NATINALMANUFACTURERS. "1The Fa ble ofhe. HUNIGRY LITTLE BIRD andthe' FULL «LITTLE BiRD O NCE. upon a time there. er tolittie birds. They lived in- the smre tree. They were. both ambi- tious, energetie littie birds 'and dearly loved to dine on nice, juicy worms. Tt had been a dry summer and these' woôrrns tbat afforded these two littie birds such delightful meals were very scarce. Etich morning when theme littie birds started out in search of their meals they went different ways. Each evening when they returned borne one was full of worrns and pep. The other needed more worms and was tired Out. one, evening while talking about their experiences the. fulli littie bird said. to the hungry liittie bird, "'How is it you always corne back hungry in the evening? We start out at the sarne and full and much How do yoou do it?"I freshier -than 1.' "urtechnique is wrong," replied the full littie bird. "Here's how 1 do ït. Because woris are scarce now and picking is bard, 1 think .of the most Iikely spot %where worms will be . . . where the mil is fertile and soft. .And there I go each *morning. 1? sit up in a tree and watch or fly, slowly over. tbis sinali area and 1 get lots of worns. 1 don't waste my energy over a big area to get a few scra w Worm s. I concentrate where the big ones- are!" SR,.,Nationial Manufacturer., The moral Mof tbis fintie fable is: Wh' be like the hungry littie brrd any longer? You cao scatter your advertising ail over the country and stili' bc a.hungry little bird. Wake up! Re a zvise littie bird. Be a full littie bird. Concentrate your energies andc advertising '%vhere returns are certain . . . where the audience is rich and responsive. Chicago Office, 1016-17-18 WILLOUGHBY TOWER: PoeCNRL35 lý4 Phone CENTRAL 3355.