Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 27 Oct 1932, p. 20

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Heh, to Formulate Plans for Season Approximiately 200 nieti of the INorth Shore Area counicil miet on Mondas', October 24,: with national. regionial and local scouùt leaders at a kick-off" meeting iiEl,» Place school, Highland Park. where llans for the comring year %vere forinulated. Henry Fowler. president: ofthte North Shoiee Area couincil, l)resi(le(l over the, Meeting and initroduced anl array 1of national ai i regional 1 1~ such as lîad neyer beforebeî as î- bledl for a local scout gatlieriiug ni this council. Includedin i that group were Harold, F. Pote. the national director of: personnel: Tlinas J. Keane. National Sea Scout director; WValter kiplingcr. tlie regional scout executive ;.C. NI. 1Finniell, tic regional person nel director. -and > \aldo sha- ver, the regional Cuhbl)iing' irecto)r. Local lea(lers wlîo werc promninent in theicprograni ývcrc Charles A.. Steele, chairman of the teni-ycar pro- graiin the North Shiore Area coun- cil, and alst the chairinan of thl regional camping cominittee, and( Col. J. B. Jackson. the nievly appoiiite(l *Council Boy Scout, commîssionier. The challenge of the tcn-year pro. gram wvas accepted by rejreseitative' of ail the Nort--h Shore Area couincil activities. aii(1 tîhe enthiusîasni of- ail scouters present wvas rcgarded as an indication tlîat thec north shore is go- ing to set tlhe pace for Region Seven., Clifton G Speer, the îicw scout * exectîve, %vas formally introduced and vas reccIe.<1 with nîuclî enthu- siasin. After the formai meeting the mien chatted for ab)out an hour wliile they eujoye(l cider, apples. and last but not lecast. lots of Chef ýoss' "Scot Kurîs." T.hc. bv thié wav, are Al .ewc11-kno7wi.i.crullers ,thatNMr-, Ross îîtr.xluced at CamipNa~a J-anlast suiîner. Features ijn Boy'sLife. Recommended to Scou 'llie current issue of Boys' Li the- officiai Boy Scout mnaga zine, c. ries many intercsting féatures, r CUBS AT ]Dry GoM Store 1148 WIIette Avs Ten-Year Program Presentation and a4loption of the ten-yIear program lias fcatured the mecetings wvhich the execuitive staff of the North Shore' Area counicil lias bee holding with the scout leaders ini each of tic cleven districts duriîig the, past we n a hlalf. Th ese ses- sions 1wcrc called ,by 'lié varîous local chairmen. AIl tlhe districts declared themsclvcs "a-rarin' to.go," anîd unan- imousiy the scotters 1reseiit iledgeýd to help advancc the ten-ycar prograni. The outlinc oft!the Uniîversity of, j$couting, which lias its irst session, at the Vinnetka Ct- uitiinîuitv lb usîe 'ruesday, Noveniber 1, Nwas presented, at each district meeting. 'I'lî plans met. with the hearty approval, of :ll present ini each case. it.is aiîiounccd. John Ceiba Given, Honwor for. Heroism Scout j olin Cell>a of Trocbtp 7). IDia- 11mn4 lake. liîa~ , awrdda lutter (if corrnieiidatioîi by tlue national court of lionor for lus lwhroisin in savîng the life (f a boy v wîo had fallen tlîrough fgli x tliîî,ic ConuiDia nîond lake wliere flîev ýINv re plav'ing last sprii Scout Celba. b1w using fIislariat. wliich lie had becix carryviii,- arrifid, blis neck, aable.* . after îaigrn bis ovvii life, to asst tlie voulîgter boy to safety. .Ilu recogîîitioiî()f this, the \ortli Sho(re.\rea ceouiil .inado, applicationi troinitlie loal xcte boa rd. The ltter of C îîni.ltoire- ceived froinithe tiational Iedur ters is a beautifuillv illuîîneiiiiiLtýI 1- scriptionî()f I)aîîel Carter llear<l. thîe Natàion.al Boy Scmitconîs i. Scouters Are Praising Field Museum, Lectures Scotît leaàders pof the N-\ortlî Sliore Arca counicil recoinnmen-d the free il- .l,.stratèd lectures atthe Field muise- uni as instructive aîîd entecrt.ainiîig. Vie Saturday lecture schcedutle to De- cemnber 3 iniclusive is, as follo\vs : wotRnTUVYs SCOUTS AT I.M ul tor TEN--YEAR PROGRAM Mfanv referenices have