li Lintu . . .uct .il". , c 3tii i in Xilniette theater this Friday and Sat- îîrday in "Speak Easily," a riotc,s story of a -ëolIege professor who ini- lierits close to, a million dollars and beconies a theatrical producer. An ail- coinedy cast supports the star, inciud- ing the inimitable Jimniy "Schnozzle" l)uraxte4 :Ruth Selwyn and Thelma , 1 odd. ."Speak Easily," based on, the Clarence Budington Kel lanid story, "Footlighits," was selected as Keaton'sý ticur'st cornedy vehicle because of its uiiiIiited, opportunity for h umorous gags, anusing- dialog, and rapid-fire rimredy action. Trhe Mickey, Mouse club wJ.Ill hold aHallow%%e'eni party at the Wiliiette theater. Sâturday aiternoôon at 1 o'clock' aines, contests, eats," 'and prizes for the best costumes will make this a. -ala everit. No Cheers for Ates, Though Corne on, you rooters! TIhe. bigý gaine of the "Prison Con- ierence" is being played Sunday, Mon- day 'and Tuesday, October 30, 31 and \November- 1, at the Minmette theater \Vhere Bert Wheeier and Robert Wool-! sey are co-starring in the comed, "'HoId 'Em Jail," with Edna 'May Olivier, Rosco "Stuttering" Ates ini the featured cast. ~-) 'l'le f<nir, merry, 1 mad and somelines hysterical - Mcirx, brot4ers iùaroduee somen~ ew courses in antics to dear old Hux- Ici, colleqe, locale of the quart et's latest ri.ot',iin «Horse Feathers.ý" And tohen theyplay football, thesc boys$ have a style ail their on featured players, jack Riley of WVil- mette, Northwestern. nniversity tackle who was a member of the 1931 Ail- America teain. The film will.feature a stirrinig grid contest between two great aggregations.I 7-the. 1931 AIi-American teain and an ail-star team wbich includes sucb lum-. maries. as 'Christian "Red" Cagle, Frank' Carideo, and Lee- Hanley, and Reb Russell, formner Nortbweste rn players. Richard Arien, Andy Devine, Gloria Stuart and James Gleason are among .the -movie stars "whose' talents miake this: picture one of the flot-to-be- missed events of the current gridiron season. J HÀLLOWE'EN PARTY, Gaines, contests,. and prizes for the best1 costumes worn« by. the children will, feature the Hallowe'en party beld hy the Mickey Mouse club at the XiI- muette theater this- Saturdayý afternoon at- 1 o'clock. Refreshments, furnished hy the Loblaw Groceterias, Dutch ~'Oven, and Peacock Ice Cream >sbops, served. Prizes bave ben do-., nated by Spinner's Stationery store. - I PROGRAMS HAVE SPICE ~tvs o te ien r con it ifeG P t An interestinig array of short sub- iss' Oliver, Kennedy and iss ra-1 Comedians> Convene l'jects will spice each prograi at, the bte cheer thein on to victory. lIn the'TardeLgoti ek stands also is Ates, cheated' out of at Community House Tar e aoti ek layînig .in the great gaine bvy etgov- IOeo h let at fcieih Band pla andro~tî1g ectons shore tha gret bg augh iof "idin ernor's pardon. ever assemhbled will offer, the north V clieer and sing their Auima NM;ter songs Dollar L.egs," Olymnpic gaines farce, , R S IT Y with. aIl of . the dash and firr ofi col- si owing at Cornnninity H-ouse on~ hgý£iate unidergraduates. . i Tlhtirsday, Fridlay and Sattirday, Octo- THE-ATRE ber 27, 28 and 29. EVANSTON< PHONE: UNI. S900O Chilis. .Tbrils . . . Shivers Jc Oea Udyani ris 1 Chilis,- thrills, and shiver1s w;11, huld t'ie Wilmette theater lpati«(.?1isI) reath- salesinan *w1ho turus Olympic tramner, A Full Program of Varied les whî~the vew AIos Ma lias oie of thîe funniest. roles of bis en'-netanin at tid, starring Ralph Bell f \i-tireý career. W.CFidss ats 'nette, Alexander iKirkIand atad Violet the President 'of Klopstokia, who bas RD~ DP JE I-lmig n WdnsdyNoviner2.a dav-to-day conitract dependent entire-. Thursday, Oct.. 27 'rhe plot revoîves, around.tlîe meniacei 1%, upon bis.ability to wrestle.dcwn the W ELR&W OSYi 41a miadiiuusiciaîi who is hent tioi secretary 'Of the treasury each morn- "IIOLD "E JAIL" nîiurder, îng. witl, EDNA MAY OLIVER "Tw Agint te orl,'Tlen thiere are Andy Clyde, wbo has -ALSO- Contane Bnntt t te Wlm tte t be a champion muiner to keep abead LOWELL THOMASi ......s. 1 ~ TT. Iof. the bill collectors: Ben Turpin, the 4U,~...TL. ... ini bad shape, I cant stand children.- Bert \Vheeler took bhini aside- and carefully explained niatters. "O-o-b," said Woolsey, "a black- sinitb sbop. Weli, that's different. I always tbought a f oundry wvas, an or- phan asyluin." with AT "ALL'TIMESI Last imes Tonigihf (Thuridev) '"BRING 'EM BACK ALIVEII 1 *Harry Sw..t in,1 "PA IN IN THE -PARLOR" -Band Acf and, "'s Pendin,"- Fr1., Sot., Oct. 28-29 "Niagar FaIIs"Comedy Paramouni 1Pectoril-News MICKEY MOUSE CLUB IfaUowe'en - arir at 1 P. M.-Com. Earlyt CONTESTS-FIN-pRIZES REFRESHMENTS Sun., Mon., Tues., Oct. 30-Nov.I 'EXTBAXI 1It Senir (randeur <of Daeth 'Valley Wod. OnIy, Nov. 2 RALPH BELLAMY in 616, V .5Dld'lzlq 1IN TH E FA ne*I3" i'. " Down