57 FOR *ENT-FURN. FOR RENT - REDUCEU attractively ful'nished 4 rn apartments. Conveniently Wlmette 2399 or, Wilmett 1 ni. . Ph. 40 FOR RENI-HOUSES 6 ROOMS AT $75.ýOO11 WILMETTE -WHITE, COLONIAL home, lot 50x165, garage. fireplace, suriparlor, large irooms.. Newly, dec. Immediate po-,.Phi. Greenleaf 406i). OÙLT26-1te S. E.WINNETrKA-CLOSE TO TRANS. A dandy 6 room homne with 3 bedrnis.. sun and'.sleeping porches. o11 h..at. garage., Rentai $80. Cali Winn. 1.800. 60LTN26-i tc 6 ROOM HOUSE IN GLENCOE, 2-CAR garage, for 6 montbs or- longer. fur- nished or unfurnished. Glencoe 1042. COLTN22-tfc FOR RENT--6 RM. HOUSE. SLEEI'- ing porch,,sunroom. bot water heat. garage. 211 Wilnette .Ave. Ph Wilmette 4518. OOLTN21-tfp OFFICES FOR RENT 319 PARK AVENUE (1TFENcO0E 3 S.: 7à fPOU SALIE-HOUSES Charrning English -loi'ne IDEAL FORZ LARGE FAMILY Overlookiang S k o kWi c Country' Club. withl beautiful landscaved gr'ounds. inclutdinz rock gardemi tnd nool. S PE CI1AL1 FEA- TURES. Studio living roomi * 20x35, paneled library (both witb fireplaces). solarium.~ largge dinfing room. 5 master üharnbersý, 3 master, baths, 2 evnr roojus and bath. Owner wil a*e1F *or le.)se furnilhed or unfur- nished: will trade. Sec Mr. LA.%ND)AcErt. 522 Davis St.. _________________ 721TN26-I lo LOVELY E4NGLISFH BRICK: S. E. Winnetkai, 5 ;bedirmis., 3 baths, recie.- -tion rm.. oil ht., attached, garage'. $20,000. Mrs. Lang. inne.tka 1194. 79LTN26-lttc 522 Dvis S. -~Gre. 1865 72LT1N26-1tc. REDUCEI)$0.0 to , 14,000. 8' RM. brick; 2 baths; lav.; h. w. h.t.;.gar.; suni-slp. .pchg.; be au. 80 ft. lot. Hein- sen Realty, 660 Center, Winn. 834. 7ZL26-ltp 75 WANTED TO SUT-VACANT WILLBUY 2 CHOICE RESIDÎNCE lots, In Evanston, Wilmiette. Kenil- worth, Winnetka or Glencoe; front- Rges "0 to. 100 ft.;ý $80 to $1 20 per ft. PaYment part cash and equities ln 2 Émaîl rented residences with net hai- cornes, of 8%. Give. full detail ln let- ter. C. A. Heimphill, 2949 Payne, St, >Evanston,. 75LTN26-ltp US FeoRt SALE-NOoUSEozLto& Oeo BEAU. FURN. ON . SHERIDAN ROAD home, -beau. living rm. set. $50; wal- nut 'bcdirm. set.- $50; Chinese. daniask. high back chair., Oriental, mg. $16; Imported rug.ý $35; lounge chair, $10;, Coxwell ýchair, $10. beau. Wàaut diii- Ing set, $50; curtains, disbes* drapes, bedrm. set, breakfast set, Baby Grand pianob and searf, carved radio, rnany other articles. very cheap). 5717 Sheri- da~n Road. 86L26-lte DINING' RM. SET, BEDRM. SET, 4 poster bied, Coxwell chair, odd1 lieces. 2 rugs. good condition. Ph. Wilmette 3209. 86LTN26-ltp 00 FOR SALE-M IBCULLANEOUB REDL'CING MACHINE * Aimost new. $20. Winnetka 857. 88LTN26-lic SUN LAI>1 LUXOR MODEL. HANO- via Cheinicai Co. Best type for doc-, tors or homne. Excellent condition. Ph. Wilinette 2573. 8SL.TN26-Ite EXTRA FÉNE BLACKC PERAMBULA- tor. Baby's ivory enamel play feince. Both in vcry good cond. Winnetka 712. 88L26-ltp MINNEAPOLIS HEAT REGUJLATORý for, coal or coke. Bai-gain. Wilnetka 3075.88L26-ltp Nancy. McCloudi daughter of Mr. and -Mrs. Bentley McCloud,, 338 Kenilworth. avenue, ýwas hostess to sixteen little. girls, at'a Halloiie'eui 1party, Satu.rday evelning. DX VALEKIA OF VISTA Tuesday, Novemben 8, 1932-W\,hat an important, day. in 'the history oi the United States! Thene will be an Election Retunns party at Vista with the last minute figures. W. P. Baker of Winnetka is in ch 'arge of arrange- menlts. Thene will be cards, dancing, and ýen'tertainmùent. Buffet. supper will be served from 6:30 on. Mr. and Mrs. J.