Ra 414I.. 1 5 FORZ RENT-ONE SINGLE R( e:îýt side home. Near ail tra tion. 731 Tenth St.. Willmeit lorta- "I. ~9-tf» ROOMS FOR RENT - $2.50 A WE and. up. Nr. New Trier il. S., Near t ranm. Ph. Kenlworth 495î. ;IL2-tp Pl'FAeSANT, WARM ROOM .IN WELLI 1 furnished homne. East side. G.arage and breakfast If desired. . Wil- niette 471.15LT251t .WELL FURNIS1IIED LIGIIT ANÏD a iry o .narShool and tra ns. OuI hent. Reaffonable. Glencoe 1719. 51L25-1ti) 'MTF BDiLOM TWIN BEI)S, licatr tran.sp. Hgousekt-eQiîîg priviieges if desired. Winnetka 2 522. 51 LTN23-1 te ;tge<1 emIifflePreferre(l. .elotia. 1>h. iiliette,4315. 5 ý;lL25-ltp PIJRZNISHED ROOM_ cOjVE N11NT to t ralîsportation,:also garage., ho11 W-ilmette 2764. LT2-t 52-A CA-RE OPFINVALIDE ÂND AGED 1>RIATEHOME F01R AGED AND) i '-a i .Nurses attenîtion day aild nilirht. Ditician in charge offo. Wif~te50q'). ALT2-t SB-^ FOR RENT-LT. HSEKPING. RMS. R1OOMS FOR LIGUT HOtJSEKEEP1-1 ing wvIth garage. Cali Winnetka 293-7. 56, FOR RWNlr-PARTMENTS CHOJCE .APARTMENTS C'orner Elm St. and Arbor Vitae I Four, room <1, bedrm,) l Five room (2 bedrmns.) - ,(,4RtATLY REDUCED RErNTAL-s SMITH ý& GOSS. INC. 725 Elm St. Winnotka 142 DEEiFI LT)- ibSiRBLE6 11(C0M t'îrI -lishu-d. $:i$-) per mo). R, M . Johnstoii &Co. Jîîî <st *[~ ermnal Wiliiett 4A44 561,25-1t A DANI11111R. APT. WITII LARGE liî,.. cin.. h.cdrm., 2 closets, tile bath, ~h> Uî'lec. refrig. P1lenity of u. bhieië aiiig k-ht. .Reas, rentai. -'al WVinuutka i INOO. 56TN5- r, ROOMiS A--,[, SUN PORCH IN RESI- dential ifeiglî b(rhood. Good pronos! - tdon for. 2 aduits. ý Winnetka 1127. ___________________________ 6LTN24-tfe ette apartment neo.r transportation. steam heat, electrical refrigeration. Call Wtlmette 1800. 56L.TN9-tfe i3 RM. APT. AND GARAGE, H. W. heat. $25. 2039 Lake Ave., Wilmette. Ph. Winnetka .397. 56LTN25-1 te ONE 2 RM.. ALSO ONE 4 RM. KITCII- entealit. Humphrey, building. Win- netka 9g or 29. . LN2-f FOR RENT - 5 ROOM ýAPARTMENT'; frigidaire ;'011 heat; $50mo 346 Park Ave. Ph. Glencoe ê66. 5L2-t 157 FOR, RENT-FURN. APT$. FOR RENT - REDUCED RATE ON _ttractively furnIshed 4 rm. and 1 iii. aili.iltlllentr-. convenientiy located. Ph., Wilitiette ý2399 or Wilmette 2427. 57LTN25-ifý* 60 PrOit iENT-HoIJSEs SUB-LEASE- igeautiful white colonialhomne, nearly new. 6 bdrms.. 4 baths* library, 2-car- gar.. large wooded grounds. $200 a Mo' S ,Frances J. Winscott 902 Spruce St. Winnetka .1267 60L25-liii 6. ROOIM HOUSE IN GLENCOE, 2-CAR -garage, for .6 months or longer. fur- nished or unfurnished. Glenee 0à2. 60LTN22-tfe FOR RENT-6 RM. HOUSE. SLÉEP- inz porch, sunroom. hot water heat. garage. 2111 MWlïmette Ave. Ph Wlmette 4518. 6OLTiN21-tfp. -ATTRACTIVE 7 RtOOM'%BUlNGALOW%' ~near sehools and'itranportation. 011- heat.. Open porcih. Garage. Winnetk-a 669. -60T '25-l< 4 .,COTTAGE. FùRN.. sTrOVp. ir $:io. iee grounds. 1218 Isabella. Wi*imnêtte., Lakeview 9027. or wil MY 7 1100M RES., 437 PPOVTflî<,N'T. -v'ar. Nov. lst. $60. Winni. 1,592. 