Miss ~r. I. .158<1 Ual V1~. J ~Junior church wl aefor. the iftIe fédik~ mwhil their parent.4 tire at wore,,*. Mv. tinle'y Peteson Is in charge. Our Sundav school mleets at :3.wt laspès 'Or: .1il ages. 'elvt O to- association of tplerica. 1sidnety Dayiýes, son of; Mr; and Mjrs.. [Johni H.Dàavýies, 904 Chéstnut. streect, i pnding sÉeveral weeks * on the Cot- ton plantationî of his Îaet-nIw theý Hope Thôtinpsonis, near, Horners- ville iny. southerru Missouri. He .wen t I dowm to be there,(lriflg the Cotton-, - î>ck'ng season aaîd expects to returul <)ur Men's'Bible -ciass, 'wh mesftJilotile inianothewek li ,4O o'elôck, la studylng the, teaehings of JeÏlus lIn the Gospel, of John.. wf- invite: thé nmen oôf thoi eôontintyt> Margaret. E'beliing, daughIter of- the Jil i:. rdrc O Ebelin s, 726 NintIt nîeEndavo ýovl-tj '-lstre et, wlbie honte i roui Rockford !11ien 5hr,10a Edeavor 1 <'ChIt4V 1.I college> this week-end. She wîi1l brinig !19.<>lakwoodeqvenu4t. Ewr*HI wlia group of classrnates as b er guest-. ~-ad.t.e tneîsgtnt-the tolite will. be, WhtShould «-lBe Our -Attitude~ ToWçird ~Vcane~esOur Omin and.Otiiers.1" Thisf ta etrow-ng'rpd~ ' Invite' fi - o<>ing :r>oi>le. to join . Suhe a E fe¶i»g olub -,t 7 m<in~riayor of Biorinbiy and presiden; - f the,.-Tfdi-în Legisiative Asenlandi ýolower oif r-midhl. lie will spea-.k on *'nnitioin~ h- ndia. Thie NN'iltimtt. Post '.1' thpi Arnerlcan L.egion Wil qondiur 'j <-n Avi'fll5tco J)ay service pr't the f * tddress. * Nil . IleQ of1 tue ay nsîinbe ~jn~ o Il. of th WNsan's scl)etyi ihlr.jantes Fi. Rlowley. Il? 12. rent-1 ><avenîue. GLENcOQE,.ML TUESDAY, NOV.: 15, 1932 8'.00 PoM- To be gir.en by FIRST CHURCH0OF CHRIST, SCIIENTISI- 0F GLENCO!E, ILLINOIS. THE, PuBLic Is CORDIALLYý INVITBD TO ATrEND -u I. s U T T'h6 *chorus choir wll1 ee's on Fr!- daty eî'eninig, Novezuber 18, promptly «at ,cl<kat the. hbne. of Mr. and Mrs. * 1;ger, 131ý Elmwood.avenue. Auxiiary. niemibership inhEie Chapel In.ýýtituite may ho had diring the nxlonthi ..,f N'oveinber froin Mr,;. Earl Low. 'The Presbyterian College of Christian FEducation wvill hold its Fait Tea on Sunday afternoon-, Novemnbür 1.1, froxn :1 ii.5 o'cIock. Friends of -thé, CôIIègt. ire invlt.ed. The SPORTS SHOP 976 LINDEN AVENUE HUBI3ARD WOODS SPORTS and TRAVEL TWEEDS* .rough. .colorful *..interesting. Furred or tait- I I Ph~ iL 32