The Chicago Crime Commission endorses Courtuey. The "Secret Six" of the Chicago Association, of Commerce endorses Courtney. The Better -Government -Association endorses Coùrtey., 'The Leiiative ,Voters Leagu e1basà endorsed- Courtney. The United: Depositors Association bas endorsed Courtney. The.Citizens Association says, Swalnson should not be ré--elected. Reputable labor and business'are, for'Courtney.* Social, Service le aders. have endors Ad Courtney. The Democrats are ail for Courtne y and tens of thousands of Republi- cans, will vote for hini. .4.4.4 ~ . ., We urge il citizens who- want a& States- Attorney who cati be relied upon to dean up gambling, fight the racketeers, blow out the bombera, breuak up th i vicious -gangs and make the county saf e f rom rapiats, murderers, burgiars and hold-up men to ~. eVOTE FORee KTHOMAS, J. COURTNEY.. DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATE FOR STATE'S ATTORNEY __________ e ___________ e. e 4* ~- COUNTRY TOWNS Charles MN. Thomson, Chairman Mrs. Charles T., Ford, Vice Chairman Clarence S. Pellet, Vice Chairnan REPUBLICAN COURTNEY ICLUB Walter Hafies, Secretary Richard B. Austin, Assistant Secretary Thomas M. Whitson, Treasurcr Ford r