Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 27 Oct 1932, p. 3

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day and Tuesday .nigbts.. Noveitiber merce decided to throw the mieeting 14, and 15, under the auspices of the open to the public. It will be held WVilmette Chamber of Commerce at at the Wilniette -Masonic tenipfr., the Wilmette Woinani's club audi- 1010 Central avenue, at 8 .o'clock. torium. Mr. Jacobs will discuss the e Ail proceeds from the production Cook county tax set-lp,, explaining wilI go to the Wilmettc, Board ,of the plan by which it is cxpected thaat Local Charities o h eifo ed taxes will be lowefed. 'flic :assessor, famuilles in this community during. the also will discuss manv othier import* coming wvinter months,- it wvas an- ant angles of the tax .situation as nounced this week by B. T. Clark, they afftct Wilmcitte citizens. .ecretary of the Chamber of' Com- Terebigget augh anîd goo îîMusic.Po ie ih s b.argain of the year is* pronised thoseý Quality Préograms- who attend the show. Rebearsals are heing held nightly, withi a profes- at S. E. Club. Here sionai (irector, in charge. Members, While' the sason lias beeîî re- of the cast-are donating their tirnetrcdtofrnoth trigN- .tiid taeti re ohl imtesvemnber 6.,and closing with the last l~s fotuateciizes.Sunday ini February. thiisyear's proe- Last year "The Colleg'c Girl" ain fteWhet udyEei Musical comedy also sponsored b3ygarso te1lmte ud. vn the ffiIette Chamber of Commnerce îJ ng will he of, the saine high qualitN \%ýa ,ario . f fu.- taning. r olO)taininiýiiothers years., according xvas ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ' a ito u.Sadn omIk McClure, president. tnvsigiis were hung ont at bothlto W.V. Fra per fùritanices and a net ýprofit.of $3361 l11 comminunication sent out th 1i> was turn ever for charity ptirposes. week to var-ions organîizations and Officiais of the Chamnber of CoI individuals who annuially hiave un-1 nierce believe that the profits from- derwritten this -popular communitv this year's production wi.11 be even ýproject, Mr. 'McClure deciares thiat.i greater. because the show, lias. been the prograinm ill be of the sate high hought outright b the Clia.iber anid càliberthat bias distinguisbed the. las wvill not be handled on a. percentage 17 years. It wiIi inc7lutdej he, anniotunce*.,,! )7tsis as before. Rabbiý Stepheni S. WNise- of Nem- 1 *ilseats for "Sveetheart "own ..11,Yo.rk ; two. eVen îsof Branson De will be reserved. Tickets for the pro-Cuad bis iatest "dreamn 1ictures": duction are now on sale throughot i Frederic -White, for1 se .veral years (if- the Village. ficial photographer for, Elmiendor. Sarg's Marionettes Play Here November 1 * I'ony Sarg's Marionettes, il) "Siui- bad the Sailor," wilb conte to \Vil- mette Tuesday afteruuoon, Novem,1 er .1, to give.'two performnances for dii. dren in thé Byron Stolp school gyn-. iiasium. The -appearauýce of tIi'. troupe is sponsored by. the Central- Laurel Pare n-t-Te acher association, *aùdý is open to ail boys and girls iiii WVilmette. The first showjý, for sunthl chiildreni, wili start at 2 auid ciu 'intil 3-:30. The seconid performant-e i on older chbildren, commüinces at 3 :45 andlasts unti-1 5:15. T icketL a r I at a very nominal price, ojie redu c ironi the charge o f former vears, the 1". T. A. announces. Toiv Sarg 11, V. Pattil, recent unayor of' BombasN. an(l one of the greatest mien in ah India; the Hanmpton jubilce Singers;. a return date of the famnous XVelsl lImperial Choir; Gloria Hollister. ris- sistant top the great scientist.. XiI- liam, Beebe, inIibis uindersea phiotog- raphy ; Robert Shîppee, witli hi, movies Ôon the Peruivian Andes, ai numerous éther attractions of. Ont- standing mnt.i '"ProbabîS' at no tint.e in its historv lias Wihnette needed more it.s Sunl-, day Evening club than no-lofr wn spiration in trying times, an(i for it; refreshing outlook on ol affairs.',* MNi. McCluire dleclares. IleVillage. bledwitn the rimanîce uotlteir property on wnîcn the 1931 corporation on September 20 an ap- taxes are to be levied mai' do