Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 3 Nov 1932, p. 46

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ed more than 1,800J youthtul celebra- ters this year. More than 1,100 young- sters were entertained at the Howvard gymnasium -alone, anid the crowd at- tending the Stolp party %vas estimat- ed at 700. The parties, began at botb gynas- iuMS promptly at 7 :30 o'clock, al- th ough the doors were opcncd at 7 o'clock. Each ,)r(gram %vas started with a..buge parade of 'custumced par- ticipants who comupeted for the sixly prizes *pro)vided,f or. the. ixt%- most original costumnes appeariîîg in the p)ar- ade. Foioin te -parade, a 1w'c) anîd one- biai t hour imoving.picturc entcrtainîitent wvas providcd for te, amuisemient of ;the audience,' interspersc<l with ac-' cordion numnbers aI lHoward and tap dancing numbers at Stoip, Nioving pitu.res fur theIL cvcniig Wcre donated by te maitagenient- of 'Ieatro dl 1Lago îhrougb thectcourtesy 4À Sain C.. Meyers, owner of the îlîeater. The biWlo-f arc consisteil 44 a tùi citic picture ai a six-reel "-thriil- cr- at cach g3-inî,tnaî. Committee Arranges Parties l'lie arraîîgciiîent' for lte bWo par- ties werc made 1wy the SpecialOc- sions conimttec (outhlie 'Ilia-,groýtid'anid Recreation hoard, of whiclî Mrs. lHer- * bert J. Leacb i s Chairmnain. Menîbers of the corniniitlec iticide: EMx; irest H. Freeman, Mrs,. Ruisseli C. Flood, Mirs. Ray Warren aid NMrs. H. J. Hickcey.. R. M. Jobtîstoii. chairmnan of * the. Playground atid Recrealioti board, and Dr. Hubert Carletoii aid Miltoni E. Reid' also assisted \vithi planis for the two etitertaintr-.eîîtsý. Daniel M. Davis. dretrof récrea- lion, acted as miastciir of ceremionies at the Howard part)" and i-ti ion E. Reid wasthe, Stolp imaister utecereniionies for the' evening. Assistiing lteé..Special Occasions comnittec in. r' nduting te program werè,.Mr . .V., Smibh, George B. Leal aind Nrs. J. D Kinî- near, .iudges of lt otm aaeat, Howard; Mrs. MNfartin. H. Bickham, * assistinig Mrs. Flood ;îdMs Leach as judgc of the Stolp cQsttume parade; and Mrs. Ronald t'.. Buttoni. Mrs. R. d rawal or reduction of- constructive work for boys and girls at this tinte is accompanied' b% great danger, Newton D. Bakcer, chiairnian of the Welfare and Relief M obilization- of 1932, made public recently a report on delinquency, 1pr event ionl and youth prog ramfs submitted by national so-. cial 'service agencies -cooperating ikin the mobilization. The report cails at- tentîti o1 the fact that this is * not ofl3 a critical year ini thc lives of yonng, persons buît also for millions of men and womei'&out' of worl, .who need more than food to, sustain thieir morale becanse as* the -report states.ý "imore' than food lias been. taken away f rom them." "Few icommtunities," coîimenits tte report, "ha-e reacbed the point wliere some of the populationmust l>e saved from starvation' by -denvink children and ad uits aclivities *hicb 'keeî> tlhein physically and mentally fit 10, take ;obs when there are jobs availahie. Whether we want it >r not. people are always going to form ini groups. These groups can easily turi n mb gangs or they may becomnecub where constructive influences will heë brought to bear. The heyday utf racketeering is surelyIhe ,vronlg tie to think of' shutting down or linrit- ing anv of theé rgniat oi~'icli restraîn youth or provide frecc viole- some activities for the p resenit pt-riod of ctiforced idlentcss. Urges Cliaracter Program "'The demnands for eniergeucy re- lief are flot so great, that provisionis for hieaitb. education. recreation and character-buiilding î nust be abai-. doned. Thiere lias neyer beeil a time when clear thinking with respect to real . cleds antd relative values'* Was more nleeded thianý today. Rather than declare a mioratoriumii on thle,*iirale and spiritual growth of :our, peo.lle, let us. accept emergetçy relief asa * emporarv addition 'to our regtiar: cormmunitv responsibilities. flot as Ya. substitute. for permnanent services." The rcl)ort shows the neeci of.the .;-ae(, £-llrater-buildintQ teeflcles, iI1m. mn. Prac- nasiuni. gaines., TuesuIay, Noveaber . ip. m.