Here's Your -9Chance. to Corner. the ý.."REG' LAR FELLE R S" MARKET. You know how 'it is when you think 6ôf *your boy. You.want bimn to have the best 16f everytbing., And when he cornes -to "theé best dad in ail the world" witb oneé of bis boyish wishes you Usually get it for hini if You4 POSsibly can. That was truer a few years ago than it is *todar. Then when tbings Were rosy, if that "reg'lar feller" asked for some of those things that deligbt boyish hearts .. . . you dug and he got it readily. This was true in the greater num- ber of homes. Now it's differenL. For majiy dads don't have the money. You probably know this is so. As a resuit you nianufacturers of things for boys have feit. the pinch. Your, advertising doesn't- seem to pull. To be sure oU9ve ut more punch intô it, but still i't acts like a, lamec duck.. *Don't blame the copy, artwork, Ilayouts. Your media is"wrong! The Wise tbing to do is to survey the richest spots-in the "ýreg'lar fellers". market . . . where dads bave flot been bit . S bard. Then CONCENTRATE!1 The compact suburban commnunities about Chicago are the moat responsive of'this kind. There are plenty of 1'reg'lar fellers" bere and Jdads that arc buying, the things they want for 94 thein, for they bave the money to spend. Serving these territories are eight "news- paper-magazines" . .. ail members of the Chi- cago Suburban Quality Group. Dad and mother both read theni and buy merchatidise advertised in their pages. And so wiIl that boy ,nar4cet in wbich your interests center. -Wby? Because tbe publishers devote several pages regularly to local Boy Scout, Y. M. C. A. and school activi- tdes. No. canned stufi. But bonest-to-goodness news about the boys of the community. We know :cornering nmarkets does flot' espe- cially appeal to you after thot terrible headache of 1929. But the boy market of this territory is fertile, safe and reliable. It 'will pay you to corner it.. OAK LEAVES GLENCOE HIGHLAND'PARK PRESS MAYWOC NEWS. WILMETTE LIFE WINNETKA TALK LD LAKE FORESTER EVANSTON REVIEW