Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 27 Oct 1932, p. 18

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meet trom 7 to 8 o'clock and wîiI be tion is niow occupied by the Kordick conditions are reported by the Cur- ------te ew7-hreor Wismissed promptly at 8 o'cIock '1n Electric company, which, nth frttisWrgt Airports copoaton Wigb ycte lo ew 70O-ho wr8epowi order that the period will not inter- whic teshaisbunssls for wthth. cbol or ad edof the month, will move to 658 Center ch[ttsha'tsbsns a ped to Turkey recently. These planes, fere with the. school work and bed sbown a. considerable increase dur- built h h uts eoln n tame of the members. street. .The following two w~eeks wili 'ing the past tivo months. The cor- bY the CurtiofsBufaelolaN. Y., The women's gymnasium class will bc occupied in remodeling the btiild- poration operates airports from coast haeotopcompan of BurffaN. Y., convene at 8 o'clock and, last until ing for the accommodation of the new t1o coast. milhaesan to sp eed famre ethan 200. 10 .o'clock. ýIts membersbip will becetebr.iursofsholsales.'ae nhu. Thyaeeupe restricted to girls and women eagh- ocpn..including fl yinig, round, and mechanic, with thel new type Curtiss single strut teen'years of-age or more. Formai .t. wiI afford more conîmodiaus schools, showed an increase, of fiftv-* nlandi g ear urisFedlti gymnastics, org4nized gamnes, and quarters for, reception roomn, chapel,I five percent over. the precedingtrncuighesxCtislelia folk dances will be included. ini thtepaaio omofce n ab onth. 'August -sales of airpianies. trining. Planes ,shipped to- Turkey year's schedule with added attractions peI a fiparts and accessories.sho.,%ed'asnrlmoth go teCutis of cass partes nd iformi ganes lane an othr.mtor quapentiit Wrighir Export corporation bas ship- lneia1crease of, one .hundred percent over eatolofhiyarpàst T - .Any resident' of Wilnîette or ber asannounced. Jly ffcais of tht corporainr-pdattlo tat ipae oTr guest ii eligîWbe to becorne a a11an-m- port. . key since january L. be.rf te case A sudyof âsoine nd il aleý .The Turkish governanent, desirous ber f te clss.Make Four Pire Calis Asuyo aoin n us,~ of obtaining, and building the most Nominal fees covering thtý entire has sbownr a substantial steady1aI- ear's program and 'expenise, will lbe But There's Nô Dam gecrease; (uting'tht p ast few mnonths. oe iiaypaebsnaea cbage t mmbes f ot .clase, iîtte frtne rspn(îd o ou which indicates':increased: flving agreement 'iith, Curtiss-Wright chrgdtommbt. f oh.Isss Wlmte iemnre.pi(*ch o fu whereby Turkey .-vi1l manufacturc- the, fees being payable at the. first calîs in tht week ending Tuesday . ctavity on thIle part of the Public.. Curtiss Hawk .pursuits -and, Curtiss clssmetigs. October 25. *Nýone of- the fires resu .ted reenmeaito insr, Ui Flédgling training planes at its own in damage. L.a st Thursday a ftemrnoon maen s-îigsin o mp<~ factory at Kaysemie. TtCris Cubsand othes toshortly aftcr I1.o'clock thé firenien ex-_________ CubsandMothrs: o, iWright. company also , furnished Ceert alloWe'egngished a, prairie ire sta.rted b3 eoCubArne technical personnel to- the, Turkish Ceèbat 1ýýh urning leaves at 522 Laurel avenue.,* gvmnnn to assist it. in establish- A, Hallowe'en ary o Ketiilwortlî Two runs %were mnade last Friday, the for> Miny ActiVitiesý ing service stations and ini givitig ini- Cuhs and their iittiihers, wiU , held first about -8 o'clock jl the morning The Wilmette Atro club for bov,. struction in the liroper care anid serv- Friday afternoni of tins week at the when Dr. Harold S. Condli's car uîîder 15 years of age wil! start i:t>; acang nf Curtiss airplanies and Wm,'iglît K~ery Cub ho expctior atteyind im.stcaught fi-e at Fotirthi street anîd Lin- 1Q32-1933 season Xednesdav eveni g egaes. ÉveryCub w or cs oaeondutoaeden avenue. An. oil I humer catising Novembler 2, at tht Stolp g3'-nias iutti i bri'ng lis mother or oenleytatli- troule~ in the haseiet 0 (f a (lmess sho(p at 7 o'clock. frmN w Tp fFslg likr place, Robert W one t-at 1168Wilmette avenue 1 was respon- Thetiroum 7 toNew T pecof cselag 1etic direc-toir at' the Joseph Scars sible for anothier rua i aade l'y the filre- tht Stolp gymniiasitim wlill be devoted Is ýDemonstrated Here scaoWho is in charge of the Cuib mnen about 10 :30 o'clock Ilhe saine to fling and flying inistruction,. Fr-oua A. K. Longren of Kausas Citv ar- ivork, states. The, progmain wilI lini-, Morning. Suniday ;tftern4mon. the ire- 8 to-9 o'clock there ,vill be an.lhotir*'s rived at Sky Harbor airport- îvest of clude stunits and variotts other features. men extinguishied anli autoi>anuhile blaze Instruction ini constructing model air-' Glencoe last .veek in a Longren li- l'lie arrangements are iii charge of the across the streetftheii telre st.iti' ýai. craft. This peiod ivill bce