... .......Carol Tugaw for (Trtrude........Mary 'Mai strovich F Bob0h arlcness, Laury Dothol. .meet. . rie nas neen pîcugea ti. Publicity committee-Bud Thack- Phi Delta Theta fraternity. Du eray, cliairman, D ick Oppenheimn, bis higb school days Don was- Bob Greenhalgh, James Donovan. Trier's Suburban champion haif à LT LOx RC 1RT, RE

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