Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 27 Oct 1932, p. 22

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About News Notes Members of the editorial staff have observed, that Most students consider the NEw TRIER NEWs NOTEzS exclu-ý sively for themselves. The NEws NOTES are primarily for. the students, but, they are also for the parents and any_interested outsiders, it is emplia- sized. The inquiring reporter lias tried to get the opinion of some well-. known persons in the villages, on the NEWS NOTES. This' week's is sute carnies the opin- ions and: also, some suggestions Of tbree, prominent mn of Glencoe. Dr. Douglas H. Cornell, of the Glencoe. Union churcli, says: 6I must confes s that I do littie1 more than skim.over the NOT£s, but famiil-, iar namnes here and there catch MY eye and 1 read tbe articlei so that if 1 see that person on. the. street 1I can congratulate him or ber, in wbat they * have done that is wortby to. win rec- ognition. My interest in New Trier, doings was inuclimore acute 'wlen my own childnen wene going. to * scliool, and I feel 'sure that the N£ws, NOTES'are undoubtedly of great inter- est to tiose parents baving chli dren. now ini New Trier. I assure you that I shall read the NouEs in the future so that 1 shail not be caugbt una- wares. I think the publicity derived froni these little interviews wiIl make many -people, especially those ques- tioned, mucli more interested in the Leo J. Hilîman, past president of the. Rotary club, made the folowing comments: "I read the NEw TmRE NEws NOTES quite a bit and sincerely believe that the students bave a wéll- gotten-out papen that is a credit to theni. I would suggest, boweven, that more personals of both faculty and students be included; for in- sactheir hobbies, their particular ineets, and so on." Robert' Everly, -of the Glencoe Park board, says':- "I think the NEWS NOTES are a veny good idea and cer- tainly hope that they will continue. I amn frequently amused by little anti- Two Assemblies The up-and-coming junior girls ,tuonsore I two interesting assemblies last week. On Wednesday, October. 19, Miss Ullrick. bead of the :social,,scence department, gave the junior girls sQme sidlelights on various ca.ndi'lates in the coming election. She Pointed out the importance, of consideri ng carefully the offices of state ' gover- nocongress r epres9entatives l, others,' as' well as that of president. Althouzgh her spee ch, was strictlyr non-partisan, the facts which she presentel helped many of thie: girls to decide >whom. they Would vote for at the mock election. Thursday, October .20, in 'an ad- dress to the junior.and senior girls.. Mrs. RufusDawes ariued in, favotr'of the small college. She pointed out the- financial. convenience of, these colleges duýring times like these.. She alsoý pictured for us the atmosphe re of a delightfut small college suich -as L ake Erie. Her aim was to interest girls, who have not decided where they will go, in. scliools like Lake Erie college. In the absence of Dorelle Moulton. president of the iunior class, the sec- retary, Francis McNulty, presided at both of these assemblies. Clover, Peam Vie' for Tennis Crown Bill Clover and Mr. Ream will bat- tie for the championship of, thé all- star tennis tournament that started more than 'a m ontb ago. In the lower bracker, Mr. Ream defeated Mr. Snyder in straiglit sets, 6-2, 6-4. The score of this match, however, does not indicate the whole story of the affair,' as both players gave a fine exhibition with Mr. Reami getting and takîng advantage of, the "breaks" during the match. In the, notper bracket, Bill Clover defeated Frank Merritt 6-3,- 6-4. This match was very interesting, but Clover's game was too steady for Merritt who bad difficulty in, placing The New Trier Girls' club is planning to bold a bazaar on De- ceniber 3, in the New Trier mess hall, It has been ýthe custom: of the Girls' club to have a bazaar every other year. This year, there was considerable discussion -whether the club should have' the