held i-n tlie' plane and* spent a f ew days tiiere Cul> den chiefs, wbo) are, Boy Scouts. ___- Central sclhool nianual tmaining shop., demonstratiaîg a new type 'of méetal Evey by i. Knilort elgibe t beTo bc eligible for membership i111, anocoupe fuselage. Several demlon- il Cib, that is, cvery boy nine,' ten or - LAUNCH CAGE LEAGUE . tht Aero club, a boy must be a resi-: str'ation fliihts ivere ruade for crn- eleven years old, is a tib, Mr. Town- Oui3' one iew, activity is beiig 111 i CI >ent of Wilmette and interested in . gineers and others interested. T he ky said this wetk. t is thouighit that troduced into the Recrecation pro- hutildiaîg anodel airplanes. There is a fuselage is so constructed that antK'enilworth is the only town ini the, gram t-bis yvear aand that i heu Northaienbesi.f t aable in advanc -pr o teu emuaced by takin- c( untry hr icei oî hnrdSotBsebl eague for mein, which covers ail clul) dues for the en- out o.aIle section and puttingiiane péýrccnît Cub neicmhcrsip. which will be optan to teams fromn tire twvtity wteks the club will l'in , piece in its place. -Mr. Longren stop- -other subumrban t -owaî s a.'eVaroua n...pedI at Sk: Harbor on bis wvay to READY FOR PING PONG Wilmette. With the exception of tl%___________ New York.. Duriîîg the \var lie \vas aitu 'Jables are being iujstalled il, the women's North li.Sort Ba-.skctball P1 Mase-xemietalenginieer for- the, goverii- Hoadschool attie wlîich will îe tunmn held last yecar, this ivilil he Pan aquerade Party CI uiiie'for: ping. poaîg tlîis wianter. the fi-st tine that ouitside -comipetition. at Sky Harbor Satuirday mn -A ping porqg club ivililieb(>iganized will be allowed iii Wilimette agues ilaxiga acvesmesoArLnesB ndFy g which Iwill be opti to al resideaits, and it will lbe tht fir.st regular league c(-al ~asa.thce 8kv1 Harbor FI via ipGtsNe ne an ono tt lag.of ts kind to be htld ini the village.' (.111)is planniing ai eveniung -0 . p e e quipment Tournaments will be conducted at in- 1Untry fees %vill bce cliarged for the, frivohit\-.lit its antialii Hallo)\ve*ci A blind-flying sbip) owned by the teýrvaIs dumjng tht year. Menliets of tea-rs participating ini tht leagut aaîc masne < I ar-t\ to bc lîel.d Satur- Trans-American Air liues wvas at -the club will lbe charged a blanket' l1 o diso otegne . d- iinglît. Oct-ohcr29. at te Sk- Curtiss airport'hast week for tht in-. Ïtle at tht beginning o[ the. 1932-1933 Harbor airport chibhituse ona I)uîîd(e-t ltallation of radio equipmuent and of 'season; which offieially - openîs iîeki -rc>ad west of Oeêe The seconîd ana iater-cockpit communication sys- U riday evening, Noveinher 4, at 7 ~ GNGM WR floor of thec clablouise is being decor-tna by the Lear Development corn- .Olclock. Payanent of thet tntry fee After-school gymnasinan work for ated to suit the occasion. An aw.ard pany. Tht ship is a Waco. Tht Lear catitîts tach club memiber thtetuse of Kêtilworth girls started-' ue4day, of 1wMihll 'e1 - ruade for thelit iost tiniisilal cornpany also installed some new thle tables and :thtr priviIege ,ditrin.y this week under tht-direction of Miss-r and original miasquterade costu4me, and radio equîpm~ent ini a Lockheed Vega th twse-ason, -Individtial.,l iiot nmeimbers Elizabeth Macauley. --Thegrli - -r ilb titlie fsrrss we yaPryfo t oeh of the clui> wifl b-lis. hged sijIgj,,cluding those- -front- the- second- to -t-he M -r-fsupss o.,-i dbasptt frow-réjsth. admision ees for u c f the tables. eighth grades inclusive, will nitet 'Caey Lambtert S sa -____________Tuedàv-afternooi. Tisweeks' organza~o Curt~s t TgkMovle Sky H arbor Offices Cath~il~LeV s,~ t aitist meet itng was given over to .a Hanga Wiiiterc w~ork and - the startjng o~f -leads' Csey Lambert, $iyin .40.oS,- to H -entsertaim>ed e~teui guess tay i hrclasses. -Miss Macauley-,Who is the power Traie}atr Speedwiqg, -srcopped 'h ffices at Sky IHarbor airport - en sowe. mdte~Ssrnata'tIan*rth--etic- d> week t- -tayeabeen 1rnovtd front the <cbtbiotuse -- oý)iMare rie r,ýi?4tt bo s president slst~s- ,t-- wue ots to b mar$edini> o Phi)Mssbc lr i wi, 1 ,-LQ YL bet~o ~ e u - lever, the restauran~t 'il the t1bý7 \,,,bat girlswni cr ~ ~nshltW-eive j10s.Ffriner-tallantkd fr itée5itÏy niakes $uti otihaseis still open. $atturday nMglit of afidMts.Joh 1-1wes-sio yz o Qny --memibe f the - scluiofiel one o- his stops on bis 14ts week a llowe'en 1nasq1erade - - Mr. and Ms. Thn 1ore yeoiD11-,aene, an.e ud th, c- - r atint fandly r Teretuigtoter ome at Savenun ar tnp o ouwstn Tx.,TulsImn fCmec xmntosa ton, hy av Oe htioak Rorts,1014ner C.eLewi , he- onD r.Wtht,.sothest.ofDr.kPottrYoSudepatmPiltsof Comerc n Crsiapriens n vastn ort turhe fneetSiady rauemou n'shm esef hndîtshontiosofbse stws o adtsuprisFelth faiae rni t their home a td ii raSn.rncso hp.-ts-

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