Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 10 Nov 1932, p. 20

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The Inquiring Reporter ha. ob- talned the foîlowing comment. of promnent Winnetka men on New TRieR News NoTEs: M. K.' Méyer, president -of the Winnetka Trust andt Savings bank, said: .461n my perusal of .WINNETKA TrAtic I skimn over the News NoES. The articles on the ùuuual. happen- ings,, such as the concerts or plays, interest nie par ticularly.ý I arn inter- ested in the different departments, anld the write-ups concer ning thent." George C. 'Getgood, director of CoffiiiÛrity House, encourages the studlents by stating: - 1.always look for the NFwS, No'rk,. and enjoy them very nuîch. 1 tlintk,thle wit. is. wittv and thée ncs newsy. I eau find- 11< iault with.tlic NEWv., NOTES, but if I shouki, 1I wiII drOP ;aI ote to the staff." W." A. B3arr, teniporary dvaieinari of the Denmocratic lîeadquarttrs of Win- nietka,. saNys: -1 believe the work of the staff in getting out the News Noirs very coinnendable. They are to be comnended in their aggressive- ness in putting it in the village paper where every one can read it. 1 do flot read the No'rEs thoroughly, I must confess, but I read the head- lines and then read articles which inerc, n- 1 k he ik.;ir New Trier will hold an ail-sehool pep, meeting this Friday afternoon. before the Evanston game, in the old auditoriumn, at 3 o'clock.. Lawrence, Buckmaster, senior foot- bal inaiager, ii in charge of the ýarrangements., Interesting speakers have been secured, including Mr. Gaffney,, Head Coach Aschenbach, Coach Delaporte and Captalin Saminy Srnale. :There is. also to be a'surprise speakerwho wilI not be announced until the meeting. The band ill play. the school songsý and the cheer lead- ers %vill lead the students in yells for the teamn. It bas been, arranged with the North Shore lne to hold the tripper at ýschool until after the meeting' so that ail stuidents in school will be able to attend. 1 f tIl c earniwilis this- ga#îc witil 1,-vans;ton, New Trier %vill tic for t1le eiîampions.ip. Seniors at New Trier Take Intelligence Ti The 'seniors were given an inti gence test on Friday, Novembet The test, which is the saine ast given to. fresbnien ini universi t. t s [ ci $75. This Saturday. the game with Evanston, New Trýier's keen- eýst rival, promises to.be the Most exciting. The sales at thisý gaule aIreexpectedto total $150. p "There certaitily can. be no. pro- test.against the tenpting.bot dogs sold 4y the girls,. Don't forget the moniey goes to, a worthy cause. andt treat yourself to some real. refresl'ments -for'the benefit of,,th-e -Girls' *club as well as your own," the leaders remind. lThe financial committee, headed. by. Helen Shepard dese rves. spe- Cial coimmendation,' because of faithful %vork, it is stated.ý December 3 to Be ýa Me-no.able Date on kcnb. 3 the Necv Trier Girls' clubI wvilll bob-iits' hi-ailnuial bazaar, the l)rOcýcüelý of' i wh go to the scholar- shlip fiund. E.very oflicer and girls' a dvisecr-roiu rep)rueentative is work- inggliard for the success of the affair. ' le- ooths wvill include: paper, Frenich, iiov lty. f ood, candy, silk stokins. ider and doughnut, tea liceckroou. Nvhitc elephant, and svrlothiers .wich have flot been an- )il Friday and Saturday, Novetubcir IS and 19, thc.eNe Trier Dratiel( chl.) w~il present the firstplay pof the cur e lit season in the scýhôol atsditor-, 1mtiii. l TIe production will * be "IR I(ýaaI to- Yesterday" .byv Dix alif Stihe.1rland(.,Miss Elisabetil Stanj ano d u C ordon Van Kirk (À tlin lîigh. scbool English. faculty.a coaching. A\ different cast ilgv thie Play each night. Theî play is lased on the ,o(1ltiu stition that aux' wishes truade o-n iý sunmnier eve vi.ll, corne truc,. 'The, fîrsi and. fourth ac ts are laid in London ir 1932 andth seconi1 and third act In rural -Englankl in 1632. .Ispeth,. thi 1hleroine. fias. a great fondness for tliL sevententh centur%. After>a strviiiu eus (lay of* visitiig ail the old andhi toric places in, London. which, o' course, are. legion, slice cats d.irnnr ai thle "Clieshiire Chie-ese." On arvn hiome slie déclares,' as 'she' has (i- clared many times before, that li wishIes >lie could have lived Min tc 1600's. When, Charles 1 Was King At tlie end of the first act lite trafisportc(l to the reigii of Charles I in accnrdance with her oft-expresse& desire. This dreani of bers is die re- suit of fatigue frôm her heavy siglit- seeîng trip) and an attack of, indi-ges tion f roi her "delicious but dlange(r_ tnem greatly. ' conîpl< "We sincerelylhope that Mr. Get- o.e good %vill have no reason for his kind mette, offer," the Inquiring Reporter de- entire clares, "but constructive criticîsmn ; at. fromi any one will be greatly appreci- ated, This paper is for you, each and every one of you.' We cannot per- Richý sonally, interview every one, but if dent a atiy of you have any ideas on the Minn., n with the help of the senior! or gins. nrs, cnsedo fvepr: tlwc sec yen at New - Trier on etion, artificial languqges, arith- Dceiner ?" te Ginrls iqub ire, an analogies, and opposites. The' then :iddl, IeGil'cuwihst exautination tcok one hour and trs to thle residents of Jie township that this will be a l'argaiit bazaar with AIlprices io (?correspond-,with, the ALU NI EWScondition Of pocketbooks." ar d Schuettge, '30, nom Carleton coliege, No Trier Girls 'r roles iwthe fourth act.--"- The . çisillusionment upon awýaking is -difficuit for Elspeth, though sht feels relieved that she can return ht( the twentieth century and have Ja(-k. too. Predicts Excellent Performance Ani observer, who has been attend- ing -the- rehearsals faithfully, reports, that ail indications lead to a grand performance. Don't forget the date. r mhe school wanfler may DC d by copiparlng the scores regular tournaments. 1 dancec used by ineli or

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