-Ba sketball for men. Begin- îîing league gaines. Howard gym- niasiumn. Wedn«day, Novenîber :3 7 .p. m.-l3askçeibàll for nien. Beginl- ing "A" legegames. 'Howard gymnasîtti. 7 p. ii.-Aero club for boys, Stolp schiool gym-tnasium. 8 p. mi.-Bask.etball1 for-nten. Begin-ý ning -league gantes. Stolp gymrîas. Thursday, -N ovexnber 10 p). mi.-Gysmnasium ciass for Howard gymnasium. p. in.-Gymnasium class fo r. en. Howard gyntnasium. girls.1 Fraday, Noveniber - 1 7 p). ni.-Chess and Chccker diii> meet- ing. Howard school sewing roont. 7 1) nxi.--North shore basketbaii leagute for mcin.floward gymnasium. 7 il. in.-Ping-pong club meeting. How- ward- school atlic., faced tiaiiv. . hi'iî are l'ecoin ng iii creasingly ac ute.aiid biaffiinig. To save mental and physical heaitit 'and, 10 build up moral courage ini girls at such a lime astlitis is, both a <iffi- rîîlt and ehalléino'îinh. obOur. uresent first praclice ganies for the league of men's baskebball werc held. The new season wili continue for tweiity weeks and will enmbrace a ful progratn of activities for Howard gym-1 nasium every eve ning during bhc week and an addibional twoô eveîîings* at -the Stolp gymnasiunt. Two wccks' :reccss wilI be held during the Christmîas holi.- da s and. with that exception the. pro- graim will - continue until April 1 without interruption, according to aii - nouncenlent from Daniel M. Davis, di- rectorof recreation. Enrollument Holds Pace Aithougb admission. chiarges are be- ing. ,nade tbis -ycar for the, first tinie. Recreabion staff menthers announce that the firsb weck's eniroiment equals that of any prcvious year whenil i was not . iecessary bo make charges for participation .ini the varitius aclivities. Both mien's and wumenis basket'bali leagues have:been limited iii ,the nunt- bier of teamns pernitted to etiroil and AI leagues had reachcd the 'maximumi enrolhnenbt before the season opened. Because of conflict iii dates wibh the H-lallowe'en parties lield. on Monday evening at each scbooi gymnasiunî, thc mien's > Volîcybail league and thc girls- basketball tleagie' %w4ll start oetweel, later than thec other activities, tbec firs1. meetings being sclbedulcd for Novent- ber 7. exprienc is the, most conviticilig stage Basketball Practice proof of te savifig effecîs of whole- Thle nmen's basketball le-aguies, buth some and constructive use of lisuire. A and B, held practice gantes on Tues- lime." dav and NýVednesday of this weck, while Need More Than Relief lie girls' and wvoiien's gynasiuwn Tli 'NtioalReceatonassocia-classes *wvîîîmcclttis eveaning, antd lte The atioal ecretao first gantes of bbc North Shtore basket- lion stabes that if an unmbo~ all leaguebcfrtmeigo b person is to maintain a. normal bal- Chss ,nd thcke clb, nd alsgo the ancelie usthavesomehin iiiad.first session of tbc ping-pong club mill ditioli 10 that ordiharily provided lwy relefagecis. e eéd lad behcld tomorrowv evenitig aitIhe How- relif aences __e_____ le ership l)ard scbool. ini rational fînkiýng; roiso o wholesome emotiont.al oilets; tht The league gaintes for îîîents basket- opportunity te regain self respect h all will start next week and those for sùbstitubcs for anti-social behaviorj the mien's volîcybali and' girls' basket- tendencies; new ways 10 enjoy lits> i.ill Nvill start, oitthe t oliowing Mon- leisure, 'and assistance in building un ky his morale whicli bas been in a ia-. the saie ca for the mc, F. Todd at at Stolp. Lcity at Stop. Operai ig pictures were Lo oward and Robert In n of moéraIei a feeling mat 'it's no use', a trtttîn o rs withl the tendency to throwý ovef 'Stan- moral-:inm 11 dards. and restraints-these a re somne today fôr all g of tbc psychological effects .of -theJ domi been 41 present situatl>li-vith'Whkch'we aw e1 ýO lace are i si bev hav wy of Our rtotal of 49 points.- e, Two gaines lost and ont won was d the record of the Highcrest girls' -baseba11. beam for the. seaRon. The -teani scored a, total of 9pôintto ils opponents' 8 4

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