to be recelved from the sale ofcKdtU o te ro Revenue Bonds of the Village of Wi- grain of the National Relief Comnmis- mette. Illinois. heretofore authorlzed, slon pleading for the unemployed said bonds havlng. been soid to the Rt - andl for donations to the local re- construction Finance Corporation, ~it lief organizations. includes the followIng divisions: Division A-Waterworks Structures. This called to îny mmid a similar The construction of filtered water. appeal by the Wilmette, comînittee Redimentation and reaction basins. filter. for the Unemployed, -made a few tanks,.-superstructures., intakte well andi ail appurtenances, thereto,. complete as weeks ago throiugh the local paper. . specified and as shown on the plans. The Village of MVinette has been: Division B-l14ing and Fliter Equip- fortunate to sel the five percenti ment. The furnishing and installlng ofbodfrt ail iin valves,, ail the filter and lodifrte Construction of a new chemicaleculpmient, erection of pump- water system, at P)ar, thereby reniov- .ing equipment, and engine. generator ing the obstacle- mfost* important fori unit. and. ail appurtenances; thereto, the immediate beginning of the con-i comPlete as speeified and ate shown onstcioad hebypin th the plans. srcin n hrb aigtt' Division C-4>Puiping Equipînent..The way to giving emplgyment to a large. furnishing of ail pumps..niotors and ap- numrbe r of our -citizens who are now% purtenances compléte As specfied and.rciigadadassac.Ta as shown ODi the plans; eevn i n sitneTa Division D-Electrical Work. The fur- our uneniployed, althotigh forced ýitt nishlng and installing of ail electrical, rsn oacp faiyfrtesp equipmeànt i n c 1 u d i n g transformers, peett cetcaiyfrtesp ewitchboard. controllers.. s w it ch ing port of theiir farnilies, wonild rallier equlpment, ail wiring. both power andl have work. is shown bv the, fact that. light, lightinig equipmnent' and fixtures and ail appurteniances thereto complete as specifled and as showvn on the plans.(7 Division EEgn Generator Unît,. ry n Potat The furnishing of. an enginà-drivenëi eletrie generating unit coniplete it i Exibited at iea shown on the plans. Alternate bids wili for Eighty Guestsà be talcen on engines using gasoline or. Approximately eighty. guests at- W of] for fuel. Division F-Intake. The futrishing' tended an* exhibit-teça Wednesday tl and instailing of the steel pipe Intake afternoon of last week, when Mrs. ti Une. m anifold and Inlet drums. comf- Robert S.ý Hammond, 1217 Asbury li plete with ail appurtenances. as speci-, lied and as shown on the plans. avenue, Hubbard Woods, opeined lier CI Division G-Connecting, Main. The home, to show a collection, of more Ii furnishlng and installing'of the slixteen- than tyClored crayon portraits. of ai inch cat ron connecting mWater main 1 nsiIyc the Lake Avenue and Fourth Street. northi shore residents, the work of >si comiplete with. excavation.ý backfilîî Elizabeth Gibson Engelhiard, 'Win-'tt valves. special fttings. connections and nietk rst appurtenant work. as -specified and as kaatitg shown on the plans. - *During the past eighit or iîî<lo r The work is located on the lake înonths, Mrs. Engeihard has com- ai !3hore at the foot of Lake Avenutdemotoe udeInfths Wilmette and ln Lake Michigan. u npIetdahotneudr ftesa The work shall be constructed in ae- delicate likenesses, the xnajority of cordance with ulans and specifications themý of children; although the group obn file at the Village Hall in Wilmette . 1111nois, and atý the, office of the En-' includes men, women and children of hi gîerParse.. Greee. & Hansen, a ' gs. A numiber of studies ofj NothMihianAvnu (lI 'io.l -Chicago persons, and a group ruade os.this summer at Lake Gene-.were Each ýproposai shaih contain- the flil t n4ame et everyý persoin or coînpany in-îl1ot included in the exhibit.m terested In the same and shah be. ac- Previous o e arngMs t companic.d by :cash or a check'md nehrstida heAtntî payable to the Treasurer of the VI 1ae gehrstddatheAtnt- of.Wlmtt.certified, by a. responsibietuead speci ied in ural paint- FH bank. In the following amounts: ing under John Norton, nom' amonZ Division A_...........