treaure; xiI IIdIIcVb vieer, filS- torian; Miss Theresa Schesseer, i sentinel ; Mrs. Catherine Seizer; iec- turer; Mrs. Florence Spitzer, organ- ist; Mrs. Elizabeth Borre,, Mrs. KIcob, Margaret Kalme.s,. M rs. M-Nadeline Schaefer, Mrs. MXargaret Kneip, and Miss Mary Engles, trustees; Mrs. Catherine Hoffnîan, chairnian of sick; Miss Emima. Feltmann.,, publicity1 chairman; The Rev. Father Sauer, chaplain:; Mrs. Elizabeth Henricks, November Rummage Sale to. Beneit- Guild Work M rs. W. P. Baker afi.eUi,tkit 1Tbursday and Friday - November 10 wiII lbc hast ess Saturday ccnrlilg. and. 11, >are the days of the- rummiage October 29, at the Halloityc'eit <os- sale thée circles, of the WVoman's guild 1111M dinner dance àt Vista del of St; Augustine's Episcoâpal churcli lAio, a[t which Jlr. Baker -will oct are holding in the parislî hiouse. ils losi. Ail rncrnbcrs and their Articles of. aIl kinds, that have served gmests are asked ltO Conîî in cos- their. day ini homes -of members oi mm.Thé other de/also' !e'rtv the parish, especially outgrown cloth- will lie in thre able hands of A,' mg. lr s-chool clhildren, are solicited.. ,il*d 'l!rs. Baker. l~r a .very sînaîl sum tley mnay bc-, corne a very essential and needed- wardrobe for somne boy or girl i Sinday afternoon, October 30. Eliza-, homes where incoines are depleted. lcth~~~~~~ Havy~htoe(r rn rs. L. D. Douglass of 209 WVood- C>P.- XiMors. 1 JonAMillicent havea bine avenue, is chairmnan of the Rum- Cook (Ms. Jhn . Coke)hav mage salie and those having con- planned a delightful hour of music in tributions to nmake înay comimunicate the louinge of Vista. The prograni \vill Nvitîi lier. If donors, uniable to leavc be fo,î 4 nti 5.Mrs St Clir ar-their articles, wili notify 'Mrs. Doug-. ver of Evanston will accomp any- Mrs.lasse ilran orherc- \\hIitmiore. Both artist: have hiad hroad:l experienice ini the mnusic worl. 'rheir ction. prograin, ,annotunced in detail else- Mhcr ini this issue, \vill he thie first'jSistethood Offers $25 4a dcies musicales for the winter. for Beat One-Act Playj îuonlis réawillbe sr~'d. Te pograni conimittee of the 'Hi brdge lnch\vllhb eldFr dt% orth 9Shore Congýregation Israel is Tlw ri<ge lnchheldFriayoffering a $25 prize for the bestý )thr2s, Lunich is at.1 Ciclc. rriginal one-act play which will l>eý M S icapIroduiced at- the Temple on ApriL 17,, Mi..Ri%ýardC. Uhileina s niade 1933. :trrongeîîienits for a dance and éenter- The rles goerning the contest taitnnient for thé Evanston Jumior league are as follows: :t Vista Saturday, Noveinb er 1 . Entries, nîuist lic in b' jnur 1. 1933. The 1cElection Retturnisparty will be- 2.PlaY u- c yev nen . i( mî wth buffet supper f rom 6 (:30 on. si de of paper. îIllere wVill 1)e cards. entertajurnient, 3. Nanc of ati or 11111- be it k Ail1 Chidron Smnile for' Refuie Miniature:GoId'Tounes A Berne produci of. a ery special pr*oce o6j*O IBE]RNI-E STUDIO j1623 SHERMAN AVE., EVANSTON UNI. 898 *Yl .YOR FURS * WUi Respond BeaatiAslly to HIRACLEAN' . Iere's superlative cleaning that elirninates every trace of soil--vitalizes pelts-feeds furs -restores life end luster. W. also off or the expert services of a complote, fur and ladies' tailoring department, prepared to do remod- eling and repairing oôf ail kinds êt very reasonable prices. [Tis WE!x's avenue is entertaiwi a gruj ui t \elve f ricnds, mnostly 'f rom Evanstôn, at a bridge party 'at her home this Sat- urday evening. On Monday -afternoon slîe %vas bostess 'to the 'Evanston Fort- iiighitly, a study club, and one of the oldest in Evanston. for one year. The C. D. Heller famiily returned reccntly to their home at 808 Elm- wood, avenue f romi their summner place at Cary, 111. Let'a Go to Swetlwart Tomo _________ t