n-o appre- 4P--ara.ra c urrenlm-sue. Resolutions of condolençe. carde of tbanIku. obitu- aren, notice of :tertai:ments or other affairs whére an admittance charge li publshed, will bc at*sHte .teD November is witb us again. A Vear ago she came and gave us a foretaste o winter. And now that many trees are bare and some few -flakes Elecçtion.. of sîîow have fallen, she Days pays us another visit. October is indeed a won- derful month. It is .the nîontb of brisk weather, stimulating and. vitalizing. Ifh is good to be alive in October. Novemaber, Iikewise,. spurs one on to do sornething wortb wbile..1 It invites one to remtaiti out-' doors, to0 stretch the mutscles. and go spme wbe rè. November* is the nîonth thîs year in wbicb the: good citizen gets bis lest op- portunity- of helping, bis country. Feeling ......... vigorous. than in the sultry ýJuly aànd August days, hie goes toý the poils bright and early to. cast ýhis vote for the men: of bis choice. Evenl thotugh blis Vote is only one of- millions, stili it bias its due weigh4t, and hie would feel imiself deprived of a precious right if illniess or business pres- sure prevented bis voting. November cones and witb. bier this Yvea r *the priceless opportunity of înaking our choice feit. Let«us nîagnify our respon-. sibility and our part 'in the life of. this great Commonwealth. Every faàir-minided person must. recog- nize that taxes on bothý real and personal property are flot perfectly fair. _Some property owners are taxed, Stran a more than they sliould be. Point, Others- are taxVd imucli less. '01:11 -.1 - - 1 - .- A -- craaou. What about the personal property tax? Tc many it i8 a real problem. Some months before receipt of the bill itself the mnate 1and wlien tle bill arrives pays it inmediateiyto get rid pof the probleni. Lt seerns just to conclude that the unl- portant thing just now is to keep our schools and othe.r public iinstituitionis..func- tioning as- normally as -possible. .ro pile ul) debts for-settlfieent in future vears is not wise. Let uùs strain ,a point or ùtwo and pay our tax bis as l)r-oniptiy, as >ýwe rain. A.bl and thoughtful p)eoplle ini. our uiorth: shore townsý have for xnaii îionthîs been doing ýail thàt they cain to get- work for Keep U P. the t'jobless. Fîîey have Keet UJIthought put« a surpris- Good Work -ing number of ways of getting these -jobs. I)oubtless onîe of the best Of their %Nays is to secure for -the -unenîployed wbiat might be called transient- work ike nîoôwing. lawns, cleaning window s, sawîn g wood. It is difficuit to speak top admniringly of the resuits-acconplishe-d by these pub- lic-iinided citizens or to praise too bigily. their motivyes and _spirit. They seem t'O lieto do the work,.in itself ani inspiring, disposition. They carry on %vith. perse- verance and foresight, neyer for a mopmen t giving the impression tbat tbey believe that tbey, have done enouigh ani that others should take their places. It is people of just sùcb caliber thiat belp us to survive thiese liard timies. Pros- perity would corne ini a rush if ail of us deait with existing 1roblenis ini the saipne spirit and witb the saine ýwilinign'ess 10 iend a helping band. > Wben we; read 'in the Here anidThere -oiumný of the New Trier News Note s the statement that "We cari sit on a mountain but. not on a tack," we tho ught it a fact. That a mosquito bothers one more than an elephant. Yet, if the elephant burden his trainer with ail the weight of affection it would surely bother the tramner. Our heartiest congratulations tp the. ?Vinnetka Music club for having brought Zachmaninoff to the north shore!i Like tillsÔfl critie on the Daily News, we say, Tb.ank you, Mrs. Whitman,!" Pluf giarding stil te gardensr sad array Tise sentine) poplars stand, dressed in pale goki: Taruished, mayhap, and tattered. Stili they hoId, 'v, cauity of a vanish<ed .rummer day. -Adele Jordan 77o.r. TraqiC, W. CallesEt L)ear 'Mique: Isn't itf unny how simlple, momentous problemsý' becomeé whenl viewed in the light of a reilly great intelligence? The Governor (N. Y.) said at Boston Monday night tbat hie proposed to restore the purchasing power of the people, and that that is the 1onily way America can. be put to -work. Solv~ed. the farnier's :problem 'thusly. .Industrial %vorkers of tbe east, jobless and dimeless, are to purchasc farm products at a high, price, and then the farmer wvil1 bave money to, buy industrial prod- ucts, and everybody will be happy. Now, .bow in h- oh, well, Mique, you: can figure that out just as easily as 1 cani. You use. the 'sanie rule, applied to that other easy probleni, "Which came first, thé heti or the. egg?" -Maque. ]gVERYBODY -Ezerybody,%'i cryiîn' *'mney's mighty tight"; Everybody's f uture Zookm' dark'. as nýight; Iýiverybody wttorr31yI', zualkint' on thse street; E:very body fiurini' hoiv they're gonna eaI. E,-v.rYbody wuatts' b borroîv, none of 'cm tb fend; lveryoyasis'we rd, times is goin' t' eti: E-verybody outta z>'ork, l.ookin' for a job; I.-vcrybody at'the gaine, joiltiz'.twith thse ,nob. FEvrybody's got a car and goin.' bto te show. IIoW's everybody steppin ' if thcy haven't-any 'dougis? E:zeryvbody can't be brokezï,hile ez'erybody's ýbuyin' Lcads a guy to, blifkin'. j;,ott every,'iody's lyià'. -A.L. W. lHonecoxning dlay for horrowed books is an- nounccd by the %Wilmette Public library.' Which is just axiother wvay of gently prodding the delinquent borrower. Not a bad idea, say we, as. applied to srnle private libraries. \\e,oUt cust. always returnl books proxnptlv. A0d neyer horrow'or carry an umibrella. October lha% passeil into miettory and, now> it's November. Thouglit %we noted just a bit ýmore nip in the ozonec last' Ttesday,,.,,And, ere the new moon bas run its'course, our MWildcats-more's the pity-ý wiII be rated just another Big Ten football , teami, the boys "in the kinow" will be selecting another Presidential cabinet (if necessary), Turkey Day wiIl have- broughit on its ctistoniary quota of diges- tive tafilvts, and wIibec thinking ini tcrms of Christmîas gifts (receivable only). in te igrit of retiected giory'. Due to unavoidable delay, we shall be compelled to postponeannouncement of our choice for Presi- dent. until inéxtweek's edition. Watch fr it!