wlih Mr.. B.. t'8 nlot.f00 ot.t change to outà otl, deongs eo A FEWycars ago Mr. B 'was4 furnace-fusser himseif. But not any more. He got the factsi about clean, carefree gas heat- and now he sitscomfortably in his favorite easy chair ail evenîng long - with neyer a worry about heating bis home. Ic's always just think.gas heat expensi1ve. Free ostimate. One of the Public Service Compahys heating engineers wi Il be glad to cati at your home, measur~e yu omadmk ree estimate of what gas heat will cost during an average heating season. Many families are finding gas heat much cheaper than they had imaigined. oMo-Nua- I roowRvasjw hon. u'ith ga last >va,. Ge a free estimate for pur honu. s