Llwght Leroy Harris, 629 Centrai .avenue. The service was read at 5 o'clock by the Rev. R. Lester Mon- dale of the Unitarian cburch of Evanston, and was foiiowed by a reception for sixty frien ds, and rela- tives.: Cheyoanthemums'in colors, of yeliow, .bronze, and,,goldi decorated the bouse. An imiprovised altar of ferns, pains and chrysanthemums was erected in front of the. fireplace in. the living. rcom, whiie tati tapers provided the Qnlv ighting during. the ceremnony.- S The bride %vore an afternoon dress 'of periwinkle blue and a turban of pur- pie veivet. She carried orchids. Her, oniy 'attendant, her sister, Miss Mar- garet Harris, had on an afternoon frock of gold crepe and a brown vel- vet turban. Her flowers, were chry- santhemums in shades of yeliow, gold. and bronze. Walter Johnston 'of Concord, N. H.,,.served Mr. Wbitte- more as best man. Mrs. Harris, the bride's . mother, %vore a gown of dahlia and gold-côl- ored crepe. The grooîn's father and niother, Mr. and Mrs, Walter M.. Whittemore of Boston,. canic on for the wedding as did his sister. ýMrs. James Kennedy of Mount . Vernon, N. Y. Other out-of-town guests were V rs. Harris' sister, \lrs.ý Arthur F. Haise of Philadeiphia, andý Jackson Waterbury of Syracuise, N. Y. Mrs. WVhittemore wore biack.velv-et. After a wedding joiurney hyv motor *to Canada and through the east, the bride andbridegroom wili make their was e inember of D5elta Gar sorority. Mr. Whitteinore is an herst man and is a member of Delta Theta fraternity. mina Ain- Card Party> la Beneit for Woman's Club Fund An evening subscription card party on Novemiber 19, is the next project of the ways and means committvc 01 the Woman's. club of Wihiiett-., Carlos Photib lb ad lrs. Char/ies J. Engel- Ihiardt of 91 i Ouktîood- avcnlue, rIilz'u. t a blridge ýtea S-at-ý ,r a. a 'ounecd the engage- mentPito thcir daiiglteri, EsteIIle, to F. Gordon Ifcuil/lia;els, son iof Mr. anîd 1.S. Arthuîtr C. l ~fl 'i/liatiis of Chicago. AMiss. Encrrd sa 'qraduatc of ANorth-, L'IY univrsit anid a nîember of, Chi Otueqa sorority anid Phil Brta Kaipa. Mr. M1cllYilliaies islý Eli Bates Polo Bee fit Draws Kenilworth Group A cliarity event that is attracting norih shore interest is the polo an(] military cenonstration to be giveii for thé benefit of the Eli Bàtes set- tlement hou 'se on Saturday night, Novemiber 5, at the 124th Field Ar- :iliery armiory. A number of coupjle- from Keniiworth attending are Air.: and Mrs. Ciayton Burch of 163 Ab- ngdon avenue, M1r. ,and Mrs. Lee ýEllis of 207 Cumnberland avenue, Mr. and> Mrs. Harold O. Barnes of 98 Indiana Hill road, M!r. and Hugli Petersen, 212 Warwick road, Mr. and i4rs. jules Petersen, 222 Cumbherlaind avenue, Mr. and Mrs. Ward Starrett, I I I 1 a MI . vuiesa. 1N.,vemner v, a4Lz o'cloek The prizes wiii include' one for each table, and home-made cake and.coffee will be served. The seating of memrbers cogne singiy wiil be given especiai attention. Assisting Mrs.. Wilson are Mrs. A. Hunter BarrY, Mrs. John ,Poyist.on. Mrs. E. B. Cunningham, Mrs.- Al- bert W. Froehde, Mrs. Joseph H. H-ein-' zen, Mrs. J. M. Krejci. Mrsý Robert B. Littli Mrs. Louis H., Reich. Mrs. Edwin H. Vogt, and Mrsç. Arthur J.- %Te rnecke. Bridge and 'Tea at Dubbs' -Home for Local Relief. On .Friday, Novemnber 18, at o'ciock, there wiil be a social tea and bridge party at the new home of M i. and Mrs. C. 