so by plication for such a loan to aid Xii- calling at the office of' the county mette in building its own waterworks assessor next week * and improving and extending its Those whp have uiot ascertained water supply system. what their assessment wil[ bc maY On October 12 a resolution was .also obtain t.hîs information at the passed by the.. Finance corpora tion.i same place. next, week, by- calling stating that it 1"bas'agre'ed to subnîit there and taking with them a re-, bids to purchase the". five percent ceipted copy of their last tax bill or water reven .ue bonds of this Village, a correct legal description of the beretofoire authorized, in the aggre- prooPerty. gate. principal amount .of 50O Information1to hateffect. accord- at the prit ,e of par and accrued in- ing to Sanborni Hale, tax collectèr terest,ý subject to the conditions. set for New Trier'township, was given forth, in said resolution 'of the ont this week from the office of Reconstruction Finance corporationi, George F. Nixon, a member of the dated October 12, 1932." Board of Appeals., A certified copy of :the 'Village M r. V opaneSo board's resolution approving and ac- j ju Hale explained further 'that, ceptig th banfrom he Fnanc before the first of next vear the corporation will bec.forwarded, to that rbo of ApbptrneI oertoth body ini Washington. Board o peals comprised. of As rinuncd lst eek th bordGeorge F. Nixon and Fred W. Brun- As nliuncd lst vee. te bardmel, where complaints may beý filed. liasalrady alld fo bis ontheA legal notice advising the property construction- of the watermorks. Thée owners of New Trier township will be bids will'be opened a t thé November 1isre nteCiaopprse 15 mieetinrg of the 'board, and it i,,1i t"ChCgoppes se expected that the contract %vill be let c ygtetndaso oeo thatNN-el,.which the cornplaints may be filed that eek. ith that body. Very soon after theF first of the Reven e Prblemyear, Mr. Hale said, the 1931 tax T. Them~ bills Will be sent out, and March 1, 1V. De ate I1933, bas been set as the penalty "Resoived,. that at least one-baif of! aefrttpyin fsc us ail revenue for state or local purposes i Pay in lnstallm.ats shold e drivd fom oures the The payment of the 1931 tax bis, shold e eriedfro. i surcs the Mr. Hale asserts he bias been ad- thaii tangible propjertv" is the subject vised, mai' be made in two equal in- being tiýed hy -New Trier Higli school dehaters tItis es. staihuents, if desired. By this plan, if any tax payer should obtain î Six by'tcairs and futir girls' teamis reduction in the amount 'of bis taxes are« workiîg on the question under the: after liaving fiied his complaint, but direction of Debate Coach Chester E.' which is -not allowed tintil after thé MfacLeani and the student coaches. li receipt of bis bill the etutire reduc- is plannied to hold the final trut I tion, if any, may;ýe inlade from bis tbe near future. second payment. New Trier wvill debate 'Rockford I The quadrenniai assessment of real High ischool on January 20. A, debate estate. in New Trier, township, on also will be bield with Waukegan, ai- 1 which the, taxes for 1931 wiil be, though the date bhas flot yet heen de- I ievýied, shows a réduction of 18 per- cided upon. Arrangements will be cent, u is announced. made later for. oth er, debates. Expfft Retluced Rate The new valuation is $61,991,786, _________________________as conîpaated with $75,680,790 on mue which figure the 1930 levy was made. P Ull]ag POWe The rate, determined on the basis Pjaofutheu" 'ever * , 1 of tevrotxi iolkiwing: Lt., Col. W. A. Carroll, (ilencoe, fitst vice president; Mai. Johin Evey, Evanston, second Vice presidént;, Lt. Tell Nelson, Evanston, secretary, and Maj. Max Waldenberg, Winnetka, treasurer. :anse is worthy b -Wilmette Board of * Local Charities. C. C. Schultz, treasurer.. Ads in Wilmetes leading newspaper. CALL WILMETTE .4300 J- Mn. and Mrs. Thômpson Wakeiey, Evanston, have moved recently to 730 Elmwood avenue. On Sunday e ein they entertained at a supper party for Mtrery (ornel1 of Ithaca. ..

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