- Paul, Clayton w~ill. be host and hostess ,at a bridge diii.. ner, Saturday, November 5. Dinner is served at 7 o'clock. Men's nights have becomne a fea- turc of the 'winter' s programi-once a miontb the,.mnt meet at 7,.have dinner and a good time - <ancers, singers, magicians, miusicipis.- cards, gamfes, are among the divertisse- ments* thits far. Saturday evening, October 29, Mnr. a nd Mrs. NV. P. Baker were host and hostess of the HalIowe'en costume ditiner dane.johnny Reich' orches- tra supplied the music. Tap dancers, with novel dances entertained. the dancers. Aniong ine fwembers l)res-. cnt and those. entcrtaining wcrc:, Mr. and Mrs. Williami J.. Good- man, Mn. and Mrs. Mtllep C. Mantin; Mr. and Mrs. Williami P. Baker, Mr., and Mrs. Charles B. Officer, Mr. aid Mrs. Arthur B. Schultz, Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Grable, Mnr. and Mrs. Roy 1). NOTICE TI&UASURT EPRXN 0b1geetofthe. Cçuptrolt.w .et the Car. r1507, Washington, . C. IgIy 81, 19" Notice Is hereby given to ail persn who may have dlaime against *Mie M'rst National Banik nI wilmett.," wii- mette, Illinois. that tbe arne mnuet be preseflted to Meivin B. Erictuon, Ré- celver. with the legal proof thereof wfthin tbree inonthe from this date or tbeY rnay be disallowed. J. W. POLE, <Comptroller of the Currecy. July 3let, Auguietý septemnber and October. ,-. Among the mothers present to enjoy the funi were Mrs, George'Lçvernier, Mrs. Robert Lawrence, Mrs. Carl Grundstrom, Mrs. James Kochlefi, Mrs. Fred Anhait, Mrs. George Rus- seIl, Mrs. Henry Bartz,, Mrs. Lloyd Autyp, Mrsi. Paul Hoffman, Mrs. Rene deGuerre, Mrs. William Bucher, Mrs. Martin, Mrs.' Arvid. Eékholm and Mrs. Schulman. Miss Mary. Winner Hughes, chil- drén's librarian a t the ýWilmette Pub- lic library, told stories foi the Chil- dren, and Mrs. Inez Bliss told their fortunes. Weilbenner, Mr. and, Mrs& Matthew. A.* Morrison, Mr. and Mrs. Walter B3otthoff, Mr. and Mrs. Val A. Smiith.' Mr. and Mrs. Albert, Libby,, Mr. and. Mrs. Ralph Heilman, Mr. and Mrs C. H. Fox, Mr. and Mrs. .Maàrvini Hanms, *Mr. and Mrs. Robert Nason, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Howard, Mr. and Mrs. Louis W. Sauer, Mr. and Mrs: Frank Barrett, Mr. 'ind, Mrs. Clar- ence B. Bunpee, Mn. and Mrs. Car- roll Shaffen, Mr. and Mrs. Ray W. Clark, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Hicks,, Mr. and' Mrs. John C. Marshall. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph 'Zirnînrman, Mr land Mrs. Valentine Ifecen, éïMrs: William H. Severin, and C harles, J. Michelet, Jr. .Sunday afternoon, October 30, Mrâ. Frank P. Whitmore, soprano. andi Mrs. Millicent Chapmnan Cooke. pianist, ententained inembers and their guests witb an hour's prograîn of music ini the lounge. Tea was served. Mrs. Henry A. Pope, 910 Lake ave- nue, will entertain membens of the Wilmette Reading cincle Monday afternoon, November '7. Mrs. Carolin Ellsworthb'of the Kenilworth, Inn will, visit Mns.. Clara, R. Drake of 1221 Ashlanid avenue, fox a f ew -weeks. Up WJLMETTE LIFE, WILMETTE 4300. .FOR MORE THAN 20 YEARS THE HOME PAPER 0F THE COMMUNITYPP