'P. Dubbs, for the beni- efit of Wiimette charities. This part.% is being sponisored by. the Woman'sý society of Wiimette Baptist church. Tickets are selling rapidly. They nav be procured from Mrs. A. V. Gruhn. 1333 Elmvood avenue, Ir s. Georgc B. Williamns, 1137 Lake avenue, or f rom Mrs.,George Conlee, 849 J'in -'1 coin avenue, Winnetka. Those wlio do flot care for bridge may pIav other gagnes or have a pleasant tiumt visiting together. The entire proceed., of the afternoon will be availabli ,- 'nediateiy for Xiinette charities. Circle Bene fit Fridag Friday, November 4, is the day of the dessert bridge the West circle of the Woinan's gtiild of Si. Augustine's Episcopal1 church is, giving at 1:30 o'clock, mn the clubhouse at 1140 M'il- mette avenue. Mrs. Donald Ormsby is chairman, with Mrs. Charles Allen and Ms. - Harry johinston . her co-chairmen. Mrs. S. Iigelow Haley is in charge of tickets iwhich may be obtained froni her or at, thedoor. Has Surprise Partyg Frank J. Dowd, Jr., 1502 Walitw street, was given a surprise party iaSaturday afternnon- hv hi mass of their daughter. Helen Eliza- beth. and the }Rev. Robert Keys Gifin of Wooster, Ohio. The ceremcny and mass took place at high nlooni at st. Luke's church, Evanston, the.. Rt. Rev. George Craitz Stewart. bishop of the Diocese.of Chicago, officiating. The bride wore. thé traditional white satin gowft and tulle veil and carried crewam roses and liles of thé vallev. Attenditighcr were Miss Cather- ii Moore of Xiimette, maid'of hon- or, and, as..bridesm aîds.* Miss Jean Markiey of Winnetka 'and Mrs.. Ger- aid White (Dorothy. Dickinson) of Grand Rapids, M-iéc. Ail three 'vere ,in gowns of a new xnottled-finished satin-back crepe, the maid of honor' wearing apricot -and the bridesniaids turquoise. Their bats were sniali brown veivet turbans, with nose veils. and 'their fiowers were roses and smaii chrysanthemums in: bronzIe vel- l0w and orngeshades. Robert Wetpai of Reading, -Pa-.. was best man, and the ushers were the bride.'s brother, ]3onnar ]Brown. and three men who attended Western Theologicai seminary with the bride- groom,' the Rev. Thoma.5 Rogers, the Rev. Eugene, Shannon, and Arthur Wiihis., Among the pre-nuptial affairs-were a luncheon given by Mrs. Fredlerick,, Dickinson of Winnetka and MIrs. WVhite, a dinner at wbich Miss 'Mark- Iey wvas bostess, a luncheon given by -Th e Questers," an(l a bridge-tea given by Miss Emilie Durham of Evanston, ail with accompanying sbowers. Mr. and Mrs. Brown had the bridai dinner-the evening before the wedding. After Novepiber 14, Mr. and M.%rs. 'iffin wiii be at home at St. Aiban's sechool, Sycamore, 111. Mr. Giffin is in cbaPge of St. Peter's churcb in Syca- Woman's C lub to Give Dance and, Card Part y The -Woman's -Club ,of Willmette, iauses occasionally in its year bus with civic, cultural, educationai andI pihiianthropic affairs, to devote an evening to social relaxation for ineni- ,iss Hïlda Wiicox of Los rPheips is at Letand iversity, where he. has and is doing -research Joyce, 531 Essex entertained twenty aughter, Ruth, at a ýriday evening, Oc-. day evening. on of the Frank W. nona road, enter- f bis friends at a at blis home Mon- 4 a feiowe workc.