- - -.- * gran thiwinter. En, route f roin Europe to San Fr-an-- cisco whiere she sang Toc"atChm e n ocrto the dedication performance ini the newCh me i ocett eighit million- dollar War ŽMîeniorial Aid Jewish Organization Opera bouise, Mme. NIti]O stopI>ed. I Mario Chamice, celebrated leading,ý Off in Chicago to con fer with N iste of the Mi\etropolitani Opera i Dema E. Harslbbarger, presîdelit <9 company and of Ravinia, %vill makel the National Civic' Music association. Il' Is y Chicago appear .ance this sea- under whose auspices the singer is to soîn a concert to begenote appear l , nurnerous Àvoilce1s III evening of Novemnber 30 at- Orches- .Anerca lis sasn.tra .hlIl. -Mr. Chamlee's 'coticert will Pr se for Muzio be given for the benefit of thé Na- It clîanced that Mmxe. YI tzi-1 tional Counicil of Je'wishi Woineii, stoppled at the botel wcre M r. Gaî' Chicago section. is living. Mr. Ganz wvcnt to caIl on1 The proceeds will be used to -bal- lier ' They have been friends for à ance, the budget of the organization long tirne. Minle. Muzio lias stng as w hose, philanthropies. include the soloist withi the St. Louis iipoismnecaptWucdaIIto orchestra under Mr. Gaiiz' letton anîd'po ohr adcideA"men- lias, frequently 'perfornied lus songs cnztoi dctoa sitne on lier recital prograins. ".\r. (ai j and the preparation, of Braille text-1 lias con fided to otliers tlîat 'M'Îc.. i books for, the blind and hearing aicls M uzio is the: greatest soprano> in thtue for the deaf. wordan sîeba a *ftiîdclaed Mrs. Harry A. Kahn of Glencoe.1 that lie is,;one .of the Nvorld's liii- îhimno h cmiteo r inortal, coniposers anîd the tiiOst. rangemen.lts, is beiîîg assisted by Mrs. thrllig panst he aslîer<I -B Tr. Stein of Glencoe, and Mrs. Har- "The Divine Claud(ia," as î: ~r-v L Canniann of Highland -Park. -ùônietinle.q called, reninnîcd lier visitor tlîat two yvears ago lie proiniised to write- a soing for lier. MIr. Gan-t con' N. S. Mothers Are. on tesdtlat the songlbad flot yet been N ?Shn oni conmposed, and plcade(l that lie liad flot fouîîd i vý1ric tlîat etitireîIN- ,atis- 'liîe Parents' Couincil o-f the chul- ied bii. ,dréii's scîool, "Çationial -Co'llege o-f * Kis a InsiraionEducation, opeied its meetings for i'fNvllgn- ytianinpiat orj the yea on Tuiesday,,October19, with, nie he sidaud tliercuipon *she raham and Miss Clara Belle Baker, gav Mr Gaz kis tatinilîtbedirector ot the Children's school, depended uipon to insure everla.sting. \vere appointed as co-chairmen of the re-mmî~rnce.- -council,. witlb Mrs. W,. Gathany asi That inighit Mr., Gaîîz picked -pfil eaurr.-q volume of Rupert Brook's poeîns. B,. The- following representatives on chance lie camne tiponth -le onîe-entitied tîhe council wère elected by the vai-I _-The \ay Thiat Loyers Use." Hle: mis grotips: Nursery school -. Mrs. read. it over ad over. Next monuî W. \V V. Gathany, Mrs. Tom D. Paul; ing he read. the poein again, and at, Junior 'kindergarten -, Mrs. Robert 9o'clock lie teleplîoncd bis frien<! Showers, Mrs. Dana Ogden - Seniior Horace Kiser, who bas been present; kindergarten - Mrs. Williamn Ryan; the day befor'e.. *I lbave fonnld tlie grade 1-Mrs. Harold Çunfliff, Mrs. R. lyric for 'the song," lie said enitlhusi- I R. Davy;'grade 2-Mrs. Walter. Mc-. astically. "I ain wor-king 011 it îw Intosh, Mrs. Arthur ,Gil.l; grade .3 - .6 a s.' rmral,. ele h Mrs. W. -S. Hibbs, Mrs. Harry friend who lad been awvakieed froix Cooley; grade 4- Mrs. . E. Ga bi~~~~~ ~~~ b ndyronn lîbr.' ain, Mrs. Johin W. Fisher; grade 5! couild write a song, too, if 1 lîad a -Mrs. Ericsson. McLaughlin, Mrs kiss like the oune you got yceste rdlav. "Carl MvueIer; grade 6 and 7 - Mrs. Public- Awaits Song> Max HÈjrd, Mrs. Alvin Beirnes. At Il o'clock NIr. Qanz teiephlinedi - __________ bis frin(l again. "The soug is 61-1 Mrs. John H. Morse of Philadel - ishied." - i-phia is visiting Nfr. and MrT.Ferz Inuc A GARAGE in the. Building accommodêafing Your personal inspe ction is cord ally ivf.d. cars. 1 1Wi vu G LASSES,$& WIEKLY' No Insereirt-No. Carying Charge, Ever y woaaad rda id <m> Ilte odgam e toa b.ex. ill e rfltedatO.aat Eaunw stlies tbat fit r ,orma t- prices that fit yorpcebo.I ot so litie and la wnrth se muoh. EXAMINATUON FRRE h, "~se Ne obligation -JEWELERS-OPTICIANS EWELR C 614 DAVIS STREET JEWELY CO.EVANSTON 'My Feet Lookc Smarter Thaci Ewr Befor.! .I BUY 2PAIRS OF SFELTMAN & CURMESHE FOR, WHAT I USED TO PAY FOR 1." ___ 11. iý £lao a compot* â» 617 DAVIS ST W. M. DEWEY, Managing Direclor PA TRONIZE -.OUR ADVER TISERS .Now,