NMrs. Frank D. Fuller of 96 Churcbi road, Winnetka, is chairman, and Mrs. Robert V. L. Wright of 707 Hili road, Wiiinnctka, is vicerebairman. . rhe Tlitrsdla, afiernoon progranîs wiii be1 informai, witli each hostess *giving a talle, reading a political *paper, -or .leading an .informbai po- litical. discussion. Light refresh- Inents wil be served du*ring the af- ternoon w,,hichl is an "at hiome," flot Only to ail deinocratic wvomen in the tovnship, but to republicanis or*ïn- dependents Who. are in terested. The programn hour, is 3 o'clock, and. resi- (lents of Wiimette,, Kenilwvorth, Win- iietka, and >Giencoe are included on the list of those participating. - On'October 27, Mrs. Ernest Bai- lard of XvVinnetka wili speak. On Friday, Mrs. Frank Fuller,, who just lias returned fr roi Springfield, wili talk on "Roo.se;veit at Ou.ir State *Capital." on Monday, October 31, M Ès. Jamùes . Hougliteiing of Winiietka wil reail a paper. Wiluette woni- en of the deniocratic party, wvil1 be especiaily interested in Truesday's program, the committee announces, for at thattime, one of their towns- iolk, Mrs. John Taylor. Booz, will be iii charge,.of the program. Wednesday, November 2, Mrs. NMrs. William R. English of Winnet- ka is to read a paper. Thutrsday,. * \O\,eniber 3, will bring Mrs. Gordon ýýîblev *of' Giencoe, and on the, Fni- day foliô%ing Mlrs. HLugh A. Fores- inan of Kenilwortli wiii give tlhe pro- eram., Other, speakers art being sectured i or the other afternoonis renaininig miti Election day, their naine s to )c M.110o1nced next .veek. *A radio bas been instalied in -th'# New Trrier headquarters thiis ~ek Formner Wilmiette Man Candidate forBeh R avniond J. koth, proniinentyouing attorney, who for manyV yearsý was a resident of Wjlmette, is one of the can(li<Iates for judge of the newlv c-rated 'Municipal court of the City meL meetinig. ivrs. xvv unam evrini, chairman of the Women's. division,. Cook County Central commiiittee, spoke on "The Necessity for United Efforts in the Coming Electioli," and Mrs. Susan M. Hough, chainnian, of, Country, Towns of tbe committee. ex- piainedthe Placé of the Xonian.'in, Politics, in Relation to This. Cam- paign." W %oien of New Trier township are. being, urged by tbe.club to attend the Republican ràllý to be heid Friday evening, October 28. in the Byron C. Stoip school, Wilmette. An invi- tation wvas extended. through thé Centrai Committee to Republican Women to attend a tea Novelmben 4 in the Grand. ballroom of the Palmen House. important Cook County,.can- didates wilI be there,' it is, explained. Trhe hnlrs arefronu3.> to 6.. JIA s. j ulus A. reterson, Mwr. and Mrs. R. W. Starrett, Mr. and Mrs. F. T. Steingraber, Mr. *and Mrs. M. A. Morrison, Mr. and Mýrs. E. . Hicks, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Ander- sen, Mr. and. Mrs. John Ratbbone, Mr. and Mrs.. Walter A. Knoop, Mr. and Mrs. George R. Benson, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Barrett, Mr. and-Mrs. Raipb Hawxbunst, Mr. 'an d Mrs.. Oliver Barrett, Mr. and. Mns. John O'Connor, Mr. and Mrs. Paul C. Ciovis,- Mr., and Mrs. Ftrank W. Ketcbam, Mr. and Mrs. Chanies E. Driver, Mr. and Mrs. DeWitt Stili- man, Mr. and. Mrs. Herbert Taylor, Mr. and, Mrs. Craig B. Ketcbami Mr. and M rs. M. G. Hendersan,1 Mrs,. Porter Fox, Mr. Robert Berger, Mr. Roy C. Osgood. The next meeting of the club wili eu lcnC u be Monday, October 31, al, 8 o'clock. ieu lcnCu lpvités Villageirs i Organize to Support to Mass Meeting. Thomas J. CoUrtn'eY A Republican rally and mass meet- Republicans in various parts of the ing will be beid Friday evening, Oc- country districts outside of Chicago toben 28,, at 8 o'clock at the Byron are carrying on an active campaign Stolp .scbhol, Tentb. street and. Cen- in bebaif of Senator Thomas J. tral avenue,- Wilmette, under h Courtney:,for state's attorney. An auspices of 'tbe New Trier Township, organization bas been p er f e c ted Republican' club. known as the Country Towns Re- This meetingwill afford tbe voters publican Courtney club, of whicb of New Trier their oniy'apportunity Charles M. Thomson of WVinnetka of bearing the variaus national, state is