at the Hiaven scilool, I'vanstonl. LLI'JV1--Ln. ieerilo, 41W i S 5so, Grinneli and Mrs. Palmner outlin~e I"Mify Idol," to the Memph~is Keni pasfr h alngls anpina -I don't like to cal! it a lec- club show lheld lin connection Wit1 lanesalfof elsi the ln ilcmtte schan" tur» M. Fohnan say, "s tis he ig id-out far, t Mmpls.j Mrs. Palnmer states that thiere is a grea us flot a set speech, but ail iflti- Tenn., recently. -My Idol" \vas win-1ý' mate talk about plays, and players niers (log and best of winniers, and .)i~ tlie production: .wlich attracted hi ater Ch NcPhs, va 1s lios, n nsîe vewof ic fae, tsof breed for his .2th1 recent show stars, lAwri9hts andmnaes as then best in thec noni-sportinggru thev' wcre iin real life. 1 want to take Inv audiences beluîd. the- scenes, to adbs fe~rtigi h hv giv, ten ,Elises. f teý, prsoa Uc H -vas also hest in, show at the giv. tîcu ginises0f hee prsoaî Rock River Valley Kenniel club show. ies,. their strtugglcs ;and tritnîphis, as1 they were secuiin <aiîy association as.hl i okod I. atMy i well"as i the fooliglits' glow., And has made a tremeéndous, record in tlicï I hope they will cnjoy it as nituclhabs show ring. f shah,' recalling nicm< rics wich bring1 back thé thril! -(f carlicu- vears, and HAVE GUESTS recalling theze lfavoirites. So I l'ope Mr. and Mrs. «Marion L. 'Miller oi thev vill tnt conisider meu. as a lec- 1025- Sheridan road, entcrtained Ji.. futrer, but as onee vlho cornes to talk Langdon Brown, of' St. Louis (ou, tc> theini. face to face and. heart to Thursday, of last wcck. .O 1ver, the hecart, abott lays, and people, produc-,ps weknd hrha M.ad1 tions and. incideiits wîîich are of pstwek-ndl-cyha" tuai nterst."Mrs. Harley XVilcox of Chicago as, their, guests. On Saturday Ms N.() ouie living lias, perhaps, kn own Hopcgrest of Morton Grovc spent nmore flotC(l actors and actresses. than thc day with Mr. and Mrs,. Mill. tis ()n n t îcatrical managers," hoeactive career cosver, more than lialf a cetury of the American stage. Ie lias %v ntten - Àooks and magazine articles., .îroducc more plays than he cati couint, del ivered numerous- addresses on special occasions., But now,' for the hrst titue, lie consents to, appear on tour "iiierson":hefo)re audiences and tell thiein,.*of the theater froni the in:- side. His Evanston appearance is, spon- The Royal Neighbors of Wilmettc w~ill have a bakcry sale this Saturday nîorning at George White's grocery. store, Ridge avenue. Mr. an-d Mrs. Elmier E. .ýSchra,, 1 120 'Michigan avenue, rcturnced Satur-» day f rom a visit of twvo weks. to, At-' laniticCity, N. I AUCUION!* Liqeuýidat'ioný Sale at A uc t 1on The rug stock, of -Dedeian Oriental Rug,,Com- pany, PerÊsian, Chinese, Caucasian, Turconan:, and many fine antique rugs, ail sizes-ali types -nothing reserved. Ituporterfs Loss - Your Gain This beeutifl INDIRECT LAMP.. id urday. Mrs. Robert son cntertained s. at a dinner party for lier niece a at1wcek ago Monday- 65 An exceptionally well-made floot lamp, 3-candie style. for both direct a nd indirect.Iigting h lae ao hd cornes :in gold, green, rose o1 rust. The base is finished in. bronze with polisbed brass trim. Lamp gives a diffuised, flattering light wîth no glare or shadows.-An unusual value. PUBLIC SERVICE STORE Near Loyola "L" Station PETER KLUJJAN., well-.known auctioneer MI .Ask/or aftve démonstration of thia lamp in your living tmwm. see bow it flami- iais both directly