Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 3 Nov 1932, p. 45

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Thursday-7 :15 p. mn.-Seffloir Choir rehear8al. Thuroday-" :.to 1).r.-Troop No. 1, Boy Scouts. Friday--3 :15 1). m-rwi Friday-.7 :30 p. m.-Senior Catini>FPire GIr i1s. Baf,tist Churcb Wilmette -and Forest aven ues George D). Allison, minister. -*A f<7hlurch that Cafems" Trhé attention. or ail our people las directed to a 1110-1t Important occasion on Thurtiday evenlng, Noveinber 10, at the, Eva.nston Baptlst churcbi. Dr. WI1-. liàm Axllng, mlrsionary genlus 'and 1n-ý timate friend of Kagawa, of Japali, to be theý speaker at 7:30. Preeedlng the address there wifl be a dinner, served at 6:30 to whlch ait are Invlted. 110w- ever. regariess of whetlîer you ceau at- tend the dinner, do flot iss this wow derful opportunity to 'hear Dl. Axiflg. He la the platiner and ëxecutivf% lu the ramous *'Kingqdom of God 'Moveînen t'- underway ln Japaii. .%ext 8unday we rinaaking a se»_cial effort to have ait our inmeis present ait the niornlng worship) at Il o'ciock at the close of 'h hwe w %ill observe the Lord's Supper.' Dr. .AIIison ha,; planned an appro priatte 4'o,nuion Meditation. and tuhe choir wviil furnish inspiriflg tnusie.,,We. art. especially in - terested ln havinig ail our voting petople present at the sîvle At theý Young Peoplé'b nie ting last Sunday evening we had àa good etart. on our series of prt>granhtt on the sub- ject, MConficting Standards." Tbese meetings will be coftiniued next Sunday by the Service C'ommission, P.tul WII- lamàs, director. 'Mary Glordon wilI be the leadvir of the imeeting..- m~a ( p. ni. qharp. On Tuesday, oeme 8, the-. Womi-. .tn's society wilIl o hostesses to (the Chicago Womens'isieon union. We. shouid have ail of our mienbers on hand: f0 greet our visitors. WVe expevt aboutý 600 to be here. The girls of the Baptist ,Mlsslonary, Training school are in charge of the afternoon prograni -and they always present *.-onething vér. worth white. It la also the day 1o bring ,,,ny gifts you mpay have foi' the school. On Mon be a mie workers, 9 aýt the Me ,Noveinber 14, thiere iÈ tto' ig of al -Sui day.(.hoo ëintendents, techer, et, )dist eburch. '.%r. ce- there and will lhave a mes- town onice as usual on Saturday, but complained of feeling ill and was taken home bY a. friend >Jen min- utes after arriving there he collapsed and died without regaining conscious- ness. !For the past eight years Mr. Ruby had lived on the, north shore. For two- years he resided in, Glencoe ,an~d the remainder of -theý time, in WVi1- mette. Before entening theý retail shoe business twenity-five years a'go, Mr. Ruby wasconnected with a Wolesale sboe'firm in the east. Mr.- Ruby was a. member of the Bryn Mawr Country club. He is sur- vived ' by his wjdow, Mrs. Gertrude Ruby, and one daughter, Betty Jean. Rabbi Hirschberg of Temple Sho- bmt, Chicago, officiated at the fun- eral services Ttiesday. Mr. Macg.oeriteCarroll Passes Away in Glencoe Mme. Marguerite Carroll of Glen- coe, who haýd witnessed the Chicago fire, was taken ili on the anniversary of that event and passed away Oc- tober 27 at the Presbyterian bospital. Mme. Carroll had made ber home. with ber son, Lieut. Col. William A. Carroll, 128 Linden avenue, Glencoe.. The funer-al- -services. were belci last Saturday at the Sacred Heart church ini Hubbard Woods, and burial was at Calvary cemeteny. Mme. Carroll, born in Paris, France, in 1860, came to Amnerica wiîth bher par -nts wben a small girl. She was a graduate of the Paris seminary. Her qiarriage to the late Augustus B3yron Carroll took place in Chicago in 1882. Mr. Carroll, who had been an officiaI of the Pos- tal Telegraph company, passed aWay ini 1920. Active. for many years ini Frencla- Amnerican circles Mme. Carrol ad been a member of the Alliance Francaise of the Chicago Woman's Veruoti avenues. Urne of ner sons, Frederick