business sections of the Village, andI man li fo nas plaflfed the party, an- f ood dropped in them is picked up by In 1ounces that it will be a dessert- the Wilmette Board of Local Charities bridge. ?Mrs. H. J. Uickey, social for distribution among needy families I clairman.with her committee, willi living within the Village limits. serve dessert and. cofice at 1:15 as heWilmrette 1{ealth departn-îent bas the mothers arrive. Cards may then Thgesç that fopds, included in the bc piayed until school closes or* later if uggestedhre Wllb lrie following list be dropped in the bar-i odsrd heewl epie rels: oranges, spinach, splitpeas, navy heans, -sugar, flour, potatoes,- oatmeal, salmfon, coffee, tera, meats, butter, lard, Plans are also under. way to fori rice, peanut butter,'f resh vegetables an, Adolescent Study,,group smaa and pancake flour. to the Pre-;School group alregdy, so Villagers will find the food barrcls wvell establishéd under our, Logan- ini the following ýstores: Howard P. T. A. branch. Menibers Central busneis*s district-A. S. Van- itnterested in the study of the adoles-' Deusenl grocery, 1154 Central. avenue; cent. child are asked to comnlunicate Wilmctte grocery, 1146 Central avenue; with Mrs. R. E. Dalstrom, child wel- Nat ional Tea company, 1107 Central fare chairman. whose telephonenui a venue;- Na ti onal Tea cornpany,1 1189 XiI. 2871. Wilmettc avenue; Atlantic-and Paci.fic 'rea coml)any, 1109 Central avenue; HAVE HALLOWE'EN PARTY Consumers store, 1149 Wilmette ave- Mr. a nd Mrs. Chris. Henricksen, une Lolaws goceeri, 115 entalJ707 Lake avenue, -entertaîned thirtv av neïu;' Ralpp. Brothers groccry, 621 guests at a Hallowe'en party Iast Main r treet, and Nýational Tea 'co11- Satuirday evenitrg. Dancinig was the pany, 619 Main street. dlivcrsIon of theevening. Ridge avenue business district -- ________ ccorge Whitc groccry, 821 Ridge road. anîd Atlanticad Pacific '['a confipany.: -< 05 R idge road. 1 indeux avenue business district - M 1. .;chloesscr grocery, 402 !,iniden'O M avenue; Shieid (4 Quality grocery, 465 Liden avenue; National.- Tea coin- pany, 350 Linden avenue, and Atlantic' and Pacifie Tea. company, Liniden ave. iE II flue. h s e u Quiet Hallowe'en for Pranksters, Say Police Hallowe'ex night ini Wilmette was a, comparatively quiet one this year, the WVilmette police report. No ma-, jor . lmage, was done by youtbful p)rank!sters, althougb the usual, number, gof zgarbage and ash. cans were turned Over and gate!r taken off, tbeir hinges.' A ew strcet -lamps wvere broken. Seven boys, ail fromn Winnetka,1 vcre arrested by Sergt. Joh -che1 gen and Oficer Joe Schmidt as theyý were running away after tearing down i afene on the Tnbn 1. T)wni.v nron- i Maple Av.. Dntnegleci your heal:hdnring the winter months. lb's finest. .New. Evanston Y., .C . within easy reachas 'your recreational ,conter.' *Separate and compleéte equipment for men, boys, women and girls. .0 Use the formn below any tine before November lSth and become a fullIfledge' member frady EVANSTON Y. M. C.eAÀ, (;rovc St. at Maple Ave. Gentlemen: Enroli me for a da's, ntroductory membership. .. . . .. . . ..M. . .. . . . ADDRESS.1.................. ...... .................. Ca"d for Mon, sd Wosno mBoys -end. Girls over 10* years et , se Prent et the Business Couniter of the Y. M. C A. for yout ticket. Pet fart e fofarmation suaitlun Ais foe INATION SALE AbomsuEuynlmupe colmgor. Sblid ooppo wg eam.imm iuI. 64Le,. HOLD MOCK ELECTION New Trier High school held a niock election 'Iast Tuesday, the students vot- ing on four candidates. The resuits are announccd as follows; Hoover, 1,291; Roosevelt, 462; Horner, 1,574, and Si all,. 190- PULI SE RVIC S TO RE 1 .