hceen made, during the p)ast few ees *to the ten-year program oi the Boy Scouts of America. Articles have been 'written in definition ain(1 explanation of thé prog.ran. but :for those who may flot be ac- quainted wi th its aims, they: are re-sumtiniarîzed as follows: The immiediate objective of, the ten-year ,prégram of the Boy Scots '-of Anierica is to recrulit., a., a miniimum, 25 percent of ail boys becomning 12 years of1 age atidl scu enricli the programn in the Jindivi- (lual troop that these sanie- boysV %vill remain ini scouting for at least, tour vears. This w%%ould ultimiately resuit iii the actuality of hia' Ing ".onc of every four tiew maie titi- zens as a four-vear scout trairied mani." The ten-year prograni wa., adopted with expressions otteni- thus.iasm by mnore thani 200 Scout- ers at -the -'kick--off" meeting ofl the North Shore Area counCil at Great Lakes Thle bi-annual regional conerefliL t of the Order of the Arrow will: be7 *held on Saturday and Suùda!yi, Nfl vemler 12 and 13, atte GraLae Naval Training station. Representatives from aIl of Reguiii Seyven wilI attend and E. Urncr Goodliuain, nationaldirector of the (E-' visioni of prograni, and -founder o î theaorder, will be a gucst. rhe order .of the Arrow is a li;i- tional l)rotherhood . of Boy Scout- thoîîor campers in first-class councils. tlhé avowed objcctbcing to bandl to- getlier those scouts. who arc nio-ýt trulv living up to. the scout ideals. anI to crvstalize their -scout' habits iinto a life purpose of leadership and un - selfisli service toothers., The North Shore Area couîîcil h.'S lrat a chapter of the Order silice ih M nc e1tioii of Camp-Mlýa-Ka-Ja-\-aîî i ni 192~9 and expects that it rnayliv large cdeputation at the meeting. Leaders WilI Receive. 1*"By Air to Inca land" Manual fo couters Museurti Lecture Sub'eet foicotes-ciiailn in ritn on the ten-year prograin. Tlrîlngmtinpictur es, laIrgcl\v was-prepared last week by the livadI- taken frotîl airpla nes, recor diîîg th(. quarters' service dcpartment anîd is to be distributed to al scoutma.tsitur. aniazing arclîaeologicaî and l..geolo)g- care ftopcmite.at ical discoveries niade by thîe recelî)t district chairmen. The minual ana- I~~~~~~~~ lipeJhsn xeiint flu e cs the prograni and its operatîoiî Peruvian Andes, will be showiiiii i aît hestu iiteNrl colu-unction Nvitlh a.lecture, "Byý Air Shore Area counicil; . explaiîîs the to Incaad" to be presente lfor' basis of award for the Presideufst' tuc g-eneral public .Saturday aftur- streameir; and telîs,,howv to applv i nooli1, October 29, at Field Muiseunitesrae.TeNrlmloe*r~ of Natuirai Historv.. Admission 1, i cuclbaduresexrse l fre, nd o icetsar rquiei. desire .to assist in any wyay it tcan ini The-lecture w-il begini at .3 o'clock hpiCnj1g* scouters of the c*ouîl 1(1lto in tlhe janes Sinmpson' theater of the -jaîth musuîî. obrtShipe *led. l c eten-year program ucs Bank,, N. J., %who Nvas leader of ille til' lecrei înîli eîie expedlitioi, will be. the lecturer. ~The ga i pr gdreviicaifigttir expedlitioii miadle the -first acrialsu-ga pr>c(re evof thie Peruvian Andes, discoverced a niseios-ratwl f 'ri Troop 2 Makes Better and iiapped:( the. 'valley 'of. volcani- Showing During Drilis )es. Landiîîgs were made at eleva - k Troop 2 had its second meeting tions as Iigli as 12,500 feet, and sone under the leadership of iHarold Spiui- of the pliotograplhv was carried oui at nev on Tuesday, October. 18. Aftcr IPark to trans-act current buisinless. Twcnty-two Sca. Scouts Of the including the formaI adoption 'of tfie North Shore Arca counicil attended constitution and by-laws for thc or- thue Region 7 "land cruise" hcld at ganization. The business session was the Greatlakes Naval Training sta- held in the conference, room at the tion Saturday and Sunday, October council headquarters, -21 North ýSivi-ý 22 an.d .23. dan road, Highland Park.

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