As is the rustOi of 'tiv lt:ub;l points brouglit out by' thli speaker are after- %wards discussed quiiteful':ni- * rnirIally andI tlitire is a ver hlpful v-ýwfange of ideas. r hére will also bç,àý talJ< bý- George ~.Mlitrewo is also mcll knowij tio chli m ernerS, ha*Ing presenteci stt>jctsQn.prMis occas ions.. He 'ý(1l talk at this nmeetingý on "Peat.'" *There hias becn a growifile intcrest in rcc,.t y %cars nlu atanmnanv want * to know~ more abOut it. Mer. Nfcin tYrc will. cover the ý.stbje(.ti torouigh*-. Diesinwill i>e furnislicd by a musical pr'ogrami by Mrs., Charles Th'le norninat ,ng commt. iittee apl- poiiitcd ;ît the last m<xetiumg bv the m4r~fent.Paul Laflg, wlxvi 'o nike il irc'nort. Nosthridge Notes *The November meeting of the-- Northridge Woman's Club ill be heIl iie-,t Monday evening at the home o Mrs; R. C. Qriinlevan, .1928 Thorn- wodavenue. Thie speaker for the vnmg is A Christianson of the china departmnent buiding fund, Inembers- find a ready made menu for their convenience, and the cooks, of course, are rePaid 'for their efforts. So0 it is he-a beriefit sat.e7a The menu for next Wednesday-in- cluides hom e baked beans, honest-to- Roodniess brown bread, cabbage salàd and pumpkin pie. Bread and eakes ad Iib. Orders may belft* for Thanksgiving candies., for the niaking of.which one membher bas a flair; for' mince1 meat, minced by one of your friends: for Scotch shortbread. It is indffeed a lhlday ýtable. Mrs. W.e H. Thayer is in charge. of ,the. Corner Cupboard, assisted by M rs. F. L, Tolman,- Mrs. W. E. Har- ide. Mrs. S. 1. Kaufmani, Mrs.W- ter Morey, Mrs. Arthur C. Schwarm, NIrs. Hloyt King. large sunroom, gay with Hallowe'eni decorations, lias becoie a symbol of good cheer and seems permeated with the spirit of friendliness and - joyous hospitality. After dinner Mn Johnson sbowed sorne amusing moving pictures, games and stunts and old fashioned dances, including the - Virginia reel, were gaily indulged in, and for one eve-I occasion is as follows: W. Cà T. U. MEETING "Serenade-" words by *Robert The Wilmette-Wîinnetka w. C.-'i. Browning. music.,by Gena Brauscon- U. wiII meet at the >hoe of M4iss de; "ýA Green Corn Id," words lv y.Struggles, '1620. Spencer avenue,- Christina Rossetti, m iui by' Michael Wilmette, Monday, November 14. at; Head; "Last- Rose of Summner.P" 2 i,ntheafternoon. Mou OU*t SEMI-ANNUAL 1Y31½ DISCOUNT SALE 0-F ,HATS. Mrs. D)avid Johinson (ini Clevclaidý Mrs. P. J. Church, -philiinthropy avemne ias attended by' tft Fti,,uLst,,ichairman, and Mrs. Bruce Reynolds attired in 'comic and iancifiil cos- were in charge of arrangements for Mirnes. I)inhler was servvd at smnall the party. talsin the spacious -,tn roiimm Eth Mrs. William Hughes asks meni- J 'hISmi'home. bers and friends to reserve the eve- llTne Northridge nvgIboIý and iing of Sa ' tirday, November 19, frieids oi the johinsons have tiljoye(! whicb is the date of the card party to timir -gracious hospitalit ' on a 11n-lmbe given at the Masonic temple, de- ,ier Lof previous occasions .and th1i> Itails tn bc annonint wee v