chairman; Mrs. Charles T. Ford and county issues discussed. in a pub- of Fiossmoor and Clarence S. Pellet lic meeting in New Trier township of River Forest, vice chairnmen; XVal- during tbe present cainpaign, it is ter Haines of Harvey-, secretary; explained. Richard B. Austin of Flossinoor, as- Judge F * J. Stransky, chairman of sistant secretary; and Thomas 'M. the Illinois State Centrai coiùmnittee \Vhitson of Park Ridge, treasurer. lof the Republican party; Joh n E.. Headquarters bave been opened ati Northup, candidate for attorney. gen- Roomi 687, Hotel Sherman. The fol- ýeral of Illinois and formier assistant iowing are meinbers of the executive state's attforney; John A. SNanson01,. conmmittee:1ree saesatre;Jh j* Richard, B. Austin, W.. C. Bechtold,Dpreseystatedsdatt ore; Jofn J. Mr.Nelle H. .,Bosworth,, Edward, F.lemecndatfocerkoth Broszei, Adelbert Brown, Mafrk w.ý appeilate -court, and William Jamesý ('resap, Robert M. Cunnini'gham, Dr. N1%. of' Wilmette are iisted, among thej s. Davis, riI, Jacob P.. DeYoung* Dr.spae. Arthur 1, Edison' Mrs. Charles A. Ford, The Metropolitan bill,* which con- HryC. Haas, Walter Haines, Len J. Hrassenaquer, A. R. Hatton, William, templates the consolidation of taxinig ICehe, Jr., Mrs. M. H. Lieber, Guy R. bodies. and which will be acted upon Lintner, Axel Lonncîuist, Milton H. Me- at -the next session of the Illinois, .Coy, William D. Mý>cKenzie, M rs.-T. I. . ..: t, dates for govennor of Illinois or their representatives will present their views on the leading state is- sues before a large mass meeting. Attention focuses particularly on Judge Henry Hornen, the démocratie, candidate, wbo wilI mnake ,this his, one appeanance, on the north shore, because of the enor .mous growth of Horner sentiment thnoughout, the nonth -shore, towns. Independents generally are raiiying to bis standard and it will be a:flot uncommon prac- tice, bis advocates say, for. Hoover supporters to cross oven and, place a cross before Judge Hornen's namne November 8. Appearin with.the. judge will be Roy A. Burt, Socialist candidate for' governor, as weil as, a repr esentative of 'thé Republican candidate, Len. Srnall. Who will represent Mri Small bas not yet been divulgedi The massý meeting, which is ex- pected ta be attended by residents f rom. ail the, uorth shiore towns, was arranged for by A. R. Hatton, pro- fessor of economics at Nortbwesteriu. acting under a mandate from the stu- dents. As early as the close of the coilege year last sp.ing, Professor Hatton communicated with the cani- didates of the tbree politicai parties -Republican, Democratic, Socialist. Judge Horner and Mr. Burt accepte<1 their invitations on the spot. After several weeks Mr. Small declined because of "conflicting engagemients? Thereafter Professor Ilatton sought the aid of the Republican state cen- tral comnmittee. The committee finally arranged to have the state ticket represented by Oscar Calstrom and M r. Caristram's acceptance was quoted ta. Professor Hatton by, the comrnittee. However, last week Mr. Carlstrom telegrapbed, bis regrets and Prof essor Hatton started out again on his labors to secure a Re- publican state leader for the three- cornered debate'. The fact that H-lorirer sentiment bas been sweeping. tbrougb the nortb shore towns is said to bave had some Wvashington avenue, Wilmette, lias Uctober 28, 'ton a trip t heen accepted as a graduate scbool Ind., ta see thein niece, student at Princeton university, be- Cougbitny, be confirmed. ing one of a selected graup of twenty motar ta Attica, Ind., v stud >ents, for speci.al work in. arclhi-. spend the week-end wvit tectural design. .sister. are. ieaving coveredi at the samne- tie. ait of uer classes to the Htowar Blooîington, _________ * scbool where she wiil teach in.c rances Xtc- Mn. and Mr$. R. C. Johnston havé aperation with the Logan-Howar hey will then returned from a motor trip tbrougb Parent-Teacher association. N el cre they wil ie east, wbene tbey went to see their classes in ballet and tap d. ncing wi Mrs. Burns' datigbter, Mrs. OwenGarfield, in Mont- begin on November 7. Balîroot Clair, N.TJ classes wiil be stanted Novemùber 4.