$5,000 tefrms ua rit i h D)ivision BE............... mra6.000g. inth d Division -C...... ....6 .000 c ountry. She executed the imurais *Division D........ 2,000 for the library of the Lake View U Division E......... 500 }Iigh. school, and the Ravenswood Division, F... ........., 6,000 D Division G3 *.. fi l Congregational ehurch. andih2~-,n- tions tor employment, have been hiled and t.ha t about 65 percent of thesc. were filed by married nmen, support- ing familles." Sonie rumors of opposition to t1ic buIIilding of the waterworks: are stili persistent. Alil opposition sol o i)e withdrawn and the work coin- meénced, at. once. Several hiundred Peop)le iii this, villageý are' facing tlîis co ning winter withotit hope of ci-i plovinelnt, without fuel or .victuials lit their homne and in good miany cases the reîît unpaid, and these mnust lie pro- vided for through charitv contribu- tions. They Do NOt Uf'aelî Charity. 7'hey Wanit'J"ork. This project of constructing the waterworks will en u- ploy a larger number of.nmen and remove themb and theÎr (lepend(ents froni the charity list. Respect fullv, john J. Peters. pernanient collectioni of the institute. Less than a year ago, small silhou- -ttes and lit-hographs of local resi- dents, ruade by her gained attention and led eventually i the drawing of this,,remarkable group of craàyonpor- traits.. The unerring accuracy of the likefies'sses i1s only a. par t of their- charm and appeal. Thelines are. de- licate; the colors,. fresb and, alive, and the personalities of the subjecîs peak from the depth' of the eye and. he attitudes of relaxation and -rer pose. Most of the pictures are 1ili profile, but the full views prove the artist is equally skiliful at procuring alikeness f rom any angle. Maices Studies of Children No. doubt inspired, at. least ini l)art,: by lier owii thre. small daughters*, foaîî, Susan and, Mary, Mrs. Engel- ard has been highly s-uccessful with ;tudie.s of- children. Somne of' the many children's pictures included iii Ie exhibit, vere:, Mary -and Jeaiî lamimond, daughters of the Robert. 'Iatmmonds; the Goidon Pirie twiiis -two little girls; Covey Krem'ni, laughter of the George Kremîins: I ,rs. Henîry Bartholoni'ay's sons, lenry and Billie; the two sons of )r. and ldrs. Sanford Gifford of Homecoming are Charles South- wvard of Kenilworth and Jane Whit- acre of Evanston. The publicity chairmen are Jane Orr of Glencoe and Robert Aubritton of Evanston. Festivities begin on Fridav wheni- in the late afternoon there is to. be a large "Pep Meeting" in the Pat- teti gymnasinni and the aninuil.bonl- fire, on. the grounds adjoining the, gyniasiumn., There will be no pa- rade this year but, instead, the 46Frolics of,'32," a stunt show to bce staged by the fraternities and.sorori- ties at, thée Varsity theatier. 1>uriîîg the performance the prize Will bc awarded to the winner of the beaver contest. This is a beard-growing Coli- test, which began on Wcdniesday of this week. Also,ý on Frid'a'y night, the fraternities and sororities wvilI. have their houses, gayly decorated. After t he gaine on Saturday eacli fraternity and sôrority will hold. open house. In the evening the Hon-.e-ý comning dance Ihill bc, held in Pat-' ten gyMpasiuîn, and . cups will be IHealth. Center - Notes.J The next ciîest clinic w'ill be con- ducted by Dr. julius Novak ocf the. Chicago Tuberculosis ý institute oni Monday afternoun, Novenber 21, at I' o'clock at the Hleaith Center. The Infant Welfarc cliie viiI be held on the second and fouirth Wed, nesday next nionth at 3 o'clock, iii the afterniooi. IDr. 'Mua Pierce -will be iin charge. The dental clinic is litId each..Ttues- day morning froni 9 o'Dclock -intil 12. Dr. Earl .Christie is in charge of these clinîcs. ýON MOTOR TRIP Dr.e IndnHiI statesH.,eft liv otor teIDr*anHillrs. . : eidersb\ oof last Saturday for Clear Fieldl, Iow a', to visit the former's sister, Ivrs. W. M. Long. Froni there they drove to Hlastings, Neb., to attend the twenty- fifth wedding anniversary of ')r. and Mr. 1. W Bron.iMLrs- Erown ., i on theè acceptance or rejec- ýe varinus proposais subritted made as soon as uracticable bida are receLv-d_ iit the right d by the Board or Trrustees to oni on awarding ctîîtracts for nents for bidding. Instruction>; i, fnrm of 'o<ii.Citc. ATTEST: NICHOLAS PT. MILLEt,ý Village Cierk. .ruIstêee seniDiance varying frç Trustée to strongest similaritic Truqtee of Mr. Kremm and hi5 ter, and Mr. Hammor daughters are illustra L-lcfatnily studiesý. snaces t r- *we clclng party of a friend. n the faintest 0 o . The portrait Mrs. J. W. Woodruff of Tracy, infant daugli- Minn., arrived in Wilniette last Sat- d and bis twcb urday to be the guest this winter of .ions of these lier> daughiter, Mrs., Raipli J., Finni- gan, 1724 Elmwood ave.nue. 4 g