to poke fun at our original ancestors, who, by now, must have becoine quite venerable. Tine out of ineniory the old lady; hias beeii joshied hecause of the .way she wore bier hair, and niany a.siick- er lias been hea-rd-. Mien referencie was xmade té the cut andl style of her 'drçe-if ,any. She has been laughed to storn for henilitdn t titude toward ,poor old, Adami, aî,d the-wýay she: bossed, him. arotund. And Adanmu has patienitly borne jibe.s about being,- tethered to v' apronl strings, and such opprobrious cpi- theçts -as sissy, doormat anid squa xw mnai . But the woôrm turns Atthe Xonan's club- on Frielav and. Saturday inighits of tliis meà -Adami a nd E"Va" will, tôss funn frolic across the footligli:s to, as many descendants ýo f the old pair as caîx crowd into tbe pflace. And whai. fusil Not the doubtfui slap-dash that takes the tank town bv storn. but the virile, fippant, .ilc-a-miiinute kind, that keptý Broadway (dcar oh(! Broadv.ay) roaring and screeching . ôra whole 'car in a paroxysnl 0fi un1controllable niirt.h. Isthe firs't appearancc tis ,,a- son. Of the Lake Shore Players, .prec- senting that rnatchless farce-coinedy redolent of the free and easy days- of 1921)i "Adami and Eva." This griun1p of talented local Thespians is pr0od-1 ded, and directedl this vear. by Al- len Leiber, whosc »edigrec says ttat he islrother to Fritz Leiber, .tlie great Shakespearean actor, a!id hîIm- self a professioîxal of nxuch experi- ence and. recognized stage abilty. Fromn the cluib's roster of bright lights lias been chosenl the following cast, nanied in order of appearance: Victor MýcKeigliani,.Peggy 'Stack- house, Marion Nettlemiati, 1Edd1l e Ryersoù, Lawrence Langdon, Fred Proigton, Sue Mick, JackEdn- fixn. Llo d. Onion, Betty Resn -Given with aIl the gýlitter.aiidglaiii- or of stage 'settings and lighltiig, effects that characteriýed the Broad- way .production, , Adai - and Evýl" offers to local loyers of the legitinmate théater an evenin.g chock full oà frolîcsonie nirth anxd rapidl-Ifire fun' ,,uch as you lia ve. not .xeiecdin rnany a day. (u f ý Ciiiio: ifvnl're on (ad f Marion NVettiernai and Llov4d Onioii wdil have important roles iii "Adam and Eva." the Lake-Shore, Players production which î$ to be staged -in t/he Wil;pett.ic Womant'sclub auditorùein Priday and Satlirday ev-C;ikigs of this wcek. Su nday Morning Busyj Time for Fire*fighters B. P. W. C.-New Fire destroyed. about forty, feet, of _________________ thehede cuc onth prper ~ Miss Jessie M. Sentnley %vill giv~e a MNrs. Art hur J.Taor 835 Cenitral'Italk on japan at the buisiniess mneet- avenue, early Siynda> norning. rhe 1ing and dinner, o, the ýB. P. NV. C. NVihnette fi reinen receiviMl thle ceau ihursday evening ýNovemiber 10. Miss to xtiguih te baze atalwt 330Sentney also attended the Interna- o'clck~ ire hief\Vatr Ziblctional conférence iii Paris this surn- mier and will relate lier initeresting, said hé beliçved the ire was started experiences there. Every business by a liglited- cigarcet thirown into Womani is urged to attend this wmorth- leaves underneath thie ledge. whIile meeting. Dinner is served at The firenien r eccived a second cail 6 :30, and reservations rnus-,t be made ýt abouht tlie saine timie Siundav by Wednesday noon, Nôveinher 9. morning, whien aiiother fence caught ire in the 1100 bilock oi Forest ave- nue. 'lhle lamage tIîeu.- Nvas slight.* At 1:05 o'clock Sundav afternoon the firemien extinguishied a prairie ire at WVasililglonl avenule aud Fourth Street.. Three othier prairie ires, started] f rom burniing- Icaves andi grass, oc- curred in, the past week, two of them last . riaand one- on saturday, None' resul.ted ï,i , any, daniage, Fire, Chiet Zble reports. I.ast Thursday the departiient re- çCived cçalis to extinguish two auto- mobile ires. In mie instance the %viring oif a car was burned oui, biu 1o lainiage resulteil from the uther, lire. DID YOU KNQW THAT- 1. The Business and Prof es.ional WVomen's club was organized inthe spring of 1925? Later on, ini 1928, it- becamne affiliated with the National sFederation of Business and Profes- sional Womnen's clubs.,. IL. The wonan of thiS loca1ity was Archange, Ouilinette, an Indian, who was given her grant et land in 1829. The Vilnlette B. P- W1. C. sent their cotitribution for the new national headquarters in 1930 ini honor of Archange ,Ouil]mette. III. The emblem of the BPNWC con- LEVI ý3AL4LU L "I:; AU Uf - J ZD Mautrice H. Ijeber of Winnetka, thon by the Colletior-Club Women. Mfrs. James F. Turner. presidentof, the hostess club wil.extend greetings to wvhichMrs.>Jeffreys >will respond., Reports of officers and.routine btsi-, ,neîs then wil be in order. Mrs. Frederick BradshaýW, of Oak' Park, chairman of education of, the state federaion, and-Dr. Lena K.'Sad-. ler, chairnn of. public and child hygiene'of the Illinois federation, will' be the speakers of the morninig. Presidentsý of the district clubs wii give fifty-word' talks on "Build, for the Future." New, business. will corne before the assemblage hefore the roll cail and ad- journment for luncbeon. For. the luincheon ai 12:.30, -reserva- tions mray, he niade tbrougb the local cluibs. ~The aittrni"oi session iS Culled for 1:30 o'clock. Mrs. M. E. Smithm, chair- mnof. inn sic for the Tenfth district, will lead luith singing of "America the Beautifuil." .The ýRavenswocl' Woman's Club chorus, whose director is Mrs. Wil-- liamn Gëtnble, Whosc accompanist ta Mrs. W.ý H. Hancock, will present "~Love Cycle," f rom the "Venetian Suite," hy Nt--N7In, before Mrs. James H. Watt Zicshr talk on "The Ideals That Base, the Soviet. Union." Mrs. Watt is the wife of an American. engineer employed by the Soviet un- ion. Slie is th~e author of "A HOuse- wife in Russia." Sears Football Teams .Divide With Glencoe The. Joseph Scars sçool football teams o f Kenilworth broke even in their games wit h the Central scbhool of Glencoe last Saturday. Tuhe Kenil-, worth-midget team, composed of boys wveighing eighty-five pounds or less, lost to Glencoe, 14 to 0. The 100- pound teams tied, 8 to'8. Krnilwortih took an 8 to 0 lead, but Glencoe tied Tota poits r . d ~5 Ballrd avefriend M rs. Clayton Seainan, who is Mr. and Mrs. Webb Bladhv Beach spending the winter in the George been visiting their sister, Mrs, L. M. al. ret Jones home, 318 Oxford road, Kenil- Allen of 258 Melrose avenue, Kenil- mony Worth, entertained friends at a.bridge worth for a' week. They are mnotor- Wasl luncheon Tuesday. ing to California for the winter. mrq. to W' amette for the cerem- 1not required 18 asiked to h was performed at .17491 with L. Albright, lý26 iavenue, wbere 1r, avd nue, Wilmett," annonl one wili reside.. Stanton. t in touch utral ave- ,es il. B.