FOR CONGRESS Independent (Republican), Tenth District.. on- Ma Rec"rdof EOcM"t Publie Sevc DiuingSixes.Yeas a State Representati*ve. BECAUSE- Heu. the only candidate qualified 63y ,Ilegisative experience, repu-e tainand record' of public service to fil this office. BECAUS- He je the candidate actually nominated by the people and displaced by a.-iudicial homiee Voters' nomination shail prevail. BECA US" E - He isth strongèst canididate by qualification and actual support to dfei bi Déocrtieopponent. The Democratic candidate says that the Gight is,,between "h*mseIf and Church."' -Ch aEFveuing Post, October 29, 1932. ý-Cicago Daily News, Oc.ober 31. .1932. WIN ITHCHURCH- BEST QUALFE T/,nese Critical Times demand Competent Leadership HOW TO VOTE FOR RALPH E. CHURCH FOR CONGRESS Eiher Pitacos nyu party crde and a cross ta the square before the naine of. [Pt.ALPH E. CHURC.%,H. or Put a cross ia the square befor-e Curch andi every other canidmate for whonm you. wish to vote. WINNETKA COMMlITTEE sition to the setection of Sheridan road by the Century of Progress as one of its main advertised or "imarine" routes. The association is organized for the protection of the residential character of Sheridan road ane. the nortb shore communities. The association,,operated tunder a state charter "flot f0or pofit,"is succe ssor to the Sheridan Road Improvement association. The fi ve immediate problemns before thc _as- sociation, it Ws announced. art 'as "Removal of State Routte 4. aiid UTnited States Route 41 to more rip- proprlate. location to. the wemst of and around the north shore rnuxIipaIitiûe: in accordance wlth. modern principle.Q of )lghway planning .and the reorn- mOendation of ail r*epresent.ative orgrtn- izations on the north shore. "Prevent the grantlng of (ertifileaýte- ,of convenlence and necessity for truck and bus routes, along Sheridan road crw A through north shore towvns. .1 "Cooperate wlth.the state and eqiimit>, highway engîneers, 'the, iliflÀ (ç,om- mission on future road progranis. ..n<i planning assoctations,,Ini protectiflg th(~ forth -shore cominunities a-s reid-.mti.,i areas. Cooperate with highwayý and mnunicipal apthorities in securing the right of way for State Route 57 along, the $koki<e Valley electrie Ilin from -Chicago to thi. .Wisconsin boundary, and the co rc tion of thià route a.,;a .modernupr highway.'- Ceoperate witlî theý nnrth simore, municipalities and~ civie associations iii preventlng further expenditure of statf- funds on widening and chîtnging of grade of Sheridan road for the puiro,ýt of l.ncreasing the speed and denFitvrcf. traffie o)n this road." Ha& 33 Dir.ctors The. association is, maniged bya board of 33 directors who reside in Lake Bluff, Lake Forest, Higli!anld Park, Ravinia, Glcncoie, XVi nnetka. Keli, WilIrette and Evanston. There are also 20 adviso ry director.s.. Thie. )reslident is Williaým Sliernian jHlav of .Wiinnetka. Fdgar Crilly of 1Winitka amicl Joliu 1-1. Har<lin' of XXîlmhettc are vice-prcsidenits. L. WV. Beman, of Libertyville is secretary, and Gordon L. Pirie of Xinntka P.% treasurer. CURS ENTERTAIN MOTHERS Robert W.. Townlev, director of ontr Mî~.Wilim .Dilion Ms Robert Patterson This Advertisement Inserted and Paid for by the Committee at 11 o'clock. at;9:45 o'clock. dienMan" VLll W11 e ic vices in First Church îst. in Wilmette, héId lifice at 1003 Central nornig, November 6, unday school convenes MEN -