nave ueen planneci for Uthe01(1 grads TLhe game will be the third ini a row ini whichi the Wildcats bave been called uipon to meet a higb geared elev'et. Two weeks ago-it %vas Pur-1 due i a whiclhetut Purple,,emiergcd with a 7 to 7 tie and last 'Satturday the opposition %vas Minnesota, Northi- western dropping the gaine 7: to 'O.- For two a row the \ViId- cats have upset' the Buckecs. but this season Ohio wil! invade Ev-î anston with a high poweied eleven wbich two weeks-ago held a'power- fui Pittsburgh team to a scoreless tie and whicb iast week tied Wisconsin 7 to 7. In this latter contest th e Buckeyes clearly outpilayed ,the Badgers, and only the retturu ocf a punt for a touchdown enalud \Vis- consin to earn a tie. Once again Notwsr il meet an oüppouenit which boasts of a mnuch heavier line., indicating that the Wiîldcats. will resort to its pass- ing game ini retaliation.. Most, of Northwesterti's ground gainhing this vear lias been by tbe'aeriai route and with both Rentner a.nd Oison doing the tossing, this' attack hias been most successfui. Trhe fact: that. George Iottcr, quar- terback, hiad, a recurrence u shouider' injurv in the. Minnesota ganie wIll puit himi out'of action this week-endi(. He is expected to bc ready7 to resume activities iii tine for the N'otre Dame game in two wecks. While Northwesterii %villot h c called iwoni to stop) a Horstînanu or aManders Saturday, thev m-Ill i)e- couniter soine eiusiv'e backs in the persons of Hiinchman. Carrollii tn< Cramer. Ait three of these bail car-i riers are fast and shifty, providing ai rather difecretit type of offense fronxî at iKeQ 'ross Workroom To ineet a crisis as serious as any since the Worid war, the Red Cross ba.s opened a niodel workroon in the Pure IN building,. Chicago, and sends out a cali for. thousands of volun- teers to convert 3,000,000. 'yards of cioth into clOthes.- The materiai iW part of the 500,000 bales of raw cot- ton transferred to the American Red Cross f rom the Cott on Stabilization. corortion- by the ,government. -The dsrutio n of.the finishied garments will be made through the Illinois Re- lief commission' nô*w caring for 150,000 famnilies in Cook, DuPage and part of Lake.counties. This is civic ,%ork and a community. enterprise. The chairman, Mrs. George A. Mic- thenioâckwr time commtandukant-o tion ïs imperative. Garments must be readv for distribution in November. The, prompt cooperation of, volunteer wonien wbo can do plain sewinig or run a sewing. machine wiii prevent much acute suffeiing and enable nany chidren tà go baék to schoôIr and fathers and mothers to look foi work, it is expiained. Neighborhood groups are being or- ganized as ini war time and it is% boped that north shore wonen-in- dividualiy aild collective.y-Mwill. get in touéh with the Red Cross Model Workroom, -Wacker drive and Wa- bash.avenue, telephone State 1864. Robert Keith, who spexît tilt: suni- iner at the Kenilworth inni, rettrned to Chicago the first of the Nweek. -o- Mrs. Bassett Ruf, 236 Cunmnori road, Kenilworth, left this wveek. foi MhiIene. Texas, to visit ber parents. * Jecause they are precision marde, uanart, enduring and comfortable to wCar. Recause only the inest materials and only experienccl optical artisans are empioycd: in their makinig. Because. they are expertly fitted wvhn -pur.. chased ýand are re.-adjusted 'as often at needed without additional, charge,* You Cannot Ruy -New EByes AiinerCoe 'ompiény les S. Wmbasla 1643 Ortington Ave., EVANSTON Av*. 18H aho emi. as CRI JOAaGO & 8. LaSe M L jJ ART IKASSEL and bis "KASSELS 1K THI AIt" Dow playlog lrhtty la the. WaIaut Boom N1o Cover Charie WIEnoLDT S B.ASEMENT On Divis St. EV ANSTONý WiImIt-1100o Mess I F7amWa Ise Wieboldt's Basement-Evanston J RANDOLPH AT LA SALLE, CHICAGO PA TRONIZE 0OUR> AD VERtTISERS Youl Like To Know L