C.omes for. the ircnwisnop." The large faUlltst of historical nov- ets is well represented, in the Wîltùette Publicliabrary. Barrington-"Anne Boleyn. Tarkington-"Wanton Malley." Irwin-"Royal Flush." * Farnol-'Cbarmian Lady Vibart." * Beàtley-"Iiheritance."' %Walpole-ý'ihe eFortress." Nordhoff--Mutiny of the' Bounty."9 >United -States *Morrow-"Beyond the Blue Horizon." Carlisle-'XVe Begiin." Komroff-"2New York T1empest." Macleod-*Years of Peace." ". McNally-,".Hiuse of Vanished Spien- dor.", Mrm W. J.. King, 611 Forest ave- nue, spent the week-endvisiting her daùghterr, Miss Ruth, who teaches in Cleveland, Ohio. * Henry Taylor, Jr., 423 Essex road, Kei»ilworth, who has been duck shooting at WiIdWitig club in south- trn Illinois, returned last Wednesday.. *Thé e eveinig bridge club iiet 'witlb Mr. and. Mrs. Warren Pease, -320 Leicester road, JKeilwôirthi, Tuesdav evening. Noveniher 1. --o- Mrs. Hugli Petersenl, 212 Warwick road, returnied to Kenilworth last Friday fromn a fishing and hunting trip ini northern Wisconsin. *Mrs. Raymîond Rôtii of the Kenil- worth Inn entertained bier club at, luncheon and-bri.dge -Noinda%, Octo-1 ber 31. Mrs. John W Darley, of 618 Street, Kenilworth, lîad the members of ber bridge ctlb at1 eon Friday- of las t week.. Brier eight Mr. and MIrs. Frank Allen,. Ramnona road, môotored last %veek- with friends to Dutneland he . PRIME" RIB ROAST 0FI BEEF9 Ith &7th 'l ROLLED SIRLOIN BIEEF ROAST, iq NATIVE BEEF POT ROAST, 13 l/2c lb ... . . . . . YOUNG RIB PORK ROAST, 11 lb . ......... 12/C LITTLE PIC; PORK SHOULDERS, . . . . . . . . . .. SLICED BACON, 5 3 lbs. for ...... 5 BEST BRICK.2 c BUTTER, lb. 22 IJELLO, Ml i' Flavors, 3,pkgs. '1c ALOLA PE4CHES, 9 No. 21/ can ......19 MASTERPIECE APRICOTS, No. 21/ can ... >.19C ALOLA PINE- i 9 APPLE, No. 21/2 cati COMB HONEYy 2 for ...... ..29c JONES" LINKS,lb. .2c JONESe MEAT, lb. c FORE QUARTER SPRING LABOIl ....121/2c, fresL Lake Trout,-.1i Freah Lake Supera..24c Whitei Fith, per lb..24c FresL Salmon per lb..i.'.. IFreala ýHalabut Steak, per.IL per l.... Fresh Herrag, pe.b Fresh. Lak~e Percb, per lb. . . .. Standard Oysters, qt . .. . . Sta -23,c 191'C 23 c 1"91C 121c 59C IWHITE WIS. .l14c POTATOES, pkl'C SWANSDOWN 2 CAKE FLOUR,ý pk. 2c KNOX GELATINE,17 GRAPE NUT 19C FLAKES, 2 pkg;. forC lb. ..... 171/2C FANCY LEG 0F 121/2 LAMB, IL. LEG QF VEAL 4 i ROAST, 1l. 1 ... 1412C. ROLLED LAMB' ROAsT, lb. 1 MILK-FED SHOULDER VJEAL, ROAST, 1[ lb...... I12/c BONELESS ROLLE VEAL. ROAtST, lb. .Ilî6c RUMP VEÈALI7Ic ROAST, lb ....17/2 BEST CREAMERY BULK 'BUTITER, A 216s. for ........4 c IP URE CANE SUGAR, 10-1b. Liut, 47 10 Ils.. for i.... 7 FRESH GREEN BEANS,- 2 qts. fer 1kiû MICHIGAN CEL- ERY, 2 banches for.. 13C FANCY ICEBE Rn LETTUCE, 2 hea<Is. CRANBERRIES, 2 Ibs. for... 25C tained rwelve guests at a costilm<i Hallowe'en party SatuM~ay. 0o- Randolph McCand lish, 1700 Walntit street, left Sunday on a business trip. to Toledo. .~49c1 ............