Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 27 Oct 1932, p. 21

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thle Novemuber issue of the Illinois \Voter, lpublished by the Iltliniois ieagtie of Women Voters ani de- voteil exclusively to non-partisa inii- formationi concerning cani<itatec s, platfornis and outstandinig isslues iii the Presi<lentiai election canipaigii. lit this issue no advertisîiug is ac- çepted frorn any candidate for ûdcc-- tlou, but lîis qualifications are lion1- estlv and fairly published. Vu a- rious political platforms are c!<riiedi andl iniportant issues. învolved are ex- plai-in. To no-mei bers of tl<c leagtie a sînali charge is mnade tO heJje cover the cost to the league. Tiho.se9 \%vislîînig to hiave un.biased,denab niiolîlaionto help theini vitlî the(ir -v< tiiiiz arc invited, to obtaiti coipîe'., i .romi am, of the following îneîn1bceî. of the \Vilnîiette leagte: Mrs. I.1. . Illinois Voter reads: nn a lrsîiuto Wette tor th;1 e pas "I have gone throughi the Noveniber'nnan aaiyerad vsae- Issue of the Illinois Voter, publlshed by ber of the C'atholic WVoman's club.of the Illinois League or wonieîî voters. Wilnmette. 1-er husband. Edward J. My hurrled survey of the contents 'McCarthy, is treasuirer ef tuie John made mie feei that it.givus to i voter a rather. comprehensive outiook that Y. McCarthy Chipm.(lcago pav-- would be of 1Inestimable value. mig Contractors. 'Th aaltiaiinformation peeîe Besides lierhusbIaitî. Mrs MCarthy eoncerning the offices to wvlii*h nmen are Ms to be eiected, as weii as the 'impartial,. IS SUrvived by twvo daugliters. Mrs. resume of, the candidates' qualifications, 'John A. Ko.lb and «M iss Edith lic-, % iii be a great heip) to ail who. widih tovote. inteiligently. Carthy of Wilrnette, and by three sons, "I was particuiarly inpressed w-ith i John V. McCarthv of Jouiet. Tdward the record of the.voting done byý vani- J.* McCarthy, Jr.' of Chicago. and oUS inenibers of the Generai Ass.enîbly, GeadICrh ô,Wlnte anîd the repflies of candidates for Coî1 Grl1cCrh'o Wimte gress to a sertes of pertinent cîus"tîoin' "Asummary of the par-ty pI)atfoiînm I cails fo<r tourageand insighit.. It qeem>su U týo me that the editor lias doné thî.,i £ S A C "uha journal as this shouid belAlIt race readas wll ý'- tllý- Iep k byPolilicaWrltteh n lOd Estabw f< in en voters. 4 e 'ir24, Iletar, t;. Smitlî." Excusven.s Wi* bout Extravagance The Jiroadtuoor, effers onD' éef the . meut desirabie. locations -lu alil Cbiaf for .you1 r new mpartment home. Only 9 blocks frous laite, .nei " L.91 Busgad Surface Lines. A delight- fui place té lve the ypemr 'round. I te 4 Room Aptoý. AIso Motel Reoma $45 Per Month Up Coinpete -Motel Servie THE BROADMOOR.Pým Cor. Iloward and Bosworth. Avez. Teleplioue Sheidrake,5170 F-orun2Opens JWil h t-etu e1' ; a W1II*n vk"A, . New t Political Debate i'uoohic." F<>i'til <t't$ .1() unI Tue igbtseason of the Ci <d <vafternoon -at 3 :l o'ei>k, 't2 West Randolph street in tio he Clîk ig lorII-I1I I pens Sunday, October 30, R-11 Estate Bo0ar<i buidig, forInierI- Wit11 a discuission of ".i oilthje 3MasQlic tellle buîldlflg. - .onifflete programns and aesî ik re aiait-l Ir îie of the Major Parties." Il ahie at the Chiceago Forutm o4ffie ;IL \\iii îlot be ai! ordinary p olitical ébé- 224 S. NLIichigaii aivnué, Cllîicag<î;. baie socaled, ctwen wo plît- 1dciAtkins Moûr,_dIrùé.tore, the baie. socalled, eFworummsayli, "I think this ik by far' clans. Prof. William E. Dodd of 1iethe srnet n îstcntUtive poriithe Forum blas. offered te ('Chi- Un'îiversitv of -Chicago,* U-1o0iN a lifc-e- g. )ïVe hv <e orua< ie- t he, ilîralDenocrt, illliod tic uring such, outstanding persons as t ini , ibeal ehocrt, il lild he larence Daiitow-, Paul Douglas, K1ýirby .'I )cinocratic endl of the rop e ifi ,tlii"Pae John Hye -oms omi I)tîlitic al tug:of-war heÏweeiî two tnni- Th anmas Harry .Oesr'îeog' vursitv îîrofessors. Prof. Arthuîr j OlHryV ueae ct e Norhwsten niersty *ng, and Norman Hapgood It, 1rupreseiL oi xldwstr 0fvrstv « inerican thoughtwhh is stî'iviiig ti> utiietcnevtv,~ilsol-ve oui' distressing Aint-rit'an and im, at the Republican end. %vorid probleins, and C'harles Dukes of 1~Eîîgiand, Andre Piiliî> eof ranue, 1)". l it order to J)e entirelv impartial WViihe1In obce of emntîps- aid t let al sides present thieir Ca1ses,.ut Eîoe: vewS. Ounovme 6 a representatîve of -______- 1flie' Socialist party ill çiebatc %vitlî im teG l lbt a-eihrof te omunist .party., im te ofCu',t 1ov . Brt,.. candidate for ýgovernIoIr . Eleet Direcetors Mondav III .icheSociaiist iceket ill %-1Igrapplu ~~~unet ofcii ~l îl witli .\"\ îlham E. Brovder, candidateitanalmeng.oiay iht for U. S. senator on the Commuuîist, Noveimber 7, at the, North Shgre tick.et, on the -subjeet, "Political A\c- itlnEvs .,Drto oth tionfýL) a Nw Soial rder.ý' Club for the 1933 season, wi lFbe elect- 1.1artl1îe 1vr aIong lu th de season, Clar- ed a t that timie, TFhe directors who clice I)arroNw mili discuss the signii- have served during tlie past scasoil calice of the proposaIs beforu Con- are J. H.. Çartwrighit, Ir.,.and C1. M. -ress for g-reater iitarization of tile H-unt, both. of Evanston, anîd George 7 - :- . . . -- , 1 -<A .,-; .e , f - .i . 11 x n n T)----- - T -1 1- 1 T T iiiet and 1033 MAIN STREET ýWilmette 2378 Phione WIL 32.Ot .BIoMr RANDOLPH AT LASALLE CHICAGO Iw COLGAN 4& PHILLIS 828 oak st. ýPli. Wlnnetka 2181 521 offo K. Ëitel. M gr.

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