6OL1TN,25-1tlî 72 FOR SALE-HOUSES ___ REDUCED 1)TO $16.000 7 roonis, library, tile s howor. gî îunq 15x10,inichoicehIdiamu FI il I sctin. Will exchaiige for billngalow ton Nirth Shore. .SÉ 'AI l» Newh.tll. 1071 Skie Rxdge, Pr. , Glencot E554,Piriargate 1]'55) SPECIAL FEATURES: Studio livinig foom, .2Qx35. Solarium, large dining.roomn and beauti- fui breakfast- room. Decorations MarshalField. à& Co. 5 master >bedroonis, 3 master. baths, 2 servants' roomsand bath., Owner ls desirous of selling. or,renting furnished or unfur- nished. Pî'operty is clear. Advantageous'financing arrange- *ments. See Mr. Landaken.*522 Davis St., vtî, Greenleaf e2 lTN25-lt r' 61 FOR REFNT--FURNISHED HousE FOR 6 MONTHS - 4 1IEDTIOOMS, '3 baths, Frigidaire, . o h hat. Choice lo- .j ation. esnaî privî'd to smal Ifami ly. flefs. exchanged. Knilworth 4795. 6 LTN25-ltp 74- FOR SALE-VACANT GOOD LAND IN 5- AND 10-ACIIE tracts on paved road. l½ý_ miles fromi Ariington Iîeights depot. $500 per .4lS6 farni IbuiIldings itil ;-)4'l.10' aere<- foi. sale. R. M JOJNSTrON &.Co, Orp1osîte ' i" iî1îmnîiîa I Vihiie -te 444 74L25-1ù~ '86 FOR SALE-HOUSEHOLO GOODà tuer' atIMI whoieg-liout.Rm-k- ford ani Gralid 'lia ;ids faclori- samples. I)inling.. living, anld bedrnm. sets, aIl walntt twill beds, midd de'ers liests, and occasimnal i<e. *Wun. Johnson, Ph., Deiawarv 3085: - 56 1,T N25 - 1t 1 G.. >rEFIilEI4TOII, LIKE, NEW. Cost $28,3; seil chieai) ) l' cashl. 258 * uith 1Ierrace. flaviîîia. 6T2-t GAS STOVE,VCTOAIlO SN- le bhd, rugs. bi--bachina.-te 660 Pieî nnetkra 644.. S6LTN25-1tîý- 87 WTD. TO BUX-HSfLD. GO.ODS WANTED TO BUY O01-LT'MLÏ Mvîsne orsrnilCable niano.1rTi Winntka-86.S7LTN2a-ltt. A. MARTIIN BUYS ALIL KINDS 0F MEN'S USED clothing and shoes, also ail kinds of furs. Cali anywhere. Phone Uni. 0347. 89LTN25-lte RESPONsIBLE PARTY WILL TUNE and guarantee excellent care to grand piano for. use. Write B-200, Box 40, Wilmette. 111. 91LTN25-1te NOTICE TREASVRY JJlPARTMENT omee «I thé Comptrofler et thé er. renoy, Washltouat 1) . C. Jij t'il1les Notice la hereby. given to ail persons who may' have .cliirmos against '.'The Flrst National Bank of WilietteB." WiI11 mette, Illinois, that the sanie must b. presented to Melvin B.: Erieon, Re- celver. with'the legai proof therot *wthin three months from this date or, they may ble disallowed. JW. POLE. Comiptroller of the Currency. Jtiiy 31et, Aigua.t<S eptembr and October. L12-tc IN XEMORIAM1 Wagner-Dorothea Wagner In loving memrory of our dear Mother wh o pva..sed away one year a'o. October 2C.. 1931. Vour memory la as sweet tûday, axs on the day youlpassed awayr. Your Ioving children. ANNOUNCE BIRTH 0F SON~ ,.NMr. and Mrs. Stephen Lusted oi Western Spring-s, Ill., announce the birth of a. soni, Stephen Warren 1,usted, at the Ijinsdale sanitariuni *Saturday, October 15. The baby's motLur 'vas the former Elizabethý -Northcott of Wilmette. Mr. Lusted is the son of.Mr. and Mrs. Warren 1Lusted, 921 Thirteenth street. _Mr. and. Jrs. C. S. Keating,953 Ramona >road, returned Thursday, fromi Wheeiing, W. Va.. where they- speit a week on a combined -business and pleasuire trip. Your Classified Ad Be fore WJLMIETTE LIFIE I " .FOR MORE THAN 20YEARS. THE HOME PAPER 0F THE'COMMUNITY"Y 4300