H. Schweiger, is the own- er of Schweîger's Men's shop, .346 Park avenue, Glencoe. For somne time Mrs. Schweiger's health had beený failing. On August 12: she feil gnd'broke ont of lher bips. This, it is believed, hastened hler death. During the Iast few montbs Mrs. Schweiger had been living with a daughiter, Mrs. Rose Rau, in Wil- mnett e. Eight children survive bier. Tbey art Mrs. Elizabeth Levernier..of GClenview, Aloysius F. Schweiker -of Flushing, Long. Island, N. Y., Igna- tius Schwieiger, Jr., of Milwaukee. Mrs. Victoria, Haws, of Deerfield, Leo M. Schweiger.of Glencoe, Mrs. Rau of Wilmnette,, Sylvester J. Schweigerý of. Chicago, and Frederick, H.,Scbweiger of Glencoe. The, funer-al services were beld Tuesday morning from the Rau hom e in -jlMiette to Sacred Heart cburch, Tfubbard Woods. Burial took place at Sacred Heart cemetery. Mrs. James White Dies; Burial at Graceland Mrs. James White. mother of John F. White, 270 Oxford road, Kenil- worth, .died early last Friday moriu-. lng at the North Shore Health re- sort in Winnetka. Mrs. White wzs the widow of the late James White, head of the James White paper company. She is survived by one daughter. Mrs. HughPaterson of Palo Alto, Calif., and four sons, John of Ken- iiworth, Gordon of Beverly Hilk (Chicago), William of Ravinia and Robert of Evanston. The funeral services were held iat St. Peter's cburch in Chicago, %vithi the Rev. lubert Carleton,. rector oi St. Augustine's Episcopal cliurch, Wilrnette, officiating. Burial was at Graceland cemÏetery.. TaIk Conveys Romance -of Spain and Portwg parture the pulpit %was filea for a tirne by Prof. Charles Horswell of Garrett Biblical Institute. On De- ceinber 15, 1895, the Rev. Edward Anderson of. Chicago becanie the sec- îond ninister of the church. 'In 1896 Professor Horswell* was chosen minister, and ini two. periods- of pastoral. service was associated witb tbe churcb until 1917, when h<' left to accept. the chair o 'f B iblical, Literature'in Hamline university,' St. Paul. Mi'.On bis departure the Rev. David Beaton, a Conigregational muinisteri %vas chosen . as supply, -and soon aftewards was. secnîred as regku- lar iin ister, aud. continued in, this relation until bis death in 1920. Ile as succeeded bhv Dr. Williant A.. Colledge, a Presbyterian, who coiitinued as mnîister utili. 1925, when his. healtli compelled the termnination o f bis service%. During thie .following inonlls the churcb enjoyed thé visits of l)r. Ozora S. Davi,i Dr. Charles Ciàýy.ou Morrison. Dean Shailer Mathews, Dr. -Carl Patton, Dr. Theo- dore G. Soares anti others. In Feb- ruarv, 1926. Dr. Herbert L. Willett was called to the pastorate. *and con- tinucsesin that relation. Enlarge Structmre lit 1909 James A. Culbertson en- riched the cburcb ând the community witb additional structures çontaining the Giiild r-ooni and. the gymnasium. These hav-e becli of great service in. connection wvit1î progranis of the NVonen's Guild .and the Sunda.y schooi. anti ne%% features bave been added f roin tinic to tinie. In 1930.a bistorical s!<ectcl, Î)f the 1'ellilwôrth Uniion ciurci; was prepared and copies. of tlîis pamphlet nîay bc se- cured on rc(Iuest. '1'lu. 4th aiiiniversarv .w'iIl bc cele- brated with a service of worship, Stunday nîoriiing. Novenber 6, the anniversarv of .tlhe tedication; the autunîni Churcli dinner on Friday evening, Noveniber Il ; and a sale and entertainent. on the afternoon and e%,eiug of N\Vedliesdav. Novem- ber 16. osing TEA FOR, J Lw so- Ing in Mrs. B. F. L rtment avenue, etiterta girl' Mns. R. D. Ei We ntht. Monday.. Mrs. room. mothe. g~rs:- Charles Soutbward irman,' and Mrs. Edu Main~ chairman. Jasper 1 itof the league. under the direction of the Social committee, an interesting program oi popular- songs. special miusic. and pictiures of places and people con- nected witb the forty years of tbe church'shso7y o, annboys. 1 1 1

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