Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 10 Nov 1932, p. 21

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over that Ceami this Iiext Saturday at A TREAT AWAITS YO New Trier. 'l'le dramatic scason will be hailed 'l'lie best gaine that. New Trier has 011 n Nuvernber 18 and 19) by a great andI played -titis year. bowýled over Deer- *uisurpassed performance of_"Thie RoadI fie]ld, whiich wvas no set7up, as it had, to Yesterday." Alfred lýunt nd_ tied Proviso the. Saturday before. P~olltatlnie coukI l t inspire you mnore !ro s allte 0o113 teain that hias de- thaif (1 our actors aild actresses. Theirieft-td. Neu? Tri,ýr this season. p)ose, diction,« their very. moveients-1 1New\ Trier starte<t off late. il, tthe .11 funih ou .it lnsppesibéflrst quarter with >a.touclidown jiýaftere ~~git7i.îs~yOU.~. ~t Wu, long passes to, Siiale îîa<î Sec Ille future Ainirican stars- of bùàught ihe bal to the Deerfieid five-+ teage nkthrfataprncs yard Uane. Dahi, trièd a Une buck but \o poail dd't1e - îl wrYjas stopped. :Sniale carried the oîTa1 mnore iiib, r h rs. W9'g ýtoie thec inl-;rd or ne; .Dahi then 1) r frs apeaâlie.Ji an pushe(l t vrfr the first toucli- cha~lPe<l ISé ftur Br.ni jdowli. He made the try for extra chae tsem utreerrr ores ain t ther uenîerappearatict-s. Coule and i Defed hw oe watch thean play to a packed,,house and i1.D.ril hw oe hear the .cheris dapas fte Deerfieid crossed the Nev Trier crowd1 in aw-c' and amnazement at the goaIl une tvvice ini the second quarter. talent dîSpiayçd bý-thé v n Icayers. The first touchidown was scored on a Voi w.vi lfot Ol ' jo o se elsof bard' une drives, and P. AI- laTlnitisciy . ~ eiiiO youa elf fiiîally carried thepginaos iiiienslybutýý\il1 he justifiably ePetersonro*s vr4d f tieefforts )f the cast and Nevrierkick-ed the extra point. and NewoTrier funîbled on its own 30- directors. YVoitxviI heartiiy approve yard line and on the next play a long r. "f. ýthis t:hQrougbly educating atvt. <fOIAlnt ~esa 1'he tine and effort spent on these co:nplete for the second Oeerfield performances is doubiy repaid if we touchidown. Peterson made the c x- are sure of ,your deiight and coin- tra point. mlelldation. Corne andI enjoy'.yourself, New Trier camne back wvith a raliiy Keen Rivalryl'eaturcs N. T. Debating Season 'ihe ottstanding featitre of Necv T i' 1er dtebaýtaaîg tis ycar Is5tu bcthe kçeen. conipetition boith for- positions, ona the teai and fo:r iae-shbs andl put 'the bal over twice ini the second quarter. Nordberg passed 35 yards to Ballenger for the second touchdown but the try for tlue point %vas blocked. The third touchidown caime the sarne-way on a long pass froi,» Nordberg to Sciier, and DahI, made the point. This ended theý Aine: "Aýre, you gonfla be busy Jane: 'iIow shouid 1 know? If*s Miy first date :with. hlm.' We doa't like. the depre-ssion any better than you do, but remnember a depression as: just a hole alid-a hole. as nothing. at ail,- so why, worry about nothing? . . i.'Be satisfied witb a littlel1 The atonm took,,its spiit with- olnt conaplafining. Dutchinan (Îin cigar store): '-Have you aniy pertecoS?. She: "No, mine al hbave bunbons on eip 11:.30 Saturday Night 1 After wvc beat Evanston Saturday. don't take tae -goal posts to the VIC- TORY DAN1CE.- . Let's be sat-, isfied with a good share of the gate. FLEES FROM FOREIGN LE- GION APTER TWO YEARS- headiine. That's nothing, we had 'cmn after two days on our campig trip. 0Officer H-app: "Hey, therel Don't you know you can't turn aatound on this street?" Student:. "Oh, I think I can make "Two sandwiches are such an insig- nificant thiaag toc) remember and yet'. if every student would renember, we wvouid. have fifty large cardboard boxes fi lied to the top. Can't New, Trier students remnember that others besides themselves are: .hirgr y?, You, and you and you remember next. week, won't you? "Dén't forget: Wrap.cach sand- wvich separtely-don't use rubber baiids; any kind of food, and candies and bacon drippings are more than %veiconae. Next Wednesday-rememn- ber REMEMBERI REMEMU- Lens Cltib Nominates Threfor President The following have been nominated for president'of Lens club for' the year 1932-33: Walter Merrili, Sam Rockwell and Ned Shapker; for vice- president, Janie Bull, Hermona Clark, MNartha Gilhiofer, Jane Sundiof ,and Muriel Reynolds; for secretary, Car' olinie Clark, Vivian Grigsby, Betty Philips and Luella Hollister; for treasurer, Earl Moss, jack Winter, Lyiman Sandy and Clinton Demmon. Thie first ballot was held last week ; Donahue', Bruce llison, Glen, .Waiker Deerfield got the bal and attempted anad Chick Anderson. Hlowver, these to kick. the oval was biocked 'and J. e xlperieictced mi en pc to find il Allen fèlJ. on the hall for a safety. kecn going" agaiaisL the renîarkably Seiler * ccounted for Ncew Trier's fine new matenial. that is deveiop- fourth touchdown, after a long pass ing. These recruits Nwiii bc orgaaa- fromn Nordbcrg to Willianms put the * ized it0 teanms of thrcecach coach- bail on the five-yard liue. The kick cd hv a veteran debater and sched- was blockcd. uiled to appear in an elimination con- After the fourth quarter opened. test. which wiil enabie Coach Chies- Dahl grabbed the baIl and raced 45 ter E. ,\,aclcaiito i oose a teani. .,yards, and then aftcr -tvo. plays Mrt. Schumacher tells us that it is the duty of the recording secretary of the Chess club to read 'lie hours of. the last meeting. "Our cheanistry teacher talks to hlinself. Does yours?" 'Yes, but lie doesn't realize it-hc thilnks we're listening." The class teains in both hockey and soccer are to be chosen next week îMiss Sinith stated that there would be a few gaies next wcek, which wouId lbc watchied for good material. Aniyone not playing ncxt week may corne out after the regular gaines, and there will be a game organized to give these girls? a chance to try out for'-the ......... ... . . .... . r. * eorge "Red" Browning, '32, ha& 8 '14-42 been elected treasurer of the fresh- ôo 0-44 man clasÉ at Armour institute. and i5 a 'm of. the Da:

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