ing to Mr. rKinne, wyouiu ai iûw the few have as yet responded. Maybe city of Chicago to domfinate the en- you didn't receive your letter. May- l ire county, and the suiburI>s us separ- 4e you have just forgotten to re- 4jte Villages wouki virtuaily c-ease to spond. Maybe you don't realize boW Q xist.great is the need. 'lhle bill further provides, --\r. Kinne The committee knows. It asks a ..aîd, for increased salaries for the generous response immediately. inayor of Chicago and the president of Kindiy sendi your big rh eck to thie corinty board as, nembers of the Mrs. John C. Carpenter, 239 Essex tr')tosedl newv central, taxing body. road, and thus aid, anxious commit- Board Action Emphatic tee to carry on this good ,work. Following Trustee Kinne's explana- - - -_____ îià,il of the bill, the Village board flot' 'njly Nwent on record as unanimousîy 1Postoffice to Close lPposed. toaitbut. instructed Villagel tN o r itc a Clerk Nicholas P. Miller ta address tN o Ar iic Da lu-tters to, the. various. civic organiza- The Wilmnette postoffice Will close .ïons urging their cooptration in fight- at 12 o'ciock noon on Armistice, day. igi..Friday, November-1H. Postmaster Xiembers of the judiciary committee .- the board, of wvhich Trustee Kinne i,' chairman, were instructed ta attend: as officiai represen tatives of this Vil-f lage a meeting to be held in Oak Park Mh fbIF Iris £1 'L'uesday night, November 22, when' plans wili be made to take such steps as may be necessary ta de feat . the pré-T EM iosed ýbill ii i the legisiature. The'OakT1] P'ark. meeting will be, attended by offi- C M L Eut fe ciais of, suburbs in, ail parts cf Cook C M LT nois ~outy.relet. with every busine \Viimette officiais were invited toat- P telid the 'meeting by .W ose, merchants progressive. president of the village of Maywýood,- Shop in the convenient Te atnd A. W.. Hoiden, a trustee of, that vîllage, Who cailed upon Village Mani- atger C.,* M. Osborn ta extend the in-, vîtation. SHAWNEE P,~p~g'hnI ~ W~i1FURRIERS - TAILORS P=-cha GrAt'~~a in ill------- Y Y V KM m Meet Tuesdaiy, Nov. 8 'T'h e Logan-Howard Pre-School -rOup Wili hod its regular monthiy ineeting, at' the' Howard. school library i » 1'uesday evening-, November 8, at 8 'clfoçk. The periôd *Will. be devoted to Leüsson I-"Physical Devreiopmnent," of thé Ohiocourse in Parental kd.(ucation for a. Pre-School-Prîmary group (first year), by Dr. Jessie A. Char'ters. This group is, attemeting s'ore se riOUS wOrk this year and any- 'nel interested in such is invited to at- tend the meeting, it is explained. Ross Tarrant, -on of Mr. anxd M Robert Tarrant of 1250 Chestnut av'v- nue, ivili be' host, at gamies aüid a Overcoats-Laalies-Mens, cl.aned and pressed .. 5 (Fur' trimmued extra) 521 4th St. Phone W~i. 1907 MANNP5 FOOD SHOP OPEN DAYS PER WIEEIK C OMPLETE FOOD SERVICE .SALADS -COLD MEATS PHONE WIL. 9S4 403 LINDEN EDW. W. HELMOND'S RENTAI. LIBRARY JIG-SAW PUZZLES A nnounci*ng thte opening oé/ THE CANDY BOX andTHE BOOK MARK on nSeturday, November 5th ai i1159 Wilmofle Avea in the. BROWN BUILDING [NAL DISTRICT.b ~-f ii the Terminal District, providing a shopping section ess ta meet every need. Its stores are modem. 1If Uheir merchandise is the best and moderately priced. erminal District for values and satisfaction. WINBERG' S D.RUGS RELIABLE P. RESCRIPTIONS e PHONE WILMETTE 4500 ot purposes. Fricssc iusu uytdI7IIII you can spare.-Mrs. H-enry Cutier, chairman. Note: Economy shop is conductéd by the Woman's club of Wilmette. Proceeds go te charlty. Specil Tis Week Ladies> Silk. Hose 59c pair 2 pair, $1.00 4 19 FOURTH STREET [Po ana me . ....... .. :EMANENTS $i.00 AND TTP 417 LINDEN AVE. PHONE WIl. 4S01 516 FOURTH ST. Phone W&L Sm4 -CIZEK'S- ShieId of Qi.aIity StSee 405 LINDEN AVE. EXTRA SPECIALS None-uc .Mincem eat, 2 2 9-oz.ý pkgs. .......23 Snider's To mate CatsuPt 7 -2 li-oz. bhottes27 Mazola 5Sald Oil, 41 2 pint cans ........ i Pabst,.ett Cheese,27 2 pkgs ........ .27