bazaar, the profits of which are used to send girls through college by 'giv- ing them, scholarships. Since the demands for s-holar- ships are greater than ever before and the, onlyý means. for the. sup- port of this fund is a bazaar, th'e girls are endeavoring to make, this a succes s. Through the co-opera- tion ýof every student at New Trier boys. as well .as girls, this can and. will:be a success., Do your1 Christmas shopping at our bargain bazaar. Remember- nothing over a dollar! Dramatic Club Has, *Interesting Session The New Trier Draxnatic club held a meeting on' >the stage in the old auditorium on Tuesday, October 25. Sydney Date, president of the organi- zation, presided and Miss Nancy Fisher, secretary, took a record of the' attendance. Emma Bickham, publicity chairman, gave a report of the work " of lier commîttee on.ý the play which is to be given November 17 and 18. The- nanle of the play' is "The Roaci to Yesterday." The program consisted of a very interesting talk on the mechanics of operatiiig a set of marionettes, given by Bob Merriman, vice-president> of the club. No program similar to this bas ever been beld, and the members said, they enjoyed it very mucli. The first act ýof "Robin Hood", was given as a .demonstration project. The meeting was adjourned after a few remarks by Miss Stanwood and Mr. Van Kirk. Speeches Given 'The mock election to be held Tues- day, November 1, is to be. conducted as nearly as possible 1 ike. the.,real election ini whicb tbe voting popula- Ition %villI take part. The scbool bas beeti divided into precincts and dis- tricts. Booths, e:ection elerks, judges and challengers ivili further serve to simulate a real election. Registrationi wsheld Tuesday, October, 25.. Advisers' groups wene divyided into tWelve precincts with he adquarters located ini the. halls. The judges of registration and electioni, vho bave charge of the vot- ing in'ecdi preci.nct, are, Sanm Gifford. Clyde Murphy, Raîlpl Fairchild, Per- cy Crawford, Margaret Loomis, AI-. thea Murphy, Vinginia McConnell. and Cecilia Wagner. Te CIerks Are Listed -Teclerks who did the secretanial work wçee Virginia' Buck, Peggv Brooks, Laura.- Erickson,- Genevieve Coley1, Mary Deai Matson, Carolyn' Schmitz, Spencer WVarrington, Frank Mueller, Russell Wyle, Kenneth Sey,-- fried, William Kruèger and Enn est Various students muade nousing and enthusiastic campaign- Speeches in ai11 the adviser noonis on Wednesday, Tliursday and Friday. The following students made campaign spee 1ches for, Herbent iloover: Anne Lupean, Sal- ly Ronaig, Emma Bickham, \lice Ebeling, Sara Jane Hlaven, Jeanne Allen, Betb Mcllraithi, june Kehl, Florence Sellery, George Hunt, Bill M i Il e r, Walter McGuire, Joe Coambes, Paul, Spencer, Ned Shap- ken, Bill Doty, Hunt Badger, Bill Katz, Lee Blaylock, Dick. Hall ' Rov Warshawvsky, Evenett WarsbaW'skv. Loren Greenblatt, Clark Haihawvay. Hanry' 'Woldenberg a n.d Georgc I<neisley. Emma Bickham servedI as challenger. Gîiv. Canipaigm TaIks Thoýse. giving- speeches for Roose- velt, included Nancy' Rutledge, 11arie Friedlander, Betty Haliday, Mar" ,Jane Falvey, jane Moore, Robert Ei- der, Ted Hosking, Wallace Crawford, Junior Franco, Raloli Pfutzenrexiter. taiks to De madie Dy Iacuity members of 'the1 Girls' Athletic a5 on various branches of literature. Class managers and the New Scriblerus club 'members sports will 'make up thet whose tryouts have been' accepted, both the Chicago, and the wiIl be a.nnounced soon. Play days., ,cerbiz, ýs aesirme.weeic. Since the fourth year Frencli lent Thie New Trier students sincerely classes will read the play next semnes, ion: hope tbey will have the ,oppontunity ter,' h will be of great interest to of of hearing .Mrs. Dawes again. As tlier tô see it, and will also prove to for Francis McNulty said, ber "cbarm be beneficial wben the time cornes toý ;ton and gracious manner have wvon a stucly "Cyrano 'de, Bergerac" in place- forlier in.,our hearts." ' scliool, it i stated.

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