, a view Of ti. beaut y to the borne grounds. The facilities of this beautiful borne are yours, Win ie of need. Oulr Mortuary is Equipped %with a Pipe Oirgan- ',/vJl-'UNI)RTAIK I "The House ofProaSeic"J 1118 GREENLE-AF AVE.' WILMETTE 654 554 CENTER ST. WINTKS0 The Oldeat Established Undertakàera on? the Immediate 'North Shbore Superior Ambulance Service Licensed Lady Assistant OMd Mans Wister1E. Gel YOM if Von,' COAL fIN ÏIan'..t FE" Don't^ let cold weather catch you un- awares. Fi your bin now. Remem- ber-it costs you iéss to heat your bouse if you buy the right fuel. Don't experiment .. . our fuel bas been tested for years by household- ers Who prefer it above ail others. Clean, convenient and economical! GOAL HEAT COSTS. LESSI Wilmette coal & aterial Yard 1301 LAKE AVENUE PHONE WILMETTE 4200 6Eleotrie 740- Tw.Ilth Stre Openu17A. M.t Let'8 Go ta' Steetheart 9 P.M Tosvn Phone Wllmeo691496