mette Wouanu sIClub unday WallIlhangings of many types, re- fecting through many media the art of numerous countries from ancient eras to the more modern, Will consti- tute the second'exhibit;at the Womian's Club" of Wilmette this season under the auspices of lits art depaitm.ent. Te this exhibition,, different in kind f roir .an y, other thé club bas bad, the nortli shor publicî is invited, cordialy Sun day, Noveniber 6, f rem 3. until 6 o'clock. The exhibit, w hich. club members vieWed for the first time Wednesday, hangs on thé. walls 'of the smalIl audi- torium iin the club »fbouse on Tenth street at Greenileaf avenue., This No- vember collection of wall hangingsbas been arranged and bung by Mrs. Carey Orr and Mrs. Walter Horner. Stencil, batik, and block prints are * included in'the display, as are Chinese brocade Obi,* brocades, appliqué wall hangings, French Gc*hic tapestry, hand' loom English tapestries, antique java peints,- iet watt hangigs, original Toile de jouy hangings, antique Chin- ese brocades, antique Toile de jouy, and prints of various lands. Naines of' exbibitoris and the.choice. examples of wall-hanging art they will have on ex- hibition are: Mary HippIe, an instructôr at the Art institute with a studio in the Fine Arts building, is exbibiting stencil, batik, and block prints. Leon Garland, instructor ai Hull House, wIiQ studied in France under Loti, has batiks on exhibit. W. L. Ortiz of Mexico is exhibit- ing batik, Mrs. %,rthur Boetcher will exhibit antique Chinese brocade Obi and bro- cade wall banging. Miss Eleanor Perkins is displaying antique brocade, Helene W. Biggs shows appliqué wall hangings, one an interprétation of ber. own garden. The' Mary Jane Allen studio of Ev- anstôn is >to show French Gothic tap-' estry, hand loom English tapestries, block prints. Mrs. Harvey Grant of River Forest iexhibiting antique* Java print, and felt wail hangings in a series for a Ut lthe INoman's club of Willgette, Friday, November 4. AIl vomen of the village eager to do their bit to help others less fortunate than the,. are invited to participate in these b:- monthly sewing days. I Irs. Frank .. Thal,', a asdt prtvùP.nt of the H.' o>nat .'s (atholic ï-1111, of f f'Ineittrhlias charge ýof. ilh1, pro qi-arnfor the ,,ext meeting Of t/he fine arts depairaeent on Iriday. Noveinlir 11, at 2'o'clock. Ils locale is to bc thme larje adi - Iodrile)ll pf th,, If ilumette f-oran s Cl141. AU aftterio.oti of poctry appreciation lias heen planned' for. members.-.To create a poetic a-iospiere,' the first parti'(f the ýprogram wilt consist of ~Meior -Ceins" 'vhiclh %vilt be 'ar- ranged by Mrs. Ilarry MtcD)ermott. M rs.' Walter Berminghain, who is a g reat favorite of the club, will then sig a group of compositi ons consisting of .poctry set to nriusic. Mrs. Thale wilI -ive a talk- comparing nodern poets %vith the carlier Englisli poets, and Nirs. Marshall .Kcarney, wvho is a tal- ettd reader, ivill give the reading of poenîlS used to ilîtistrate *Mrs. Thale'9s talk. Mrs.. Bernînghamn will conclude the prograin withi a group of songs. Ilostesses (luring the social haif hour, wvill -hers C. Callabian, Miss Mar- garet Hayes, and Mrs..Louis Reich. Evening Gardée Club Changes Next Meeting The November meeting of the Eve- Anyone wishing to give the entire Id'ay, or an bour, or two, or three, * is *welcomed at the club and is imme- diately made 'one- with the busv groups, basting, sewing, or guiding bumming, sewing m«achines. Work commences at 10 -and; continues until 4, with a luncheon hour intervening. ;Mothers may bring school children t luncheon. Mrs.,W. E. Robertson is chairmani of the work Friday., Assistîng heï are. Mrs. Hubert Carleton, Miss Lau- ra Davy, Mrs. B. P. Owens and Mrs. C. F. Ripley. Mrs. Robert G. alli- Weil is.luncheon chairman. Durinà a'il Friday sewing meetings the coniforter comiutee is at work under. the cbairmianship of Mrs. A. .A. Davison. Rornantic Opera Tberne of Next Van .G roue Talk, Isaac Van Grove wiIl disictiss, "Opt- ra; the Roinaîîtic Sciool , Wednes.- day îulorning., iovember' 9, at 16 o' the, Vornîat's club. of Vil-ý mette, ;a-, tlicthird in > lis series or four discourses on opera offered to club memibers by the mnusic depart- ment of the club, of whiéh Mis. Charles. N* Evans is chairman. Mr. Van Grove, artistic director o, the Cincinnati Opera company, and widely know(ý%n here for bis associatior with opera both as a conductor aiiid as composer, from the time of his first lecture at the c'Lub on Octobei 19, has aroused deep entbusiasrl aniong club. members wbose praise, of him continues to run high. Issac Van Grove's last progrant. will be on November 23, on "Opera.. of the Future,." To Telli Garden Club,- tin; mvovie Fertormance to Aid'Club Philanthropy By H.A& The jui or . auxiliary of the Wom-, ati'S Club .of Willm .ette1 wiIl be instruct- ed .on safety and preventi .on of acci- (lents toniigh t _('rhtrsday). when_ Mr. Frank Krrvnil of the: Evanston Bureau of. Saft..tN,, âiAccident Prevention, ~~il tdlrssits.neinbers after, dinner, The coiniui tv canipaigilscali1 for fire Preventioln and cdean-up week'and icit3, but t ie field of s afety and acoi- dent prevention, is not so. widely known. ,Chiicagio now bas ma bureau wvhich M r. Krernl also organized. This is àa very interesting work and one that Ahould affect evcry wvell1 inforined citi- zenj one, that is riot concerned witb politics but wiith personal, property.and humnan liv'es. Membhers wvho l'ave failed to make dinner reservations are urged to drop fil after (linner tonight and hear the speaker' Miss Jane Owen. is making' a (lecided success of, lier meals this year, în iice, thing-S and plenty of tbcm! Jot clown noôv, on yur calendar, the dates of. Novemiber 15, 1, and 17, for, the uxilarymoV l"Te Nigbt of June 13." and plan to bave ýa party on1e of those nlighits. I'.cryone, that is, inost everyonc lksa good mnovie. Perhaps "taîkie"* %vould be better and ut is lots of f un *when a fanillv niakes a night of it and goes to a o< show together. The Junior atixiliary of the Woman's Club Of WilnII(ttt is offering tickets for %a---ili advancý~for à showing of l'lie Nighit of June 137 with Clivie flroo)k andi-i,,ila Lee -supported bY (i'arlic Ruggles and a numnber of other splQfl(id stars 1the nights 2of .No*vem- ber 15,. 16. and 17 at the Wilmette theater. The atixiiiary is planning to inter-, (St flot oiily residents of Wilmette but of Winnetka"and Glencoe as well. "Thce Nigbt oi June' 13" is a picture many people bave wishied to sce and those wbo do not save these dates. will be sorry they missed it-well acted, well cast, well directcd, a pici' ire of high standards I M~r. Kalleres, owner of the Wilmetté Lt mage te MndaflU afa nber 14, ait the Belden Si as a beneit for its schq The club has sent two sley this year.. to Leo Of prograni begins rthe afternoon and Mrs. Byror ltake a ticet for a performance ~htwill assure entertaininent toi you radyour friends and at the same time serve a good purpose. Remember "The 'Night of. june 13." 1 1